The revolutionary iPhone 5 feature: iTeleport
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Friday, September 21, 2012
I am not against Apple. I am a MacBookPro owner, and I think it is the best laptop ever, after several trials with Dell, Compaq, HP, Siemens, Asus, etc. However, now I want to address the latest iPhone 5 lunched earlier this week.

I think Steve Jobs is gone and the iPhone is gone too as much as the Apple legacy. It is not anymore the same, even though the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S was also nothing but just [re-]packing the same stuff in a more shiny package. Sad but true. And the [brand new] iPhone 5 is a complete disappointment. On technical side there is nothing new. Yes, they added a new microphone ..., big deal! Bravo Apple! No innovative technology anymore just a lame upgrade but still enough to fool millions.
And I think is not just a mistake but really a majore failure the new map application of Apple which has to take some geography classes, because it seems it missed some when it was the time to learn some places, locations, etc. That is really a "cool" user experience to learn you are somewhere where you are not! Apple is inventing the teleportation on their new iPhone 5. Probably this is the real innovation!
"It will get better" is not the kind of answer we wait from such a company where the user is first. I think the huge success made them arrogant and stupid and if they continue like this they will end up like Nokia who is now struggling to survive even though they team up with Windows.
It seems Apple lost his supremacy in proposing new and innovative solutions and now it was their turn to struggle to somehow catch-up with the newest technologies proposed by Samsung Galaxy S3. And they definitely lost this battle. The new Samsung phone is way much superior to the [new] iPhone even though Apple fans will not admit such a shame.
I am wondering how people could be so blind not to see the reality? Probably the apple blinds them or just the human stupidity or ...?!
avagy a civilizaciok osszecsapasa. Amerika vs. Europa. Erdekes modon mi epitettuk, vagy hogy pontosabban fogalmazzak, nagymertekben hozzajarultunk Amerika felemelkedesehez, de megis mindezek ellenere nagyon sok europai erteket Amerika elveszitett, vagy egyszeruen csak figyelmen kivul hagy(ott), letrehozva egy pragmatikus, nagyon sajatos tarsadalmat.
Iskola rendszer es egeszsegugy. Mindketto az europai kormanyok vesszoparipaja. Az egyik, mert egeszseges polgarokra van szukseg, a masik, mert tanult emberek viszik elore a vilagot, habar szerintem minden emberre egyforman szukseg van egy tarsadalomban. Ezzel ellentetben, Amerikaban mint sok mas esetben mindent CSAK a penz, az erdek, a profit vezerel, es mint azt tudjuk ezek egyike sem nevezheto huzo agazatnak Europaban. Sok ado eltunik ebben a hatalmas "fekete lyukban", ami rovid tavon ketsegtelen, nem termel profitot, sot egyre inkabb deficitet, de hosszutavon egeszseges es ertelmes embereket biztosit(hat) a tarsadalom szamara.
Hogy gondolkodnak minderrol Amerikaban? Penz, penz, penz! Mig Europaban minden feltetelek mellett ellatnak majd a biztositasod felol erdeklodnek, Amerikaban ez pontosan homlokegyenest forditva van. Ok elobb megkerdik, hogy van biztositasod, majd ha a valaszod "megfelelo", akkor ellatnak. Szoval ha fizettel akkor ellatnak, es sejtem jo minosegu ellatasban reszesulsz, ha meg nem, akkor magadra vess es imadkozz, hogy ne legyel beteg. (Szerk. megj.: Lehet, hogy kisse a sarkitott velemeny, de erzekeltetni akartam a kulonbseget!) Van benne racionalizmus, nem vitatom, hisz valamit valamiert, de ha ezt fogadjuk el posztulatumnak (lasd vitathatatlan igazsagnak), akkor az emberi tarsadalom semmiben sem kulonbozik a darwini elmelettol, miszerint az eletkepesek fentmaradnak, es a gyengek meg elpusztulnak. Ha ez igy van, mire volt jo a 2000 eves fejlodes? Meg mindig allati sorban vagyunk? Amerika szerint IGEN, Europan szerint NEM!
Hasonlo a helyzet az oktatasban is. Mig Europaban [meg] allithatom, hogy az oktatas ingyenes (habar mar nehol van kisebb nagyobb merteku tandij), Amerikaban az oktatas kimondottan uzlet. Ha van penzed akkor tanulsz, ha nem akkor nem tanulsz. Ez ilyen egyszeru. No persze leteznek osztondijak, de ez nem mindenkinek eleg, es ha ugy hozta a Fentvalo, Sors, vagy nevezzuk aminek akarjuk, hogy egy szegenyebb csaladban szulettel, akkor az eselyeid nagymertekben (!) csokkennek. Ahogy mondanak az amerikaiak "mindenki egyenlo esellyel indul", csak vannak eselyesebbek. Akinek tobb iskolaja van nagy valoszinuseggel minosegibb allast is tud talalni, amiert jobban megfizetik, igy hat jobb az orvosi ellatasa is, mig aki nem iskolazott az kevesbe engedheti meg maganak az orvosi ellatast, igy sokkal szerenyebb korulmenyek kozott kell elnie, es sokkal tobbet lesz/lehet beteg, es sokkal tobbet tart a felgyogyulasa, es maris az ordogi kor resze, amibol nincs szabadulas. Es ez ma megnyilvanul abban a hatalmas merteku "legalis" szegregacioban, amely athatja Amerikat, meg ha ezt nem is akarjak hivatalosan beismerni, mert hat sejtem szegyelik, de ott van, letezik, nem tudjak letagadni, csak probalnak nem beszelni rola.
Mindket rendszernek vannal elonyei es hatranyai. Mi amolyan szocialis idealokat kergetunk, mig az amerikaiak kimondottan adok-veszek pragmatikus politikat folytatnak. Nekik is valahol igazuk van, de akkor miert nevezzuk magunkat civilizaltaknak? Foloslegesen teltek el az evszazadok? Nem tanultunk semmit?
No persze az eremnek ott a masik oldala is: en dolgozom es hajtok, mig a masik nem csinal semmit es megis mindenben hasonlo elbanasmodban reszesul? Meltanyos? Nem! Ez sem jarhato, hisz igy egyesek kihasznaljak, hogy masok helyettuk is dolgoznak, es ezt sem viszi elore a tarsadalom szekeret, ahogy Orban atyank fogalmazna.
Az igazsag? Talan ott van valahol kozepen, de nehez megtalalni [...]
The title belongs to a famous movie back from 1956 about inventing a fake man with fake documents to create a diversion in order to shift the focus of the Wehrmacht from Italy to Greece as a possible landing spot for the Allies. Great movie!

Nowadays in Romania something similar happened. The difference: It was not the Allies (see USL, - the common political platform between the ruling Social Democrate Party and the National Liberal Party, but only one man invented himself as president. Crin Antonescu. I guy from nowhere started to nourish some presidential ambitions over the last few years, but he failed alway just miserably. Of course 10-20% of the votes will be never sufficient and that's all what they have.
However, he was so eager to get that presidential chair that he "elected" himself as president of the Romanian Senate, and once he managed this legal "coup d'etat", he over-throned the current president Traian Basescu, another interesting figure in the romanian political landscape. (The political maneuver was legal, no doubt!) And he ended up acting president, as the "regular" president got suspended until the population decided during the referendum if they want the current president or not anymore.
During several weeks, as acting president ha gave more interviews than whatever president even though it was not appropriate to do so, but he got his 60 minutes of fame, and he wanted to profit out of it. [...] He was even decided to resign once the current president is returning after a favorable vote if any. The president even if he is just an acting one, should be completely impartial -politically speaking, however, he appeared in numerous rallies against the suspended president, and he declared himself as dedicated supporter of the current USL coalition.
After the referendum, even though it was largely favorable to the current ruling coalition, the number of votes were not sufficient to validate the ballot, so the suspended president was able to return and get back his seat with powerful political support from Germany, USA, France, England, etc. In these last minutes of agony, they tried everything: Recounting the votes, recounting the population as somehow the numbers were not favorable to them. End of story: They failed miserably! (I do not want to discuss now the current president's status because it is quite delicate, and I would never vote for such a character, however, he was elected (?) by the people.)
What happened with the clown acting as president? He failed miserably in all aspects! He was dreaming of being president but he failed. During his 60 minutes of fame the population realized he is also a low level character without any special skills and knowledge of being president, he lied the population as he did not resigned, he was that eager to get that presidential seat than he wanted to commit fraud during the recounting of the votes/population. He criticized USA, Germany, where even though they have their own problems, there is some democracy for some decades. Finally, he is also criticized in his own party due to the multiple failures he, his arrogance and his personal ambitions achieved. So he ended up being a NOBODY. A man who never was.
P.S. I muslim friend of mine thought me once: "History is forgetting about the loosers!" He was right. This man became a political wreck! A looser!
Evidentul s-a confirmat, si astazi Consiliul National de Etica (CNE) din cadrul Ministerului Educatiei, Cercetarii, Tineretului si Sportului s-a pronuntat privind acuzatiile ca fostul ministru (cu un palmares (!) de invidiat, de [doar] 9 zile petrecute in fruntea institutiei) a plagiat multiple articole insusindu-si rezultate pe care alti cercetatori l-au publicat deja in diferite jurnale si conferinte de natura stiintifica. Ecce homo plagiatus!
Desi era evident de la bun inceput, caci nu trebuie sa fi tu doctor profesor, etc. sa iti dai seama daca doua articole sunt identice, iar autorii sunt diferiti, dar acum e si oficial. Inculpatul si condamnatul (in sfera academica omul acesta deja e o rusine si am fost inca elegant) vrea sa dea in judecata CNE. Nu numai ca a creat o mocirla in care deja s-a infundat, dar se infunda si mai mult. Da, acesta e modelul de om care invata studenti astazi la Facultatea din Oradea, unde rectorul Bungau nu e in stare sa obtina o lista - ceruta oficial de subsemnatul, cu publicatiile domnului Mang.
Scuzele de rigoare, ca nu folosesc "rangurile" cuvenite (?), dar un asemenea om nu merita sa fie tratat ca atare, caci pe cand dansul a furat (furt intelectual), a plagiat lucrarea altora, altii muncesc din greu sa obtina rezultate, iar dansul se face profesor universitar, ba chiar ministru al educatiei pe baza acestor lucrari copiate pana la nesimtire. Da, cam asa stau valorile in Romania. Cu cat mai mult furi, plagiezi, esti smecher cu atat mai departe ajungi! E si normal ca generatia de astazi nu are chef sa invete, caci e evident, la noi meritele sunt culese de plagiatori ca Mang, Ponta, etc.
Sper ca odata ce va fi publicat hotararea CNE, avand avizul Directiei Juridice al Ministerului Educatiei, omul acesta trebuia sa isi prezinte demisia (!), si sistemul universitar roman sa faca tot posibilul ca ceilalti comitand plagiate sa fie si ei la randul lor identificati si "executati". In acelasi timp trebuie sa depunem eforturi majore ca noile generatii sa creada in adevaratele valori, si sa ajunga cercatatori, profesori, etc. fara a comite plagiat si furt intelectual cum e cazul lui Ioan Mang.
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