Szajer kiverte a biztositekot
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Mikor a sokak a FIDESZ pecsetet utottek, nem gondoltak arra, hogy Lorinc felvasarolja majd Magyarorszagot az adofizetok penzen, Orban kivezeti Magyarorszagot az Europai Uniobol, sem, hogy zsidozni kezdunk Demeter Szilard [al]poetaval (szegyenlem is magam az ebadtaert, mert erdelyi akar csak jomagam), sem hogy Tiborcz lesz az egyik "legsikeresebb" uzletember(?) a magyar ugaron, netan, hogy Borkai szex numerajat kell majd vegigcsamcsogjuk, Habony fura pislogasait furkesznunk Ibiza-n, vagy Kaleta beteges hajlamait (lasd gyermek pornografia) talalgassuk, mert eppen titkositottak az ugyet, stb. Es most itt a legujabb FIDESZ numera kiraly, a nap hose: Szajer Jozsef. Nesze neked kereszteny ertekek, csalad es haza. O es a hozza hasonloak ma a FIDESZ erkolcsi bastyai. Hmm. Erdekes.
Felreertes ne essek. Nem erdekelnek a [bukott] kepviselo szexualis vonzodasai, ez mindenkinek a maganugye. De egy illegalis orgian reszt venni, onnan meg az ereszen menekulni es a hatizsakbol erokerult tudat modositora azt mondani, hogy nem tudja hogyan kerult oda, es a mentelmi joggal is eloallni, -hat ez mar nekem is sok volt.
Szerintem tul sok 007 filmet latott Szajer ur es gondolta, o is szokesre veszi a figurat, hiszen nehez lesz majd kimagyarazni mindezt (lasd illegalis 25 fos magan rendezveny, orgia, tudatmodosito szerek, stb.) az erkolcstant szonoklo FIDESZ muftik elott. De hat belebukott az ostoba frater, es most nem hogy Magyarorszag, de a vilag is rola cikkezik, ezzel is csorbitva Magyarorszag es Orban atyank mar eddig is nagyon megtepazott munderjat. Es Orban meg aranybullaba ulteti, hogy mibol all a csalad? [...]
Remelem Miniszterelnok ur nem Szajer urtol,-az eresz csatorna es a "hazibuli" hosetol, kert tanacsot mikor az alaptorvenyt modositotta!? Ha jol ertelmezem, akkor szegeny Szajer ur nem kap helyet a mai magyar csalad modelben. Elnok ur, ennyire kitolni egy bajtarssal? Nem szep dolog! Szajer urnak helye van az uj aranybullaban. Elokelo helye!
Opening Universities in Fall: Myth or Reality?
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Thursday, April 30, 2020The other option preferable for thousands of reasons by the decision makers is to wide open the doors and welcome back the students in Fall 2020. Perfect! Students would be happy as they will get back the student life for what they were craving so hard for so many years. Parents would be happy as they can see that their kids education is going back to normal. Educators will be happy as they will get back to the same old same old f2f education and get heir full salary. Decision makers will be happy as they can keep their comfortable seats, bonuses and they can eventually hope for another reelection. Happy ending.
However, let us paint a darker scenario. Somebody on a university campus will be infected, -and the chances are rather high for such thing to happen. It can be a student, it can be a professor and it can be a staff. Everybody. Who is going to be responsible? [...] What will happen if such type of lawsuits will hit the universities? Who is going to pay the bill? Money is one issue, but who is going to take the moral blame for somebody's life? Are you? [...]
Who is going to convince the students and parents that the university environment is safe? Same thing with a professors and staff. Usually classes are happening with 30-50 students plus the instructor. Social distancing is just impracticable in such locations. Would that be safe? Really?
Can you imagine how many students a secretary or a professor can see in a single day? Who is going to guarantee their personal safety? Students roam around campus all the time and can be asymptomatic virus carriers. Looking the data the virus is more deadly on older population. Professors, staff and other university personnel belong to this rather endangered age groups. Are they safe? Can we force them to go back and pretend that everything is all right? I highly doubt it.
What is going to happen if a professor, a secretary, an adviser is refusing to have direct contact with a student because they fear for their lives? Is anybody thinking about these aspects?
I understand the narrative to try to calm people and send a hopeful message to students, parents and university personnel, but let's not confuse the myth with reality.

Result? Angry, frustrated students who will give up eventually because beside their completely chaotic daily routine driven by the pandemic they do not manage to see all the connections, tricks etc. among the multitude of topics which we educators are throwing on them. Are we helping them trough these difficulties? Some of us might care and do whatever is necessary to help, but many of us we just simply do not.