Why was it necessary to watch over Him?
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, July 22, 2013
A couple of days ago I ran into some biblical text and I can not get it out of my mind. After the last supper Jesus went with Peter the fisherman and the two sons of Zebedee in a place called Getshemane to pray (see more details in Mt 26:36-38). Before going farther to pray He asked the disciples to "Stay here and keep watch with me". The King James version is a bit different though, but the message is the same. The disciples were supposed to watch over Him during the prayer to the Father.
The question raised here is: Why was so important to watch over Him? He knew that Judas will kiss him and trade him for 30 pieces of silver. Why was He afraid of? Why was necessary to watch over Him?
Public transportation, somewhere on a bus in Washington D.C. You swipe your SmarTrip card and you just bought yourself a 90 minutes ride. Awesome, really awesome! Lets be honest the price is also quite affordable. Cool! What's next?
Once you bought your ticket you can use one seat if there are any available, right? No complaints, that's how things work on a bus. Your ticket gives you the right to use one seat, but [...] There is always a but, otherwise life would have no meaning at all. Many seats are occupied by over-weighted persons, hence they need two seats instead of one. Conflict: you bought yourself a ticket, but you can not get a seat because of these guys. They also bought the ticket, so they also have the right to get a seat, but you can not get yours because there is no space left.
Two tickets were validated, to persons are in the bus, two seats available but only one guy manages to seat. Who is right? The guy who is over-sized and he has to use 2 seats, the guy who bought his/her ticket but can not manage to get the seat for which he/she payed the same amount of money as the over-sized people or [...] One might imagine the guy who payed his ticket might ask for his seat but offending the over-sized guy telling him/her: I need my seat because I payed for it! would also not solve the problem. So here you are, another paradox, though I think everybody who has a valid ticket should be able to get ONE seat!
P.S. Please do not suggest to get another seat, because sometimes this situation does not apply as there are no free seats left! Usually I am not sitting at all, but I think it is not fair and rather unjust.
P.P.S. I do not want to offend over-weighted persons, it is not my intent at all but the facts are facts either you like it or not!
P.S. Please do not suggest to get another seat, because sometimes this situation does not apply as there are no free seats left! Usually I am not sitting at all, but I think it is not fair and rather unjust.
P.P.S. I do not want to offend over-weighted persons, it is not my intent at all but the facts are facts either you like it or not!
Ne kerdezz nem felelek - avagy a tortenelembol kirekesztett generacio
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Thursday, July 11, 2013
Megjegyzes: Ez rovid lesz. Hajnali 2 ora van, es almos vagyok, de nehany napja nem hagy egy gondolat nyugodni.
Az az erzesem, hogy a szuleim generacioja kimaradt a tortenelembol. Nem szeretnem a szerepuket lebecsulni, netan [le]becsmerelni, hisz aktivan epitettek akarva-akaratlanul a szocializmust, es ennek a kornak lettek a nagyjai, de megis a tortenelembol kimaradtak. Miert?
Ok a haboru utan szulettek kozvetlen, es mintha masok lennenek mint mi. Ok voltak az a generacio amikor nem kerdeztek. Fura modon az az erzesem, hogy ok nem akartak tudni semmit a II. Vilaghaborurol, es a szuleik meg nem akartak semmit meselni nekik. Amolyan "don't ask, don't tell" jellegu politika. Nekik nem volt szabad kerdezni, a szulok meg orommel nem valaszoltak mindezen fel nem tett kerdesekre. Sejtem a szulok vedtek tudattalan a gyerekeket a haboru mocskatol.
Veluk ellentetben, a masodik generacio -lasd mi, mar sokkal tobbet akar tudni a nagyszuloktol es sokkal tobb a kerdes, de sajnos manapsag a masodik nagy haborut megeltek szama rohamosan csokken. Mi kerdezunk de egyre kevesebben tudnak mar csak valaszolni a kerdesekre. Szuleink kimaradtak volna a tortenelembol?
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