The European Union is rather huge, many countries are inside, still some others outside and Romania is somehow on the edge. Officially it is inside but technically, economically, and morally does not fit at all in this european landscape. Of course the Romanian Revolution has been consumed in '89, but the society is still not mature, they can not behave as real europeans and they do strange things. I do not want to mention all the stupidities occurring in the politics, the corruption and of course this "laissez faire" attitude. (Comment: Silviu Brucan, a former politician pictured some 20 years to be necessary to achieve the level of a real democratic country. I can state now, he was completely wrong. We need 50-100 years or maybe such time will never come.)

In the last few years, romanians invaded countries like Italy, Spain, etc. Higher wages, better conditions and civilized countries. Of course once this invasion all these conditions were lowered but still these democratic countries considered they might educate some of them. They failed completely. They offered them schooling, social welfare, jobs but it was not enough. Do not get me wrong. There are many high quality specimens from Romania working abroad and doing really nice jobs in different segments of those foreign societies but there is another segment, all those opportunist persons who do not want to work just get the benefits and do shameful things to get money, conditions, etc., from countries like France, England, Italy and Spain.

Somehow it is not right that 2% of the crimes committed in France is somehow linked to romanian citizens. It is a foreign country and people are afraid of some Romanian subjects. It is not right. It is not! The news agency France Presse states that in July the "romanian criminality" increased with 72,4% compared to the Q1 of the same period of the 2010 in the larger Paris metropolitan area. If we do such "performances" what is gone happen in the future? Are we gone be the danger of the EU? I can understand that the French Government is sending home some hundreds of romanian citizens. Even though EU regulations allow free travel and free passage in the EU space, it is mandatory to cope with the regulations and unfortunately some of us can not simply do so.

Can you imagine, how nice is to be a topic in the political agenda of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) for the next elections in France? Instead of discussing internal affairs they will win votes by proposing stopping the romanian criminality on French soil. Shame! Thank you dear [some] country fellows! Thank you! Good job! Well done! Congratulations!

Momentul poate e inoportun, caci suntem in criza economica, si pretul aurului creste pe zi ce trece, dar ma aventurez sa compar situatia existenta a Romaniei cu situatia Ungariei inainte de 2010. Romania ca si Ungaria s-a rupt in doua tabere, ori este USL ori este PDL si alta solutie nu mai exista. Cei de la putere in frunte cu presedintele meu, - de care sincer sa fiu incerc cu disperare sa ma distantez, caci nu vreau si nu accept ca un astfel de om sa ma reprezinte in Parlamentul European si peste hotare - sunt Dumnezeii Romaniei si ei decid cine castiga, cine cade si se se intampla in Romania de astazi.

Pe baricade s-au aliat PSD si PNL, dupa parerea mea o alianta nefireasca (vezi USL), caci unul fiind de stanga iar cealalta de dreapta, dar trebuie sa intelegem ca oamenii vor putere si pentru a obtine puterea sunt dispusi sa treaca peste doctrina de partid, stat social si liberalism doar sa ajunga presedinte si prim ministru caci sa fim sinceri, sunt cele mai importante demnitati in stat. Problema e, ca putere de stanga, putere de dreapta, oamenii vezi Basescu, Ponta sau Antonescu sunt cam la acelasi nivel. Cum presedintele scoate o perla, din pacate liderii USL se coboara la acelasi nivel si raspund. Deci diferenta nu e mare. Doar numele difera, si poate cateva clase dar in principiu nimic special.

E ingrijorator. Nu avem in Romania de astazi o alternativa viabila care sa fie credibila si sa scoata tara din haosul si decadenta in care se scufunda. Nici Ponta nici Antonescu nu sunt oameni politici care sa aiba anvergura unor mari demnitari de stat. Nu sunt. Marea problema a societatii romanesti este ca nu avem oameni de marca in politica romaneasca si toti cei care erau credibili si scoliti au parasit politica si incearca sa se distanteze de existenta clasa politica.

Ps. Ciolanul ramane la cei fara scrupule care sunt capabili de orice pentru a ramane la putere sau a accede la acesta. Sa ne intelegem bine, orice solutie e mai buna ca presedintele Basescu, dar nu m-as baza nici pe Ponta nici pe Antonescu.


Igy tunt le a tegnapi nap, pedig nekunk magyaroknak hataron innen es tul igencsak fontos unnep augusztus 20. Allamalapito Szent Istvant unneplunk es nemzeti unnepet ulunk. No persze ahogy Magyarorszagon tartjak szamon, ez amolyan "piros betus" unnep, vagyis munkaszuneti nap.

Megvallom 1989 elott nem igazan tulajdonitottam szemelyesen neki nagyobb figyelmet, de a rendszervaltas utan igencsak fontos lett szamomra es ahanyszor tehettem reszt is vettem. Legtobbszor Budapesten, hisz "ott tortenik minden a Pannon siksagon". Es ketsegtelen van mit latni: Parlamentnel zaszlo felvonas, nyilt mise a Bazilikanal, Szent Jobb kormenet, vasar a Varban, legujabban repulos bemutato a Duna felett es a nap fenypontja ketsegtelen a tuzijatek amelyre szazezrek sereglenek ki minden evben. 30 perc szin es feny orgia, no persze az adofizetok penzen, de hat minden magyar vezetes tudja es tudta, hogy cirkusz kell a nepnek. Es ok adanak cirkuszt a nepnek, az Isten adta nepnek.

Az idei unnep valahogy kimaradt. Gondolkodtam rajta penteken, de bizony a tegnap csak kimaradt. Nem lenne fontos? Nem erdekelne mar? Isten tudja ....

Da, cam acesta putem spune despre jurnalismul din Romania. Ma uitam la Anten3 unde doamna Vranceanu Firea intr-o tinuta de strand si mai putin imbracata ca un moderator de "prime time news" cum se auto-proclama dansa, se intreaba de ce oamenii se intereseaza mai mult de divortul fostului prim ministru Tariceanu si ea insusi se considera jurnalista "de clasa", caci pune intrebari "bune despre Tariceanu". Romania sufera, oamenii mor, suntem in pragul saraciei, suntem in declin moral dar cel mai important lucru la Antena3 este de ce o personalitate publica divorteaza. Omul este civilizat (vezi Tariceanu), da un comunicat de presa prin MediaFax si cere discretie dar doamna Firea se pare ca nu intelege mesajul. Si anunta ca emisiune ce urmeaza (Subiectiv cu R. D.) se va ocupa de acest subiect. Deci vezi jurnalism "de calitate" marca "Antena3". Usor usor Antena3 se tranforma in Cancan versiunea TV. Acesta e nivelul din Romania si in jurnalismul romanesc "de marca".

Nastase fiind invitat la emisiune, politicos, incearca sa evite subiectul, caci e de natura personala, dar dinstinsa jurnalista insista si insita fara nesfarsit. Acestia sunt jurnalistii nostrii de marca? Iau premii APTR la greu! Incep sa ma intreb cine dau aceste premii si care sunt criteriile pe baza carora se acorda acestor distinsi jurnalisti premii de merit.

Ps. Ei acum acuza actuala putere (pe drept fara indoiala) ca fura, ca totul merge pe nepotism, etc. dar ma intreb in momentul in care cei ce vor ajunge la putere (dupa parerea mea USL, chiar si poate UDMR) si incepe acelasi lucru (ca si in cazul Ungariei dupa alegerile din 2010) doar niste nume si partide se vor schimba cum vor reactiona cei mai de marca jurnalisti din Romania. Ma cam indoiesc ca vor face emisiuni despre niste afaceri ale lui Dan Voiculescu sau cum dadea informatii la Securitate despre membrii propriei familii sau .... caci sa fim seriosi afacerile sunt afaceri daca le face dreapta daca le face stanga. Poate atunci vor primi premiile APTR lingusitorii puterii actuale.

Today I was surprised. Looking for some references I have found on the Microsoft website that not only DBPL, ISI, etc. but also the Microsoft Academic Search is indexing the different research papers, counting the references, counting the number of citations and the co-authors of my papers. G-index, H-index is also calculated.

Even more, you can have citation-graphs, co-author graphs and co-author paths. And the surprise was: my Erdos number has been reduced from 5 to 4. It means that I have a co-author who's Erdos number is 3. The Erdos number of Paul Erdos is 0. As you might have realized, this is a recursive definition of the Erdos function (Erdos number).

A few days ago, the TV channel Antena3 made a whole "show" about the book "Romania under Basescu: Aspirations, Achivements and Frustrations during His First Presidential Term" edited by Ronald F. King and Paul E. Sum. Indeed, probably only just positive chapters will be found in the book from contributors from USA and Romania. You know, in these so-called post-communist countries presidents still believe the fact that if they can not realize anything , they can still pay [or force] others to write some nice things about them.

In Romanian there is a nice word for that, "elogii", however, nowadays, this is called PR. Ceausescu did the same, so I can even understand the same treatment 21 years later from some guys which were friends (Ion Iliescu) or subordinates to the communist regim (Traian Basescu).

Today, another president Mr. Iliescu appeared in the same TV channel presenting his book, describing the history of Romania in the last two decades. However, I have some doubts if he dared to spare some sections to the "Mineriade", himself being the mastermind of those dark times in the Romanian history. However, the PR worked to perfection, he is a national hero today. Unfortunately, we realize, in Romania nothing is happening. One president is coming, the other is leaving and nothing is changed. Of course, this is not covered in the books of the presidents ....