Hargita county + Mures county + Covasna county = Szeklerland
1 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, May 30, 2011Based on some comments by the current opposition (USL) in Romania, tomorrow will "come the end" and a new country will be born overnight or at least some "worrisome situation" will be created as stated by Mircea Geoana. There will be nothing like this, however, those three members of the European Parliament they sent some invitations to the opening of "Representation of Szeklerland in Brussels".
Indeed, there is no such entity like Szeklerland as administrative-territorial unit recognized by law or constitution in Romania. Similarly there is no such legal entity as "Tara Motilor", "Tara Barsei" etc, however, everybody from Romania knows what those regions are.
However, as one of the organizer is the well-known Bishop Laszlo Tokes, of course one might think there is something also related to territorial autonomy asked often by Laszlo Tokes and his followers belonging to the radical representatives of the hungarians from Romania. Personally, I also think such [hidden] aspect could be retrieved in this initiative of those three EU representatives, but in order to avoid any legal act against this initiative, I would suggest the following lawful "equation":
Hargita county + Mures county + Covasna county = Szeklerland
So they can create the representation on these counties defined by law and nobody can argue anymore. Problem solved. I suggest than other micro-regions should also create such initiatives and hopefully some guys from Europe will hear about these regions and if there is no industrial growth at least some tourists will visit our country. (Please do not ask for highways because we do not have ....but I can assure you, we are really nice people!)
Ps. It might happen that some from Romania never heard about Szeklerland, but honestly I always knew that Szeklerland consist of Hargita, Mures and Covasna counties. No comment.

The reason behind this so called boycott lies in the fact that the Polish president invited the president of Kosovo to the meeting and some countries do not recognized Kosovo as such. Romania belongs to those countries which do note recognize the independence of the newly formed state of Kosovo back in 2008. Probably some "strange" coincidence is behind all this, because among the EU member states only Romania, Cyprus, Greece, Slovakia and Spain do not recognize the newly created Kosovo. All these countries [might] have territorial claims from neighbor countries or internally and of course this is out of question. So they do not want to create the possibility of any precedence. So this is the story! Boycott! Just a joke ....
Parteneriatul de guvernare se cam duce pe apa Sambetei
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Wednesday, May 25, 2011Straniu pentru un presedinte de partid care idolatriza acum cateva vreme guvernarea PDL si strangea mana eroului (vezi Emil Boc) care "a scapat" tara de colaps, sa afirme ca "daca se duce majoritatea, se pune in discutie rostul de a mai incerca guvernarea" (vezi articolul integral aici). Deci "rostul" e pana cand avem functii si titluri. Cind rostul o ia pe apa Sambetei (vezi bye-bye vice-premier, ministrii, secretari de stat), nu mai vrem sa ne improscam numele cu voi, PDL partid majoritar de guvernare, raufacatorul natiunii. Va lasam sa cadeti voi, iar noi ne milogim la USL pentru alte pozitii, caci "avem si noi rate la banca". Cam asta ar fi traducerea textului pentru noi, prosti de rand.
P.S. Intentionat nu dau nume, caci nu am intentia sa fac campanie unui asa zis "presedinte de partid" pe care nu il respect ca om politic si care nu ma reprezinta. Il rog frumos pe dansul sa ii reprezinte pe altii dar nu pe mine! Votul meu nu e de vanzare si nu unora ca dansul.
A Wikileaks felfedezte a spanyol viaszt
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, May 23, 2011Keso van es faradt vagyok, de ezt nem hagyhattam megjegyzes nelkul. A mai roman napilapok es hirportalok hosszasan taglaljak a Wikileaks-nek az RMDSZ-re vonatkozo megjegyzeseit, ahol emlitik M. B. nevet, mint a ketkulacsos embert, aki a hatalmon maradasert kepes barkivel szovetkezni. Ami szomoru, hogy az ugyirat megemliti, hogy habar magyarul, romanul, franciaul es oroszul beszel, de sajna angolul csak annyira, hogy tolmacs szuksegeltetik. Nos hat elegge eges, az ketsegtelen, de nem mond semmi uj dolgot. Ismerjuk. Most mar ismerik a tenger masik oldalan is. Sajnos.
Hasonlo a helyzet Frunda Gyorgy leirasaval is, egy kis "update" kellene mar, mert egy ideje Frunda igencsak nem egyezik a talpnyalo vezetessel, de hat el kell nezni az amerikaiaknak is, hogy tobb fronton viselnek haborut, Bin Laden meggyilkolasan is dolgoztak, no meg azota tudjuk mi is, hogy mit jelent gazdasagi melypont. Ertsuk meg, hogy nem lehet mindent.
Verestoy leirasa olyan, mint egy tundermese. Itt nem vegeztek jo munkat az amerikaiak, de hat ok is csak emberek. Tokes hasonlo es a tobbi magyar politikus leirasa is egyezik a valosaggal. Semmi egetrengeto.
Nem ertem, hogy mi ez a felhajtas? Nem latok semmi erdemleges informaciot, amit a mai, politikaban jartas ember ne ismerne a romaniai magyar politikusokrol. Es ketsegtelen, a hatalom megosztasa a tobb frakcio es part kozott a magyar erdekkepviselet ellehetlenitesehez vezet (lasd 5% parlamenti kuszob). Mi volt ennyire fontos?
Claude Gueant the French Interior minister just mentioned today in the Le Parisien, France "doesn't need masons and restaurants waiters" as he claims the country has internal "resources". Honestly it is quite a hars statement from the French Government as we know, France depends economically on the immigrants.
There is a legal issue here. Each european country wants good quality, highly educated people but they do not want the rest. However, the society is composed by many layers and you can not select people like animals. You should deal with the hole society either you like it or not. Look the case of Canada or Australia. You can not enter the country once you do not fulfill some criteria. However, such regulation will be hard to be introduced here in Europe.
One thing is sure. One big challenge of the EU beside to tackle the economical crisis hitting many countries worldwide is to sustain the internal economies and solve this issue as an inside matter, otherwise the immigration will be the challenge to deal with.
Cum trece vremea mi-am cam dat seama ca primul om din stat nu prea reuseste sa treaca de calitatea lui de marinar, dar e de inteles, toti suntem limitati, unii mai putin altii ... Fie. Dar astazi am inteles ca omul nu e numai marinar cu o engleza de invidiat dar si presedinte.
Intr-un interviu dat astazi televiziunii publice, primul om din stat afirma "Obiectivul meu nu mai este legat de procentele PDL din 2012, obiectivul meu este legat de iesirea Romaniei din criza si trecerea pe crestere economica solida." Asta da obiectiv! Felicitari! Am doar o singura intrebare. In ultimii 6 ani care era obiectivul? Deci dupa propriile vorbe (foarte incriminatorii trebuie sa admitem), pina la acest moment omul nu era presedinte ci sluga de partid, facand jocul partidului care l-a propus si mai putin presedinte pentru care este platit din bani publici.
Nu sunt politician, si nici nu vreau sa ajung sa ma cobor la un acest nivel scazut de intelect (scuzele de rigoare fata de politicienii de marca), dar chiar si eu am o problema cu aceasta chestie. Cind esti presedinte servesti tara si mai putin partidul si ar trebui sa fi apolitic caci fisa postului te obliga. Acum cu acest interviu publicat la televiziunea publica omul singur a reusit sa se inculpe in fata intregii natiuni. Deci fara discutie, trebuie sa fii un marinar destept sa faci asta.
Sincer sa fiu, ma bucur enorm caci macar dupa 6 ani, de astazi pot "sa ma mandresc" si cu un presedinte si pot afirma cu bucurie "Habemus Presedinte".
Prostia si domnia: versiunea UDMR 0.1
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2011Acest amendament la legea Invatamantului care exclude obligativitatea predarii istoriei si geografiei pe limbile minoritatilor trecut deja de Camera Deputatilor, care va fi validat (sau nu!) de Senat era prilejul oportun de a rupe coalitia dintre PDL si UDMR, dar singurul om care a sesizat momentul era senatorul Gyorgy Frunda. Ceilalti ori sunt incapabili de a sesiza momentul (si sincer sa fiu tind a crede acest lucru despre unii, vezi tabara prostilor) ori se agata pana la ultimul moment de fotoliu (vezi tabara domnilor), ca si fostul presedinte de partid B. M. sau protejatul, presedinte dupa titlu, cu alt nume dar (din pacate) acelasi chip si infatisare. Si sirul e fara sfarsit.
Cit despre abrogarea in sine, e de discutat. Sunt maghiar, si sunt constient de faptul ca orice materie poata fi insusita cel mai bine in limba materna, dar cind eu am terminat scoala nu era o asemenea lege si am invatat aceste materii in limba romana si nu ma plang caci nu am de ce. Vorbesc curent limba romana, poate mai bine ca unii care au insusit romana ca limba materna. Dar sa presupunem ca ar fi mai usor si mai "legic" de a invata aceste materii in limba materna. Daca suntem cetateni si platitori de taxe si dari, atunci sa fim tratati de la egal la egal si sa avem si noi aceleasi drepturi ca si majoritatea de a invata in limba materna.
Senatorul Frunda pe langa faptul ca a trecut tacit aceasta abrogare de Camera Deputatilor cere ruperea coalitiei pe motivul ca nu sunt masuri de relansare economica promise de Guvernul Boc. Si asta nu poate nega nimeni. E realitatea cruda de ne place de nu. Acea crestere economica de 0.6% e derizoriu, desi premierul Boc sa mandreste .... Dar nu, UDMR lupta pentru binele umanitatii.
Ma intreb ce se va alege de dansii cind nu mai intra in Parlamentul Romaniei, caci acele 5% vor fi greu de gasit, foarte greu si oamenii sunt foarte nemultumiti de ei si nu se mai incred in minciunile rostite de aceiasi fete de 20 de ani. Un lucru e cert, taxa prostiei si domniei trebuie platita si de UDMR.
Pina acum am vazut doar congres tipic comunist la UDMR, dar in weekend am revazut acelasi lucru si la Partidul Democrat-Liberal. Ca si cum ne-am fi intors 21 de ani in timp, si asistam la Congresul Partidului Comunist Roman din timpul lui Ceausescu. Poate ar fi bine sa nu numim congresul acesta al partidului democrat-liberal ci un nou congres PCR, ar XV-lea daca nu ma insel.
Si chiar niste membrii din PDL au acuzat ca s-au facut aranjamente si listele distribuite erau ceva lucruri dictatorice, dar partidul e democrat. Chiar de nu e, are numele de "democrat". Daca adversarii politici te unfunda, e ok, dar cind te infunda proprii tai membrii, atunci cred ca nu mai ramine nimic de spus ( vezi Raluca Turcan).
P.S. Acum inteleg de ce stau la guvernare impreuna PDL si UDMR .... Se aseamana baietii! Invata unul de la celalalt.
Soon I have to go for a business trip and usually I prefer doing the check-in myself to avoid the ticket counters at the airports. Last year I realized that you have not just the option of printing your own ticket but a more green solution was also available proposed by Lufthansa.
You have the choice to get the e-ticket on your cell phone. Yep. You get a short message containing a web link and that's it. Click on the link (get yourself a 3G connections), get the ticket on your phone and there are bar code readers and the problem is solved. Of course, charging your phone and manufacturing the phone probably it is not the greenest solution ever but I think it is a good option.
However, in order to be sure nothing nasty will happen, I have an A5 printout of the e-ticket (for backup) as even though I am a computer scientist I have some doubts about this new solution. However, soon I will let you know how this green check-in has happened. If it is working I will never ever print my e-ticket!
Da. Asta e atributia doamnei consilier Andreea Paul Vass, de a fi sluga premierului Romaniei, Emil Boc. Desi m-as mira daca in fisa postului este trecut sa faci si elogii la adresa sefului, dar o sluga buna stie cum trebuie tratat un sef, care chiar daca acesta se lauda ca scoate tara din recesiune, are totusi o tara in haos cu multe nemultumiri.
Si consilierul fara nici o jena, scrie pe propriul blog o oda premierului cum altii faceau in timpul lui Ceausescu. Desi doamna Vass avea 11-12 ani cind s-a trecut la democratie in Romania, totusi stilul si forma e la fel ca in comunism. Nu prea reusim sa scapam de trecut, iar unii chiar se ancoreaza in trecut si nu pot scapa da acel stil aparte. Pe cind atunci oamenii scriau elogii caci le era frica, astazi scriu elogii pentru bani si pozitii. Nu m-as mira daca pe statul de plata va aparea pe linga consilier si elogist sa putem onora cuvintele de marca adresate sefului.
Iar ultimele cuvinte ale consilierului "... Emil Boc: fara critici, fara nuante" arata lasitate unei slugi care incearca sa placa sefului cit se poate de mult. Ma intreb ce se va alege de dansa, cind premierul Boc nu va mai fi premier?
It seems Osama bin Laden, the public enemy number one is gone, killed by some Navy SEALs in Abbottabad, Pakistan. President Obama was quit happy announcing the death of bin Laden, however, the PR around this counter intelligence operation is quite shaky. Some pictures from the White House's Situation Room were released where high officials were looking online how some people are killed. It is not appropriate to do so. However, there is no strong evidence about the identity of the killed person. All the evidences (photos, DNA, etc) can be faked, no doubt about this.
Ok. One guy has been killed savagely, his body was buried in the sea, so what? Hopefully nobody is that naive to think there will be no more terrorism. It was just a person with a name considered by the world as the Evil. Probably it was stupid from the US Administration to kill the only guy with a name. Behind that name there are hundreds and thousand, noname persons which can do exactly the same. At that time who should be blamed? There are no more names ...
Ps. I have a guess! Soon a new name, a new public enemy will be born from nothing. If there is no name we will create one.
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