Elkepeszto amit ma olvasni Szajer ur, EP kepviselo, blog bejegyzeseben. A kepviselo ur a rovid idot okolja, hogy nem a pontos szoveg forditas (lasd uj Alkotmany) kerult a EU ele, hanem egy un. "courtesy translation" ahol nem a pontossag a fontos, hanem sokkal inkabb csak, hogy legyen valami. No es hat forditas az lett, ezzel nincs is gond, de erdekes modon pontosan azok a dolgok maradtak ki belole, vagy voltak nagyon "erdekes modon forditva" melyek vitakat valthatnanak ki.
Mig a magyar forditasban a XXI. tetelnel erdekes modon nem szerepel az a kitet, hogy mindenki aki Magyarorszagon lakcimmel rendelkezik, szavazhat, az angol verzioban mar sokkal pontosabb a tisztelt fordito, es nyomatekositja, hogy a lakcim elofeltetele a szavazasnak. Erdekes modon eppen ez az arnyalat nagyon sokat hozhat a FIDESZ konyhajara (lasd a hatarokon kivul elok szavazati joga), de ketsegtelen, ahogy az Index is illet, az angol forditas sokkal "eurokonformabb".
Szerencsere meg vannak figyelmes emberek, akik rajonnek, hogy egyesek megint probaljak atverni Europat, es teszik mindenzt a 2/3 tobbseg neveben. Szerintem elobb-utobb nem fog mar nagy kegyekben diszelegni sem Orban miniszterelnok sem a partja melyet vezet.
Nem akarok senkit vadolni, nem all szandekomban, de ha ilyen forditokat alkalmaz a Magyar Kormany, akkor eleg komolytalannak tunhetunk az unio hatarain belul es kivul.
Ui. Nem kerul semmibe, es meg akar jobb is lehet a forditas, ha eppen a Google translate szolgaltatasait vesszuk igenybe.
Can we deal with illegal downloading?
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, March 28, 2011No. Until now we can not. We just download without knowing exactly what we are doing. We trespass a lot of copyright laws but nobody cares. We just simply download. The p2p networks appeared and from that moment a new industry was born. Somebody is ripping some music, movie and in a moment the whole word can have access to that material belonging to the "dark side".
Of course in each country there is some mediatic litigation each year, but the phenomena can not be stopped anymore. Once you have a decent Internet connection you can have access to music, movies, software, etc. and the cost is 0. Nothing. For "free". Just for example, take a look at this website.
In some countries nowadays they realized that some "digital law" would not solve the problem. The users can hide behind some IP address, nobody can be pursued, so there is no chance to sue all the users.
A possible solution would be to pay some extra fees to the ISP and those funds should be distributed among those persons who claim to have some copyright material "shared" on the World Wide Web. However, there are some questions regarding this possible solution.
1) What about the amount of the fee?
2) Who should pay this fee? Who is in control to supervise this paying?
3) What is happening to those who are not downloading illegal material?
4) Would this [collected] money be sufficient?
5) How such selling model would change the classical trading?
What do you think?
My day started really nicely. However, it ended up really bad.
I was at the main station on time, however, I have seen already there is a 5 minute delay but even here in Germany I can accept such a short period to wait for my train. I checked even where my coach should be situated in order to be sure to step in the car, get my seat and be happy ever after once I occupied my seat.
The train was delayed around 15 minutes but I told myself s... can happen even here in Germany.
The nice suprize was where I found out there is no such couch number like 31, so implicitly no seat 66 so there was no place for me. So clueless I stepped in a car with some other number and I realized some others faced the same problems as me. It was impossible to stay even in the hallway. Of course nobody was happy but there was nothing to do against.
Can you imagine 8 coaches were missing? Unbelievable! Never ever again DB! Never ever!
Mar regota latszik, hogy Orban Viktor, jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnok, bizonyos merteku messianikus indittatast erez hivatasaban es ha nem is nyiltan, de burkolva igencsak, felfedezheto ez a tetszelgo, onmagat a nemzet megmentojenek tarto allamferfi, aki "majd megmutatom en" stilusban probal, foleg sajnos csak populizmussal hoditani. Sajnos egy kiehezett, szegeny, [sokszor] atvert (lasd szocialista vezetes (Medgyessy, Gyurcsany, Bajnai kevesbe) es sok esetben tudatlan tarsadalomban ez a fajta populizmus hodit, es ezt mutatja a folenyes valasztasi eredmeny is, mely a jobboldalt mindenhatova tette a Parlamentben 2010-tol.
Felreertes ne essek, nem is emlitheto egy lapon Orban miszternelnoksege mondjuk Gyurcsany Ferenc "tenykedeseivel". Nem. A 1998-2002 Fidesz kormanyzat tett valamit az orszagert es ez latszott is. Jomagam akkor kerultem Budapestre es ezt szemelyesen is tapasztaltam, hogy egy joleti tarsadalom kezdodott korvonalazodni abban a kormanyzasban, de mindezek ellenere csufos vereseget szenvedtek a 2002-es valasztasokon. Korrupcio, lopas, stb.
A masodik miniszterelnokseg alatt sajnos az ido is eltelt, oda a nagy igyekezet es a lendulet, maradt persze a populizmus es a retorika, de az eredmeny mar egyre gyengebb es halovanyabb. Ketsegtelen, ebben nagymertekben szerepe van a gazdasagi valtsagnak, de a valosag az, hogy a nagy igeretek igencsak elmaradtak, es bizony sok ember most kezd raebredni, hogy a mezes madzag csak addig volt mig az emberek voksoltak. Nem igazan teremtodtek munkahelyek, sot a mar letezok is eltuntek, bizonyos szocialis segelyek merteke csokkent, stb., vagyis a helyzet nem rozsas.
No de a messianikus szerepnek folytatodnia kell, es ha mar komoly tenyeket nem tudunk az asztalra tenni (ez azert igy sarkitas es ezt elismerem), akkor jatszuk a messiast hol mashol, mint papiron. Igen, mert a munkahely teremtes helyett, vagy netan a forint arfolyam stabilizalasa helyett Orban Viktor es partja Alkotmany-t modosit, mert ott nem kell semmit csinalni, csak irni papirra dolgokat. No es persze adnak a plebsnek csamcsognivalot. Es megint mit csinalunk, hoditunk a jol ismert es sokszor alkalmazott technologiaval: populizmussal. Mukodik. Tokeletessegre van fejlesztve Orban beszedeiben, ehhez ketseg nem fer.
Megyebol varmegyet, Magyar Koztarsasagbol Magyarorszagot vagy valami hasonlot csinalni semmi egyeb mint nehany tollvonas. A Szent Korona beillesztese az Alkotmanyba csak egy ugyes tollforgato, netan egy ratermett alkotmanyjogasz es maris lehetsegesse valik. Nem latom a kihivast, de abban mar igen, hogy oly merteku modositast eszkozolnek, hogy az anyaorszagon kivulieknek, akik a 2010 augusztus 20-an jovahagyott allampolgarsagi torveny modositas utan kaptak magyar allampolgarsagokat netan (majd) szavazati jogot kapjanak. Nem biztos meg, mert ez a kerdes eleg kenyes, de lassuk be egy ilyen dontes egyertelmuen bebetonozna a jobboldalt a kormanyzasba az elkovetkezendo evekben. Tudott dolog, hogy az orszag hatarain kivuli magyarok legnagyobb tobbsege jobboldali erzuletu es ez logikus is. Egyertelmu.
Ha az Intelmeket is beleszovik majd az uj Alkotmany soraiba, akkor sem latom, hogy mivel lesz jobb az egyszeru embernek a sorsa. Szent Istvan kiralyunk intelmei Imre herceghez talan adhatnak moralis tartast, de szerintem lenyegesen nem valtoztatjak meg a mar letezo magyar jogrendet, amely ketsegtelen modositasokra szorul, ezt jelenti a demokracia es a fejlodes, de bizonyos erkolcsi normakon felul sokat nem ad hozza. Talan kis nosztalgiat ad es probal visszanyulni a tortenelemben, de mindenkinek el kell fogadni, hogy nem a multban elunk hanem a jelenben, es ha a jovonket akarjuk epiteni, akkor ismerjuk meg a multunkat es tanuljunk belole, hogy modern allamot es modern jogrendet teremthessunk.
Ui. Sokkal inkabb lenne fontos Magyarorszagot gazdasagilag labra allitani, mintsem nosztalgikus, Magyarorszag tortenelmi fenykorat idezo megnevezesekkel jatszadozni. a Parlament gradicsain. Mikor lesz mindenkinek munkaja es Magyaroszag ujra elindul a fejlodes utjan, akkor akar meg hajlando is lennek tamogatni ezeket az igyekezeteket, de addig meg ugy erzem vannak sokkal fontosabb dologok. Jobb volna arra koncentralni!
Ui. Sokkal inkabb lenne fontos Magyarorszagot gazdasagilag labra allitani, mintsem nosztalgikus, Magyarorszag tortenelmi fenykorat idezo megnevezesekkel jatszadozni. a Parlament gradicsain. Mikor lesz mindenkinek munkaja es Magyaroszag ujra elindul a fejlodes utjan, akkor akar meg hajlando is lennek tamogatni ezeket az igyekezeteket, de addig meg ugy erzem vannak sokkal fontosabb dologok. Jobb volna arra koncentralni!
2 citizenships 1 person 2 countries
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Friday, March 18, 2011Hungary. Romania. Two countries, two nations, a lot of common history in the last 1000 years and of course emotions on both sides. Everybody "claims" the land as his own and nobody wants to accept the other's argumentation. So it kind of an endless speech with two majore speaker. The idea they do not speak to each other but rather they just speak and nobody listens.
However, the fact is a fact. Transylvania belongs to Romania which nowadays is a "national, sovereign, independent unitary and indivisible state" granted by the 2003 Constitution of the country. And in this political and legal landscape probably there will be a majore change. Recently, the neighbor country, Hungary granted citizenship for all Hungarians living in the diaspora. This law passed by the 2nd Orban government was expected from long-long time over the last 65 years after the II WW, and nowadays we have seen the first "brand new" Hungarian citizens. I discussed this process in details in an earlier blog entry this year (in Hungarian).
The dilemma is: is gone change this new [possible] political strengt the romanian political landscape in those counties like Hargita, Covasna and Mures? It might happen that many people will apply for this dual citizenship and definitely there will be some balance issue in those regions. Even though those citizens will remain romanian subjects, still they will have a huge advantage: they will be also hungarian subjects as well. For sure, the romanian citizens being also hungarian citizens as well will be "more equal" than those romanian citizens not having a second citizenship.
The multiple citizenship concept is not banned in the Romanian Constitution, so each citizen of the country can apply for a foreign citizenship and over the time many people obtained citizenships mainly from countries like Hungary, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, etc. However, in those specific regions mentioned earlier, it might happen that thousands and thousands (even hundred thousands) will apply for a hungarian citizenship and probably it will be granted to everybody who can prove that he/she belongs to the hungarian minority living in Transylvania.
I look forward to see how Romania will handle this "problem" (if there is any) and I am also interested to see how many will apply for this citizenship offered by Hungary. As we can see in Physics whatever system tries to attain its stability, so it will be not different in that particular case either. Sooner or later there will be stability and balance.
Ps. However, some players in the romanian political landscape definitely they will play this "minority card" again and again in the upcoming months and during the elections in 2012.
Acum voi publica raspunsul doamnei consiliere Andreea (Paul) Vass la scrisoarea mea deschisa si raspunsul umil pe care mi-am permis sa il dau si sa il public si pe blog.
Iata raspunsul integral:
"Nimic concret nu e mai jos. Doar perceptiile dvs.
Andreea PAUL (VASS)
Consilier de Stat al Prim-Ministrului State Adviser of the Prime Minister
Adresa de e-mail nu am publicat-o pentru motive personale, poate nefiind una publica.
Sincer sa fiu ma surprinde cum un consilier prezidential ca doamna Vass raspunde la un asemena e-mail. Eu sunt cetatean roman de nationalitate maghiara, dar totusi am invatat la scoala sau pe unde m-au mai purtat drumurile, caci macar o formula de adresare se mai aplica intr-o scrisoare, chiar si in romana. Iar daca aceasta scrisoare mai vine si de la un inalt oficial al Guvernului Romaniei ,care mai e si lector universitar la Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale ar fi si mai important sa se respecte aceste reguli de baza, pe care le-am invatat in scoala generala. Dar mi-am dat seama, ca asteptarile mele sunt gresite si politetea e ceva dat demult uitarii. Despre continut nu comentez caci e ridicol raspunsul, dar sa trecem peste acest lucru.
Se pare ca in Romania totul e invers proportional. Cu cit esti mai incapabil, nepoliticos, dobitoc si prost cu atit ajungi mai inalt in hierarchia de stat. Nici nu ma mira faptul ca Romania este una din singurele tari din EU care inca este in mocirla crizei economice si cu asemenea demnitari si "minti luminate" nici sanse prea mari nu sunt de escaladare a crizei.
Si iata raspunsul dat doamnei consiliere:
Stimate Doamna Vass,
Iata raspunsul integral:
"Nimic concret nu e mai jos. Doar perceptiile dvs.
Putem discuta pe o problema si o propunere concreta pe care ati dori sa o aplicam si inca nu exista o decizie in materie?
Andreea PAUL (VASS)
Consilier de Stat al Prim-Ministrului State Adviser of the Prime Minister
Lector universitar, Dr. Lecturer, PhD
Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale Faculty of International Business and Economics
Academia de Studii Economice Academy of Economic Studies
"Adresa de e-mail nu am publicat-o pentru motive personale, poate nefiind una publica.
Sincer sa fiu ma surprinde cum un consilier prezidential ca doamna Vass raspunde la un asemena e-mail. Eu sunt cetatean roman de nationalitate maghiara, dar totusi am invatat la scoala sau pe unde m-au mai purtat drumurile, caci macar o formula de adresare se mai aplica intr-o scrisoare, chiar si in romana. Iar daca aceasta scrisoare mai vine si de la un inalt oficial al Guvernului Romaniei ,care mai e si lector universitar la Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale ar fi si mai important sa se respecte aceste reguli de baza, pe care le-am invatat in scoala generala. Dar mi-am dat seama, ca asteptarile mele sunt gresite si politetea e ceva dat demult uitarii. Despre continut nu comentez caci e ridicol raspunsul, dar sa trecem peste acest lucru.
Se pare ca in Romania totul e invers proportional. Cu cit esti mai incapabil, nepoliticos, dobitoc si prost cu atit ajungi mai inalt in hierarchia de stat. Nici nu ma mira faptul ca Romania este una din singurele tari din EU care inca este in mocirla crizei economice si cu asemenea demnitari si "minti luminate" nici sanse prea mari nu sunt de escaladare a crizei.
Si iata raspunsul dat doamnei consiliere:
Stimate Doamna Vass,
"Nimic concret nu e mai jos." Asta e [din pacate] perceptia dumneavoastra despre ce inseamna lucrurile concrete. M-am lamurit ca vedem lucrurile total diferit, care in sine nu e o problema, dar ca cercetator mi-am permis sa gandesc, ca poate si altii gindesc la fel despre starea dezastruoasa a invatamintului universitar. M-am inselat amarnic, dar e ceva firesc. Asa m-am inselat si in privinta multori asa zisi "politicieni" de astazi, parvenitii societatii romanesti, multi dintre ei nu sunt mai multi sau mai putin decit niste "bonjouristi".
Va multumesc frumos pentru raspunsul dat, si va multumesc ca ati reusit sa ma convingeti si mai tare, ca e mai bine sa ramin in strainatate, sa fac cercetare acolo unde lucrurile "concrete" conteaza, si sa nici nu ma gandesc sa ma intorc in tara, caci viziunea despre "concret" se [poate] schimba peste noapte.
Cu respect,
Szilard VAJDA
Deci cam asa stau lucrurile pe la noi in Romania. Daca acesti oameni tineri ca doamna Vass, cu carte sau macar asa pare sunt capabili de un asemenea comportament, ce sa ne asteptam de la "mogulii" sau "talibanii" care au fost scoliti in comunism si nici macar o limba straina nu vorbesc iar despre democratie au niste idei vagi invatate la scolile de partid unde li se zicea ca democratia e ca dracul si e bine sa nu ai treaba cu dansul.
Ps. Din pacate eu nu am titluri distinse cum are doamna, si chiar daca am un amarit doctorat in informatica si un post tot atit de amarit de cercetator la o universitate care e in primile 300 de universitati din lume, fiind un e-mail personal nu am considerat de cuviinta sa ma folosesc de acceste titluri si pozitii. E de mentionat ca adresa de e-mail a doamnei consiliere e de pe yahoo!
Deci cam asa stau lucrurile pe la noi in Romania. Daca acesti oameni tineri ca doamna Vass, cu carte sau macar asa pare sunt capabili de un asemenea comportament, ce sa ne asteptam de la "mogulii" sau "talibanii" care au fost scoliti in comunism si nici macar o limba straina nu vorbesc iar despre democratie au niste idei vagi invatate la scolile de partid unde li se zicea ca democratia e ca dracul si e bine sa nu ai treaba cu dansul.
Ps. Din pacate eu nu am titluri distinse cum are doamna, si chiar daca am un amarit doctorat in informatica si un post tot atit de amarit de cercetator la o universitate care e in primile 300 de universitati din lume, fiind un e-mail personal nu am considerat de cuviinta sa ma folosesc de acceste titluri si pozitii. E de mentionat ca adresa de e-mail a doamnei consiliere e de pe yahoo!
Scrisoare deschisa doamnei consiliere Andreea (Paul) Vass
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, March 14, 2011Stimata Doamna Vass, consilier al prim-ministrului Boc,
Sloganurile de obicei vin din partea Guvernului, caci nu prea am vazut nici masuri de relansare economica, nici de fiscalitate, iar cu coruptia sunteti cam la pamant si asta consider ca va va costa pierderea alegerilor din 2012, dar asta nu e treaba mea. Nu am facut politica si nici nu am de gand, caci nu prea e pe placul meu sa mint oamenii in fata, cum faceti dumneavoastra si colegii dumneavoastra, indiferent de coloratura politica. Si sa nu vorbim cum se agata mai toti de pozitiile ocupate prin cunostinte si adeziuni la un partid sau altul.
Din pacate in ziua de astazi politica din Romania se face la televiziuni, in loc ca discutiile sa se poarte in Parlamentul Romaniei, dar asta e natia romana. De gura suntem toti buni, dar la munca ne pricepem mai putini. Si desi nu sunt de meserie, unii din Guvernul Romaniei nici macar profesionisti nu s-ar putea numi, iar acum ei sunt ministrii intr-un cabinet condus de dl. Boc, care desi preda drept constitutional (sau macar pretinde), incalca drepturile cetatenilor pe zi ce trece. E cam interesant ....
Si de presedinte sa nici nu mai vorbim, ca e rusine cind vezi ca la intrunirile sefilor de stat din UE toti incerca sa il evite pe dl. Basescu. Populismul care a cam disparut in ultima vreme din reportoriul domniei sale, poate avea priza la public in mediul rural si celelalte paturi medioacre din societatea romaneasca, dar nu mai tine la un nivel inalt, unde Romania nu prea are sanse sa se ridice.
Vorbiti de competivitate, iar noi ajungem sa vedem ca studentii care ies din facultatile din Romania nu reusesc nici macar sa adune doua numere, sa nu vorbim de matematici avansate, sau de alte cunostinte. E rusinos sa vezi asta si sa auzi si de la alti colegi, ca "iar am picat un student roman", caci nici macar matematica nu stia, desi dupa notele pe care le avea din Romania, trebuia sa fie un geniu. Si acesti elevi sunt care au note bune si au primit o bursa sau un an de Erasmus. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum sunt ceilati studenti, care au ramas acasa nefiind genii.
Deci la mine asta inseamna competivitate, dar se pare ca notiunea mea de competivitate e la ani de lumina de notiunea dumneavoastra si a Guvernului. La noi competivitatea se masoara cu faptele, la dumneavoastra totul ramine doar la nivelul vorbelor.
Deci cam astea ar fi unele din lucrurile concrete care le-as enumera, dar daca mai vreti pot si altele, dar din pacate nu stiu daca merita, caci lucrurile nu prea se schimba si trasaturile din Balkan, chiar daca nu ne place sa fim numiti ca atare, sunt foarte bine impregnate in societate si nici nu vrem sa scapam de ele.
Cu respect,
Szilard VAJDA
Ps. Pentru a fi si mai transparent, caci asta am auzit ca Guvernul Romaniei are ca obiectiv de a fi sau deveni (?) si mai transparent, voi posta aceasta scurta lista de lucruri concrete pe blogul personal. Sper ca acest lucru nu va deranjeaza, si chiar va face placere sa deveniti si mai transparent(a) cu Guvernul din care faceti parte.
Asta numai ca sa vedeti ca se poate si altfel, dar sincer, nu ma astept ca Romania sa ajunga la acest nivel.
To be or not to be more nuclear power plants?
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Saturday, March 12, 2011Wat we have seen in Japan is something which I do not want to see again. Remembering those times back in 2007-2008 when I spent a lot of time there and seeing everything just vanished it is not that easy to handle. The whole country was hit by that earthquake, a natural catastrophe without any chance to do something against. We just realized how helpless we are in the battle with nature.
Even though in other regions are also earthquakes and people are killed, injured and cities or regions are just washed away, this one here in Japan is even more dangerous because the Fukushima nuclear power plant has been affected. So it not just a tragedy but it can be even worse.
Of course, now, the most important is to help those people out there and give them hope but we should debate again and again the choice of using nuclear energy. Indeed, the energy consumption of the population is growing and growing and these rather new technologies offered by nuclear reactions pay off but there is a huge danger behind those reactions. Radiations can kill more than we can imagine.
There should be a real debate as soon as possible about these nuclear power plants because it is not anymore about a country or a larger region but also about the world's population. We should not destroy what we have built over the centuries.
Resignation an act of political maturity
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Saturday, March 05, 2011Resignation is an act of maturity in politics and public life. Of course it is a difficult act but not an impossible one. Anyhow, you should know about democracy to do so. And you need some moral and ethical ground to be able to accomplish such a resignation (abdication for monarchs).
There are several cases when such resignations were evoked. The Watergate scandal was fatal for President Nixon, Edward VIII King of England and Ireland for marrying Wallis Simpson, the abdication of Michael I, King of Romania, Dominiques Strauss-Kahn resigned due some allegation around the ELF scandal and some student mutual health insurance from the Cabinet of the socialist PM Lionel Jospin. Horst Koeler, the former German president also resigned. Margot Kassmann, the Chair of the Council of the Evangelical church resigned once he was found guilty for driving under the effect of alcohol. So, as we can see, in some civilized countries is possible to resign and this shows maturity, dignity, morality.
Lately, Germany faced such a resignation of the Defense Minister of Germany, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg based on a plagiarism allegation concerning his PhD thesis. He tried to face the allegations first, but finally, once the University of Bayreuth revoked his scientific title, he realized even though he is a good and successful politician, he can not stay longer in this high level position.
Unfortunately, in some other countries like Hungary, Romania, China, Russia, North Korea and lately we have seen horrific pictures from Libya, resignation is not an option. Of course, we can not speak about real democracy in these countries, even though some are EU members. Probably, it is kind of an legacy to do so. I think we still have things to learn. After 45 years of communist dictatorship we just changed some names but even though they pretend to act in the name of the democracy, they are also some guys strongly linked to their positions and they do not even want to know about the term "resignation".
I think we will need again 45 years to learn more about democracy and to act accordingly.
Yes. I do not know how, but I managed. Yesterday evening I went to bed and I left my laptop without a power cable. Early morning I restarted my MacBook Pro and everything was just fine. However, I realized that is reacting slowly to some mouse commands but I thought probably restoring some softwares status is still going on. And suddenly I just got a black screen and the laptop just restarted ...
If somebody is interested in the technical details of my laptop, please just send me an e-mail.
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