I am really proud of you all dear romanian politicians
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, January 31, 2011I am quite interested in the Romanian politics. "Someone had to." (Bill Bryson) Lately, I am looking even more for details about all these "highly esteemed" politicians in order to judge them not just based on their statements but also on educational ground. The picture is quite interesting, I have to tell you. Of course, you do not need to have high education to be a really good politician (e.g. Joschka Fisher, Lech Walesa) but still, I think it should be a must in order to be able to decide about the fate of a country.
We have some guys (politicians) who really have some good educations, getting degrees from prestigious Romanian and foreign universities (mainly Europe), but some of the degrees is coming from "other Romanian universities". I do not clame the fact that all these new, mainly private universities can not provide good education/degrees, but I have my doubts. Probably it is something personal. However, it is quite strange the fact that rather old politicians obtained their university degrees just in the last few years (Gelu Visan (2008), Peto Csilla-Maria (2006)). It is really interesting ... However, probably they realized that learning is something good and this is already some achievement.
Similar interesting phenomenon can be detected among some ministers and other high rank politicians. They do not want only to exceed in politics but also in sciences. So, some of them (Raluca Turcan, Laszlo Borbely, Elena Udrea, Ioan Nelu Botis, Beres Stefan Vasile) are enrolled in different PhD programs. This is really a remarkable effort, doing such a high class research work beside their day-to-day work in the Romanian Parliament or as heads of different ministries. Congratulation!
However, there is a minor issue here, which I can not understand, probably due to my mental limitations. How come than some poor fellas enrolled in PhD programs are working day and night to finish their thesis, publish papers in prestigious journals and conferences and they barely manage to finish in 3-6 years and these politicians can do the same beside their really important work.
Probably they should give some lectures entitled "How to finish a PhD thesis once you are in politics". It may help all those researchers who can not manage their time and work. It may happen once you are in politics the time becomes different for you. I should try this one. Probably it is working!?
If somebody can advise me in that sense, I would be really grateful. Probably I would go for a second PhD.
Nem konnyu ami ezutan kovetkezik, de valakinek le kell irnia. Ahogy irja Bill Bryson is "[I come from Des Moines.] Someone had to".
Jelen ev januar 1-tol eletbe lepett Magyarorszagon az 1993 evi LV. magyar allampolgarsagra vonatkozo torveny modositasai, miszerint minden magat magyarnak vallo szemely, -ha azt targyi bizonyitekokkal igazolni tudja-, folyamodhat magyar allampolgarsagert anelkul, hogy Magyarorszagon lakna es dolgozna. Kelet Europaban sem ujszeru az eset (lasd Romania esetet a Moldva Koztarsasagban elo romanokkal szemben), Nyugaton meg hasonlo a helyzet Spanyolorszag eseteben, amely sok Latin-Amerikai orszagban elonek biztositott mar spanyol allampolgarsagot. Europa szerte vannak ilyen torvenyek, melyek jogot biztositanak, hogy allampolgarsagi kerelemert forduljunk nemzeti identitas es hovatartozas alapjan.
Nekunk magyaroknak most erett meg a gondolat es jott el az ido, hogy mindez valosagga legyen. Ketsegtelen, jobboldali kormany kellett ehhez, a baloldal, ha nem egyeb de ideologiai szempontbol sem csinalta volna.
No persze probalkozas volt mar regebben is (lasd 2004 nepszavazast), de mint tudjuk, az csufosan elbukott. Es keletkezett a hatalmas tores magyar es magyar kozott, hataron innen es tul. Sok ember kapaszkodott ebben a lehetosegben, es sajnos az eredmeny azt mutatta, hogy rajuk (lasd hataron kivul elok) senkinek szuksege nincs, es ok sosem fognak tartozni valahova. Mindig is szamkivetettek lesznek es [talan] masodrangu polgarok olyan orszagokban, ahova a Sors vagy a Fentvalo, netan a tortenelem kenyszeritette oket.
Miert? Egy folottebb egyszeru kerdes, megis a magyarazat 100 ev. Igen, pontosan 100 ev, csak sokunkban mar megkoptak a szamok, masok fejeben be sem vesodtek. De hat ilyen a vilag. Ma ilyen, holnap olyan, es mi meg csak uszunk az arral es remenykedunk. Mast nem tehetunk. Keressuk a valaszt, de a valasz a nagyszuleinknel van, netan a dedszuleinknel, akik megertek, akik megeltek a mult szazadfordulot es a nagy haborukat, es a vele jaro fajdalmakat, szenvedest, ehezest, nyomort es igazsagtalansagokat. A valaszok naluk vannak es nem nalunk. Mi esetleg probaljuk tovabb adni oket, de a valaszok ott es akkor szulettek es nem itt es most.
A ket nagy haboru (1914-1918, 1939-45) utan Europa rajott, hogy ilyen tobbe nem fordulhat elo az oreg kontinensen -habar ennek ellenere megengedtek a Del-szlav valtsagot-, de mikor rajottek, mar tul keso volt, es egy foldarabolt, izzekre szakitott Europa kozott acsarkodott a Nyugat es Kelet es kozepen a sok-sok artatlan ember, akinek a feje folott tolvonasokkal dontottek egy tavoli orszagban. Nalunk [lasd Erdely es mas elszakadt teruletek (Vajdasag, Felvidek)] meg csak harangoztak es gyaszba oltozott a nemzet. Ok akkor tudtak es ereztek a miertekre a valaszt.
Es ma? Ma sincs mindenre valasz, de egy kis igazsag osztas tortent, es ennek orvendek. Sajnalom, hogy nagyszuleim es sokak nagyszulei nem erhettek meg ezt a pillanatot, mert elsonek oket illetne meg a jog, de remelem, hogy utodaik buszken viszik tovabb e felelosseg sulyat, es tesznek azert, hogy az eljovendo generaciok is tudjanak rola, hogy voltak miertek es sokukra meg ma sincs valasz.
Az erem masik oldala. Mit kezd egy kis orszag, mint Magyarorszag egy ekkora tomeggel? Mindenki papirt kap arrol, hogy magyar es nem csak a sziveben kell hordozza ezt a terhet, hanem buszken lobogtathajta "a pocsetes irast" is rola, de felkeszult teljes jogu polgaraiva is fogadni ezen ujdonsult polgarokat?
A velemenyem, hogy nem, es nem is lenne igazsagos, hogy egyik naprol a masikra minden joban-rosszban reszesuljenek olyanok, akik ezert fizikailag nem tettek semmit. Hasonlo a helyzet a szavazati joggal is, es itt van talan a legnagyobb dilemma. Ha allampolgar valaki, annak szavazati joga is kell legyen, igy alkotmanyos minden valamirevalo demokraciaban. De szerintem ezen emberek nagyresze sosem akar Magyarorszagra koltozni, ahogy azt felik a romaniai, magukat politikusoknak nevezok, es megis hasonlo jogot elvezzenek azzal aki az orszagban el, dolgozik, adozik es tolja a nemzet szekeret elore? Nem talalom meltanyosnak, de sajnos a 2/3 tobbseg nehany tollvonassal modosithat Alkotmanyt, es akkor egyertelmu, hogy nyertek nehany szazezer, netan millio szavazot. Ez pedig elkerulendo!
Ugy erzem, hogy a rendszervaltas ota, ez a magyar diplomacia legnagyobb sikere annak erdekeben, hogy a tortenelem igazsagtalansagait helyrehozzak, de nem szeretnem ha mindezt felaldoznak a szemelyes celok oltaran. Kivancsi vagyok lesznek eleg bolcsek hozza? ... Felo, hogy nem, de talan megis?!
Egy kis osszeeskuves elmelet roman modra
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Wednesday, January 26, 2011Csak szet kell nezni, es rogvest latjuk, hogy Romania nagyon elsullyed(t) a gazdasagi valtsag habjaiban es jelen pillanatban menthetetlen. A kormany oldal tesz amit tesz(?), inkabb csak mondja, hogy tesz, de a szomoru valosag, hogy semmi jele nincs annak, hogy latnank a tavolban egy [esetleges] mentoovet. Es ami erdekes, meg ha nem is tesznek semmit, de egy jol kidolgozott kommunikacios strategiaval bizony vihetnek valamire. Es az nem kerulne annyiba, mint valoszinuleg amit valojaban be kellene fektetni. Es ennek ellenere, nem es nem.
Ahhoz, hogy barmilyen megszorito intezkedest at tudjon vinni egy kormany, azt megfeleloen kell kommunikalni es meg kell magyarazni az embereknek a sok "miert"-et. Erdekes modon a jelenlegi demokrata liberalis kormany erre nem aldoz, sot nagyon is gyenge a kommunikacios politikaja. Mig az ellenzek eleg komoly es rangos szemelyeket "delegal" a TV adasokba (innen jut el a legtobb informacio a tomegekhez), veluk szemben nagyon gyengen kepzett, sok esetben analfabetanak tuno szemelyek ulnek. Latszik rajtuk, hogy part utasitasra cselekednek, de nem csak a gazdasag lesz rajtuk urra, hanem a kommunikacio is es a korlatoltsaguk is.
Ezt tudatosan csinaljak? Ha igen, akkor ki es miert? Netan sejtik, hogy elvesztik a jovo evi valasztasokat akar az MSZP a FIDESZ-el szemben 2010-ben, es nem latjak mar ertelmet energiat fektetni bele? Nem tudom, neha nem ertem, de en vagyok korlatolt.
Szinten fura, hogy a roman politikaban egyre jobban kezd meghonosodni egy nagyon alacsony szintu beszed stilus, mintha a piacon lennenk. Nem szabad elfeledni, hogy ez olyan kommunista hagyomany, hogy a munkas osztalynak adjuk a szerepet es az ertelmiseget mellozzuk. Nem kell tovabb menni, az elnok ur T. B. elo pelda erre. Olyan szinten beszel egy orszag szine elott, hogy en szegyelem magam, raadasul meg nem is anyanyelvem a roman. No persze van sok mas kozszereplo aki szinten kitesz magaert, de ha egy orszag elnoke csak igy tud beszelni, akkor ne is varjunk sokkal tobbet masoktol.
Megjegyzes: Szet lehet nezni a vilagban, es rogvest kiderul, hogy a legtobb orszag elnoke (Nemetorszag, Franciaorszag, Olaszorszag, Amerikai Egyesult Allamok, stb.), eleg komoly kepzesben reszesult es komoly szerepe volt az illeto orszagban. Sajnos ez Romaniaban nem mondhato el. Es minden allamfoi talalkozon latszik, hogy mekkora a megvetes iranta, de ez ertheto is.
Nowadays we have Internet and broadband and social networks. Of course such networking facilities raise a lot of questions mainly related to privacy issues but I think once you have posted something (status, photos, thoughts) you should be aware of being public. It is like a coming out process. It is not about the network but rather about you. You WANT to be public. However, there should be a clear boarder between information and information. Unfortunately, some they can not really manage this issue and they post really private matters which can damage their life, carrier or even the life of others. This is bad and stupid.
The question is, social networks like Facebook or micro blogs like Twitter are the hype specially in US but it is getting popular also in Europe but do we need them? Are they important? We do not realize, probably 99% of the users does not, that all these networks were not really created for you and your friends but rather for something else. Can you imagine how many images are uploaded to Facebook on daily basis? Millions. In a regular day 60,000,000 twits are exchanged over the network. So what else is this than if not DATA. We give our data to them. It is that simple. We provide well annotated data for free!
I blog myself and use Facebook and I try to separate private issues from those shared trough these networks, pages, twits, etc. but I do not know the real balance between the advantages and drawbacks. Till know I had just positive impressions about all this stuff but it might happen to change my mind. You never know?!
However, think first and act afterward! It might be a good strategy.
The question is, social networks like Facebook or micro blogs like Twitter are the hype specially in US but it is getting popular also in Europe but do we need them? Are they important? We do not realize, probably 99% of the users does not, that all these networks were not really created for you and your friends but rather for something else. Can you imagine how many images are uploaded to Facebook on daily basis? Millions. In a regular day 60,000,000 twits are exchanged over the network. So what else is this than if not DATA. We give our data to them. It is that simple. We provide well annotated data for free!
I blog myself and use Facebook and I try to separate private issues from those shared trough these networks, pages, twits, etc. but I do not know the real balance between the advantages and drawbacks. Till know I had just positive impressions about all this stuff but it might happen to change my mind. You never know?!
However, think first and act afterward! It might be a good strategy.
Fura dolgok tortentek a tegnap. Nem vagyok egy almodozo tipus es habar mindenki almodik, eleg keves alkalommal sikerul(t) emlekeznem arra, hogy mit almodtam. No persze ezen azert lehet segiteni. Egy nagyon kedves pszihologus ismerosom (akihez nagyon eros szalak fuznek meg korai gyerekkorom ota) elmeselte, hogy hogyan. Reggel, mikor eppen megebredunk, nem nyitjuk ki a szemunket, nagyon erosen koncentralunk arra, hogy mit almodtunk es rogvest leirjuk. No persze nyitott szemmel, de ha megy anelkul is, akkor csak rajta.
Es most egy ilyen alkalom volt szamomra is. Almodtam. Nem tudom a korulmenyeket, de annyi bizonyos, hogy elvesztettem valamit es kerestem. Es kerestem es kerestem es nem talaltam. Es elegge komoly dologrol volt szo, valoszinu egy laptop tunt el es az nekem nagyon kellett. Es mikor rajottem, hogy nem talalom meg, akkor tudatosult bennem, hogy ebredjenek fel, mert akkor megkerul. Szoval a tudatos en felulkerekedett a tudatalattin. Elkepeszto. Csodalatos. Megmagyarazhatatlan.
I just got a book recently and I found and interesting question on those pages. The Bible is mentioning as birth place of Jesus Bethlehem, a small city in West Bank belonging nowadays to the Palestinian Authorities.
"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Micah 5:2 King James' Bible)
Why exactly on that city south from Jerusalem the Saviour was born? It could have been some other bigger cities like Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, etc? Why exactly that small city? Does it have any importance? It could have been somewhere else either, don't you think?
To be or not to be a Schengen member state
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Saturday, January 08, 2011A few days ago some rummors started about to hold up the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen agreement by the big shots of the EU, Germany and France. The Romanian Government sustained the fact that there will be no delay and they are ready to join the agreement as a full member in March 27.
However, yesterday some EU officials in Bruxelles made it clear: there will be no new extension in March even though the new Hungarian EU presidency at least on a word level is supporting the new candidates. I think the stupid officials and the president T.B. realized finally the complete failure. So what they did? They changed the political debate. Now it is not important anymore the delay but rather they claim not being treated as equal partner. Of course nobody is to be blamed for this failure.
Dear Romania! This country and its population will never be treated as equal partner in a high level talk in EU. Some conditions in Romania remind us the Middle Age and we do not have either the politicians neither the economical strength to be considered as [equal] partners. We joined the EU because it was inevitable. No economical conditions have been fulfilled but we are now a member state. We should accept these facts and act accordingly.
The year has started and we have ahead a long year. Many things to do, many event will come and we will be part of it. Otherwise, we will be just simple spectators.
Can the world handle the economical crisis? Can we stop or prevent the natural disasters? Is gone be any war between Israel and the neighboring countries? Are any chances for Romania to be labeled as a Schengen state? What kind of new gadget will appear on the market? How successful will be the Hungarian presidency over the EU member states? Iran is gone build or not its nuclear arsenal? What about the euro zone? ...
Endless questions and no answers, yet! We should wait and see. However, we can act responsible to change the world for living in a better place. Do the same! Don't be a careless spectator!
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