Nos hat szo szerint ilyen a mostani unnep. Semmi politika, semmi TV es szenny, hanem sokkal inkabb csak a csalad es a baratok. Meg a szamitogep is hatterbe szorult, kimaradtak az ujsag olvasasok, es minden egyeb (lasd pl. Dexter). Tokeletes.

Sejtem januarban ujra visszater a politika iranti ehsegem, de most nem erdekel. Sem a miniszterelnok, sem a miniszterei, sem Koreaban a groteszk jelenetek a Vezer ravatalanal, sem semmi. Nem erdekel(t) a politika. Meg azon is csak nevettem, mikor megkerdeztek Frunda urat, hogy: "Mi az RMDSZ-re vagy a PDL-re szavaztunk?", es csak kinos hummoges volt a valasz az eterben (lasd Gaga Radio) a szenator ur reszerol. Valahogy nem erdekelt.

Erezni az otthont, erezni azokat akik fontosak, errol szol(t) az unnep es szerencsere meg nincs vege es ujabb csodalatos napok kovetkeznek. Ismerosokkel talalkozni, labon bekapni 2 pohar bort egy reg nem latott ismerossel a Zanza Kavezoban, mert kulonben szabadulni sem lehet tole, megcsodalni egy ujonnan berendezett hazat, ejszakaba nyulo borozasok, ez az ami igazan fontos.

A politika megvar jovore is, es lesz idom azzal is foglalkozni, de most az otthon, a csalad, a baratok, a gyerekek es minden ami igazan szamit.

A mai magyar vezetes utmutatot irhatna a nevetsegesse valasbol. Ugy tunik, hogy zsigerbol csinaljak es meg buszkek is ra. Ez a legnagyobb gond. Kovetkezetessegbol meg jelesre buknak es amint latom hamar felejtenek.

Engedetlensegre buzditottak nehany eve, ma a jelenlegi ellenzek csinalja ugyanezt, de ez ma mar nem jo. Ha az ellenzek kivonul a Parlament uleseirol, akkor azzal vadoljak oket, hogy akadalyozzak a torvenyhozast, habar ok is evekig ezt csinaltak. No es persze "kutya adot" vetnek ki, hogy "vedelmezzek a magyar kutya fajtakat". Ma holnap ha nem viselunk vitezkoteses mentet, talan mar akkor is adot kell fizetnunk, hisz nem vagyunk elegge "magyarok".

Fura, hogy mara mar ellensegek, de a Romaniai Magyar Demokrata Szovetseg is hasonloan populista maszlaggal eteti a szavazoit. Magyar utcanevekrol beszel, magyar iskolakrol regel, es ezzel etetik a szavazoikat evek ota, es annak ellenere, hogy semmilyen gazdasagi intezkedeseket nem szorgalmaznak, butitjak a nepet. Szerencsere Erdelyben mar sokak raebredtek a szavak mogotti uressegre, es ez remelhetoleg latszani is fog a jovo evi valasztasokban. Mar azt sem tudjak, hogy magukat jobb vagy baloldalinak nevezzek. Barkivel szovetkeznek a hatalom morzsaiert. Ok a roman politika cedai.

Igy van ez sajna a mai magyar -magat politikai elitnek nevezo- tarsasaggal is. Hibat hibara halmoznak, naprol-napra nevetsegesebbe valnak es ami a legrosszabb, hogy az orszag megy megy tonkre. No persze teszik mindezt a "magyar csaladokert".

Ui. Remelem, hogy majd valaki oket is szamon keri, es talan akkor a gog es az arrogancia majd hatterbe szorul. A hazugsagokert mindenkinek felelnie kell!

Today is Christmas. One nice day of the year, probably the most important one for christians all over the word. They celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Savior.

"But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, though you are small among all clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be the ruler over Israel, whose origins are of old, from ancient times." (Micah 5:2)

Everybody is going home for Christmas, to celebrate with the family. It is all about faith, family and love. Of course Santa Claus is also involved due to the consumer society but this is another story.

Probably many of you have already youe own house, apartment and once you are back home in the house of your parents, the house of your youth, something amazing is happening. You can get back your bed, your old room, your shoe box with plenty of "precious" things inside and somehow you just go back in time. You are a kid again and you enjoy the Christmas with your loved ones in that old room of yours full of memories.

It is not just Christmas anymore but an emotional bond too, which gives a special felling of Christmas. I Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Enjoy Christmas, enjoy your family and never forget to be a kid!

Nos kezdjuk az elejen. Ma (marmint ez kedd, december 20.) kb. 3 orat aludtam, utana ebredes, papir es uveg hulladek elszallitasa a kozeli begyujtobe, egy kis kitero a bankautomatanal, majd meg az utolso csokik megvasarlasa, es maris lehetett volna indulni. Igen csak eppen kimaradt a csomagolas. Uram mit nem adnek ha ez a csomagolas dolog kimaradhatna …. az eletembol.

De nem maradt ki, igy hat tetszett vagy sem, ezt is meg kellett csinalni. No es persze az ido meg csak kattant elore, es meg mindig nem volt vege az aldatlan csomagolasi hadmuveletnek. Ki talalta ki a csomagot? Az ember egyetlen kis hatizsakkal kellene utazzon, mint azt tettuk regebb. Emlekszem, nekem valami katona zold hatizsakom volt, es nagyon buszke voltam ra, de hat manapsag az embereknek elment a jozan eszuk, es mindenukkel utaznak, beleertve ruhat, vizet, parfumot, kiskutya, kismacska, mojo-t, ilyen outfit, olyan outfit no es persze talan erdemes lenne kulon fejezetet szentelni, hogy mi minden elektromos kutyu nem lapul a nepek borondjeben, taskaiban, vagy netan hatizsakjaiban.

Hat kezdjuk a telefonnal, utana a laptop, az ujabb generaciok mar netbook (ez amolyan osszepreselt netbook, de a kedves holgyek meregdraga retikuljebe is befer, es persze ada Steve az iPad-et es annak, szin, meret es tulajdonsagokkal tarkitott utodait. Nos hat igy nezunk ki roviden. Egy amolyan kis elektromos kommunikacios arzenal.

Ketsegtelen, arra, hogy mit rejt egy holgy taskaja, azt jobb tole megkerdezni, mert erre meg vallalkozni sem mernek. Remenytelen!

No de maradjunk csak az utazasnal. Legivasut es busz combo volt szukseges, hogy eljussak a repterre, es miutan a viragaimat megontoztem es bucsut intettem nekik, el is indultam a zuhogo esoben, mert hat jol kellett induljon a nap, nem de? El is aztam ugy rendesen, de uromben az orom, hogy elertem a buszt, es meg is erkeztem 1 oraval a gepem indulasa elott a Dortmund-i Repterre. Csodalatos!

No de leven, hogy csoda nincs, hamar ra kellett jonnom, hogy ahelyett, hogy 5:00 pm otthon lehessek Marosvasarhelyen, Wizzair-ek ugy dontottek, hogy elvezzem inkabb a repter vendegszeretetet meg kb. 5 ora es 30 percig, hisz valoszinu nem volt ra meg alkalmam igazan megismerkednem minden szegletevel. Es persze ilyenkor szokott jonni az a sok […] amit most kihagyok, de erdekes modon nem jott semmi. Marmint az nem jott ami ilyenkor szokott, bizonyos szavak sorrendben, majd az idegeskedes mertekevel egyenesen aranyosan egyre kaotikusabb sorrendben valo ismetelgetese, ahol igencsak szerepett kapott volna a Wizzair. Es persze a magyar nyelv egyik sajatsaga, hogy mindezen monologra jo sok cifra szoval szolgal, es lehet oket ragozni es osszetenni oly mertekben, hogy 15 percig nem is kell ismetelnunk magunkat. No persze a hangutanzo szavak is fontosak a magyar nyelvben, nem tagadom, de most eppen mas kategoriaban osztunk nyerteseket.

Meglepodtem, mert nem igy tortent, marmint a fentebb emlitett szavakkal. A 4 euros voucher-en is csak nevetni tudtam, hisz sokra nem eleg, talan egy uditore, de minden egyszerre viccesse alakult, es semmi haragot nem ereztem. Mosolyogtam, nezelodtem, megismertem a repter minden szegletet es zugat, sikerul beszereznem nehany kis ajandekot is, melynek sokak majd orvendeni is fognak. Kakaot ittam, ebedeltem es rajottem, hogy a varakozas is lehet erdekes, ha azt ugy eljuk meg. Szerintem volt mar alkalmam nehanyszor varakozni, de ez a varakozas telik a legjobban. Ugy erzem az elme gyozedelmeskedett a puszta emberi leten (lasd ego) es ez hatalmas dolog.

Mar 4 oraja vagyok itt es egyetlen pillanatot sem untam, sot mindegyik momentumat eme hosszadalmas varkozasnak tudasom szerint a legjobban kihasznaltam Van egy dolgozatom amit ki kellene javitanom, illetve egy modelt fel kellene epiteni a semmibol, akar csak tette azt Bolyai a geometriaval (marmint azzal, hogy ahol a parhuzamosak talalkoznak es a haromszog szogeinek osszege is megtaltosodik, hisz furan viselkedik a pszeudoszfera oldalan) es meg millio mindent lehet csinalni. Figyelni hogyan valtozik az ember folyam, kik esznek, kis isznak, kik azok akik kaveznak, kik azok akik hangoskodnak, ki olvas es maris sztatisztikak tomkeleget lehet meghatarozni. Es van arra is ido, hogy az unnepen elmelkedjunk, hisz az eves-ivas-mulatas es ajandekozas mogott sok mas is rejlik, de ma ez mar letunt dolognak latszik.

Egyszeruen varazslatos latni, hogy mi mindenre vagyunk kepesek gondolni, mi minden foglalkoztat minket, es mi minden az amit meg is tudunk valositani. Bizony mondom nektek, ha az ido vegtelen lenne (lasd emberi viszonylatban, vagyis a viszonyitasi rendszer az ember, akkor hatalmas es elkepzelhetetlen dolgokkal lepnenk meg mi emberek ezt a vilagot.

Ui. Remelem idovel sikerul is feltolteni eme bejegyzest, ami ekvivalens azzal a tennyel, hogy sikeresen meg is erkeztem Marosvasarhelyre. Es ha sikerult, akkor arrol Google Nagy Testver is ertesul!

Latom kezdunk ugy viselkedni, mint a gorogok. Szoval penzt kerunk kolcsont, de garanciakat nem akarunk, vagy nem tudunk felmutatni annak erdekeben, hogy bebizonyitsuk, hogy kepesek vagyunk a adossagot idoben torleszteni. Kivancsi vagyok meddig fog tartani ez a gog es buszkeseg, ami sajnos penz nelkul nem tarthato, de ezt a vezer is tudja?!

A gyengebbek kedveert vetitsuk le az egesz problemat ket fizikai szemelyre. Ha en kerek valakitol kolcsont, az illeto szemely csak ugy ad nekem kolcsont, ha megbizik bennem (ez a penzintezet eseteben nem alkalmazhato) vagy ugy iteli meg a masik fel, hogy kepes vagyok a megegyezett idore osszegyujteni a penzt. Mi ebben olyan nehez megerti?

Talan holnap nalunk is tunteteseket kellene szervezni es nacizmussal megvadolni az IMF-et, hisz nem ad csak ugy penzt, garanciak nelkul. Tanulnunk kellene a gorogoktol!

Manapsag a szuveranitas luxus, es Magyarorszag nem engedheti meg ezt a fajta dozsolest, meg ha ez jol is hangzana Orban elvtars populista diszkurzusaban.

"A penz beszel, a kutya ugat." Sajna manapsag Magyarorszag es annak diszes vezetese inkabb csak ugat.

Da. Asa as putea-o caracteriza. USL a pierdut presedentia Senatului dupa debarcarea cu show si tam-tam a domnului Geoana, care nu numai ca a pierdut scaunul si pozitia de al doilea om in stat, dar a fost si exclus din partidul domniei sale. E cam ciudat ca un om in care si-au pus toate sperantele, acum este un outsider fara mari puteri in Parlament.

Interesant, ca nici unul din "liderii de marca" nu prea au comentat prostia lui Ponta, si se plateste la greu, dar prostia si domnia (versiunea Ponta) trebuie platit fara culoare politica. Ma intreb cum va explica liderul PSD in fata partidului prostia facuta? Iarasi se adevereste ca Ponta nu este omul care poate salva Romania. Se pare ca este nu numai tanar ci si prost, si nu prea ii ies calculele si procentele ravnite de USL (60%) scad pe zi ce trece. Nu sunt sigur daca vor reusi sa rastoarne guvernul actual PDL-UDMR-UNPR.

Hogy beindul(t) azt sejtettem, de hogy mikor azt nem tudtam megitelni. Ugy veszem eszre, hogy az IMF-el kotott megallapodas miatt mas nem maradt, mint a kommunikacio, mert hat valamit kellett mondani azok utan, hogy a vezerkar (lasd Matolcsy penzugyminiszter) nehany honapja egyhanguan elutasitotta egy esetleges kolcson lehetoseget hangoztatva, hogy "a haza nem elado". Fura, de mara elado?

Kosa kepviselo ma vedi a kormany donteset, leven, hogy az IMF-nek a veluk kotott szerzodes nagyon jo, csak az ellenzeknek a hasonlo szerzodese nem jo. No persze ahogy latom, a tisztelt kepviselo ur nem latja a sajat szemeben a deszkat, de rogvest felfedezi a szalkat politikai ellenfeleinel. Nevetseges, de mar nem sirok, hanem inkabb nevetek rajtuk, es nezem, hogy mennyire kepesek meg sullyedni a hatalom morzsaiert.

O forint leertekelodesert is van hibas. Ok! Masok! Mindenkeppen nem mi (lasd jelenlegi vezetes)! Mi? Mi nem vagyunk hibasak, hogy is lennenk? Kulso erok komplotalnak ellenunk, es emiatt all a forint azon a tortenelmi szinten, amely nem eppen ad okot remenykedesre es joletre. Ezt ma a szakmaban "a felelosseg atharitasanak" hivjak, es a kommunikacio egyik legolcsobb eszkoze a butitasra. Valos felelosoket talalni konnyu, de nehez oket lerakni a polcrol, igy hat bevetjuk az olcso trukkot ami nem kerul semmibe! Csodalatos! Bravo! Igy kell ezt csinalni!

Strange. Today Mircea Geoana was expelled from its own camp, the Social Democrate Party. This guy was the presidential candidate two years ago and right now is a "political leper". Nobody likes him and 90% of the party officials voted against him. Interesting.

I am just wondering what kind of message is sent to the electorate by the opposition parties doing such a "public execution" of one of its leaders?! How such an opposition is able to win the elections in 2012? Honestly, I have serious doubts and I am certainly sure the Ponta-Antonescu tandem will not solve the problems of Romania. They do not represent a reliable solution.

P.S. The comments of Mr. Geoana after the vote were completely unprofessional. Calling his own colleagues and party Bolshevik, and its leader a marionette of Iliescu and Nastase did not helped him but rather showed that he is not able to accept his defeat. It seems the history repeats in the party. A few years ago Nastase was also banned from the higher positions and at that time Geoana was the leader of the same party. Would it be a possible payback? [...]

Orommel olvasom, hogy a kormanyzati part ma mind ezt igy gondolja (lasd megujulas), habar ahogy veszem azt eszre, a megujulas abban mutatkozik, hogy a forint tortenelmi csucsra hagott es 315 forintert cserel gazdat egy euro. Szep teljesitmeny! Ezt nevezem en is megujulasnak! Sejtem a "Huzzunk bele!" gyurcsanyi jeligen felbuzdulva ujitjak az orszagot [annak karara], de mit szamit, fo, hogy uj dolgokat elunk meg es mindezt "a Vezer" jovoltabol.

(Megjegyzes: A napokban olvastam reszletesebben a nagyerdemu oneletrajzat, es be kell vallanom, hogy holmi szociologus gyakornoki allas mellett sok komoly szakmai kihivasnak nem kellett megfelelni, mert meg ha a Nagy Imre ujratemetesen elmondott beszed komolyan nyom is a latban, mas [sajnos] nem igazan van. No persze a labdarugo mult is szamit, de mashol. Talan megfordult a vilag es a Vezer elvesztette az iranyt es sajat kapujat celozgatja. Gondolom ez is resze a megujulasi strategianak csak ezt meg nem kommunikaltak a gyulesen (leven, hogy elmaradt ....). Nem is mernem mondjuk osszehasonlitani Bajnai Gordon volt miniszterelnok oneletrajzaval, mert bizony egyik igencsak csorbat szenvedne. A Bajnai hasonlat mellett sok mas hasonlat talalhato ..., csak, hogy nehogy felreertes essek.)

Erdekes az is, hogy a megujulas abban mutatkozik, hogy elnezzuk az adocsaloknak a nem bevallott osszegeket, vagyis magyarul az egyszeru magyar aki befizeti az adojat latja, hogy az aki nem fizeti be az is ma-holnap a "jok" koze fog tartozni. No es persze menekitik az emberek a penzuket az orszagbol es mondhatom joggal. Amikor eljottem Magyarorszagrol 250 ft-ert valtottak egy eurot, ma mindez mar 315 ft. Ez ha nem tevedek kb 20% inflaciot jelent, de sebaj, "Magyaroszag megujul". Bevallom, ily megujulasban nem vagyok erdekelt. No es ma holnap leertekelik az orszagot is, ami ujabb "megujulashoz" vezet, es a kolcsonoket ezutan "megujult" kamatokert osztjak majd, de sebaj, a fontos az ujulas, akarom mondani megujulas.

A megujult munkahelyekrol nem is akarok beszelni (lasd 1M munkahely), mert akkor mar oly merteku megujulasrol cikkezhetem melyet jomagam sem tudok majd megerteni vagy tan csak akkor leszek jomagam is teljesen megujulva. Ki tudhatna? Talan V. vagy tan a "megujulas" maga? [...]

Ui. Es sajna mindezek ellenere vannak meg sokan akik vakon hiszik mindent amit a felcsuti fotbalista hint a nepnek! Messianikus uzenetet velek felfedezni: "engedjetek hozzam jonni a megujulokat".

Pe meleagurile noastre astazi auzim de "sus Guvern" si mai nou si mai precipitat "jos Guvern", si credibilitate zero, adica mai nimic si pe buna dreptate. Presedintele meu ne asigura in 2008 ca va ocoli criza Romania, dar s-a inselat. [...] Nu se vor micsora salariile si pensiile si iarasi nu a avut dreptate. Nu ne imprumutam de la FMI, pe cand astazi ne-am vandut si sufletul, asa ca data viitoare ar fi cam cazul sa punem pe Dealul Mitropoliei un reprezentat al FMI si mai putin niste moaste sa ne inchinam. Pe moment tandemul Basescu-Boc se cam duce pe Apa Sambetei, dar din sursa se naste unul nou, asa numitul tandem Antonescu-Ponta.

Oricine e mai bine decat un marinar la carma tarii, care se pare ca "uita" sa declare niste venituri si cumpara niste vile "cat China" sa il parafrazez pe un bun prieten. Totusi am o certitudine, ca nici acest tandem nascut in cotloanele USL nu e de bine, si cu trecerea timpului unii si-au dat deja seama ca desi profesorul de istorie are ceva clasa si tinuta, totusi nu este cu mult peste tot amintitul marinar de cursa lunga. (De Ponta nu vreau sa vorbesc caci numai de premier nu e bun, dar va ramane istoria sa judece acest lucru.)

Interesant este ca "greii din partid", precum senatorul Vosganian si-a dat seama ca acest tandem e la fel de fragil si nu poarta in sine ceva stabil, de durata si de incredere, asa ca pornesc campania PR pentru a crea un nou mit: "tandemul credibil". Pentru a face acest lucru, senatorul propune ca "personalitati" sa ajute la credibilizarea incredibilului. Daca nu avem mituri le cream! .... Si vezi asa, s-a creat "mitul credibilitatii"!

Ce este comun intr-un un marinar de cursa lunga si un profesor de istorie? E simplu. Unul e presedinte, celalalt vrea sa fie presedinte. Si chiar daca lupta in tabere adverse, desi doctrina lor de partid le propulseaza in aceiasi dreapta a esichierului politic romanesc, din pacate cu trecerea timpului ne dam seama ca se aseamana. Desi actualul presedinte e de neegalat prin tot ce face, posibilul presedinte ii cam calca pe urme.

La alegerile din 2009 Geoana a pierdut in fata lui Basescu, caci vizita la Vantu l-a cam dezavantajat si lumea si-a dat seama ca ar fi fost mai bine Antonescu, dar in ultimii ani oamenii si-au dat seama ca Antonescu nu doreste nimic altceva decat sa fie presedinte. Da e cea mai mare functie in stat, dar din pacate Antonescu nu e omul care trebuie nici chiar cu Ponta la carma executivului.

Ultima gafa de comunicatie a unui candidat la presedintie sa numeasca o doamna invarsta "pensionara nesimtita". Inca nu am ajuns la "tiganca imputita", dar suntem pe drumul cel bun. Incep sa inteleg de ce discursul in Romania a ajuns la un nivel de mahala.

P.S. Doamna respectiva a iesit la pensie si pe moment acumuleaza pensia si banii luati de la TVR, care intradevar e o nesimtire, caci avem someri la gramada, dar sa califici acest lucru la maxima audienta in acest fel, arata nivelul adevarat al unui posibil presedinte al Romaniei.

E bine sa stii ca MS Regele Mihai I nu va ajunge la acest tip de discurs si asta dovedeste diferenta de clasa dintre un monarh, un marinar si un profesor care nici macar n-a profesat mult timp.

Amazing. Of course everybody was aware that the big shots of EU will manage the crisis and they will help out Greece in this financial crisis but slashing 50% of the debts that is really something.

I am certainly sure in the next couple of weeks/months there will be some other country asking the same debts cut. The precedent was created! Spend the money guys, spend the money! There will be no consequence! It is nice to be an EU member in the euro zone!

Nu sunt regalist, caci nu stiu cum era inainte de 1947, dar un lucru e cert. Omul acesta are ceva ce le lipseste actualilor guvernanti. Numai unii s-au nascut cu dreptul de a conduce o tara, ceilalti doar incearca cu mai mult sau mai putin succes.

Astazi MS Regele Mihai I implineste varsta de 90 de ani, si dupa 65 de ani, se adreseaza din nou poporului roman in Parlamentul Romaniei. Cred ca a fost un moment istoric, solemn si sunt mandru ca am trait acest moment si am putut "asista" la acest moment. Nu ma intereseaza cine a organizat (vezi P.H. si partidele PNL si PSD) evenimentul dar a fost un moment magic si de neuitat.

Tot eu ma rusinez, sa vad ca presedintele meu si prim-ministrul actual al Romaniei lipsesc de la eveniment pe baza unor false atributii. Si marilor minti luminate se alatura si ministrii (cu exceptia lui Predoiu si ministrilor de la UDMR). Asta se numeste pe romaneste prostie si incultura, dar cred ca de la un marinar nu prea putem sa ne asteptam la mai mult. Este ceva care nu le face cinste, dar poate au nevoie de ceva ragaz sa consulte DEX-ul, sa inteleaga adevaratul sens al cuvantului "cinste" si "respect".

Se tem pentru scaune? Nu au de ce, dar totusi au preferat sa nu omagieze acest demnitar care a facut mai mult pentru tara decat toti acestia la un loc. Lipsa de scoala, lipsa de educatie si-a aratat adevarata fata. Ma bucur insa foarte tare ca cei multi chiar daca sunt impotriva monarchiei au fost acolo si s-au comportat asa cum se cuvine si au omagiat un adevart sef de stat, singurul in viata care si-a spus cuvantul la sfarsitul razboiului. Regele Mihai I e deja parte integranta a istoriei pe cand acesti parveniti doar spera sa ajunga niste nume [de uitat] pe o fila de carte. Sa nu uitam de Iliescu care nu l-a lasat pe rege sa isi viziteze tara! Doar in 1997, datorita lui Emil Constantinescu i-a fost permis sa intre in tara si sa primeasca pasaport romanesc. (Comentariu: Merita vazut intregul discurs si cum Iliescu este evitat! Super si merita sa fie tratat ca atare.)

Ps. Sincer sa fiu de cativa ani am incercat sa ma joc cu ideea de monarhie constitutionala, si putem sa vedem ca functionaza de minune in Spania, Anglia, Suedia, Olanda. In Romania? Nu sunt ferm convins ca ar functiona, dar personal mi-ar face mare placere ca nu un marinar sa semneze legile votate de Parlament ci un suveran care are harul si menirea de a semna asemenea documente de importanta majora pentru natiune.

Mar igencsak kezdett hianyozni a magyar nyelv, es leven, hogy irasom temaja Magyarorszag es annak becses polgarai, orommel kovetek el szentsegtorest magyarul.

Az ido telik es telik es egyre rosszabb hirek szalingoznak Pannonia mezejerol. Az euro csak ugy szarnyal [sajna a nep karara], egyre tobb a fizetes keptelen csalad, de sebaj, Gyurcsany szavaival elve "duborog a gazdasag". Nos hat lehet duborog, csak a hangjat nem hallani, sem otthon, sem itt, ahol tenyleg duborognek a dolgok (lasd Nemetorszag).

A minap megjelent egy nagyon eles hangu biralat a Washington Post hasabjan, amelyben Orban elvtarsat "Lukashenko lite" verziojanak tartanak, pontosabban a politikajat. Nincs is mit meselni, mert ez boven eleg es nagyon szomoru. Nem tartottam Gyurcsanyt jo vezetonek, sot, de nem emlekszem, hogy hasonlo jelzokkel illettek volna. Bajnai sem kapott ilyen jelzoket es ma o a John Hopkins Egyetem vendegtanara. Egyesek ott oktatnak masok Felcsuton, netan az Astorianal. Erdemes ezen elgondolkozni, no persze nem azoknak akik vakon hisznek a vezerben, mert ott az eszerveknek sincs [sok] eselyuk.

Ami pedig a millio munkahelyet illeti, nem is mondom, mert egyszeruen nevetseges, de az emberek bedoltek es a munkahelyek meg sehol. Es nem is igazan latszik, hogy melyik evezredben lesz ennyi munkahely, de majd talan a vezer erre is tudja a valaszt, Matolcsy urral egyetemben.

A hab a tortan, hogy az oktober 23-an, a 1956-os magyar forradalom unnepen, Orban Viktor nem unnepel a hiveivel, es ennek okaert nem is lesz Fidesz [butitas] az Astorianal, vagy most, hogy ok vannak a polcon, akar tehetnek az Orszaghaz elott is. Ertheto, hogy a vezer nem lesz, hisz Brusszelben "vedi a nemzet erdekeit". Fura, habar, talan is annyira, hogy nincs a bard es a mulatsagnak is annyi. Vagyis ujabb pelda arra, hogy a Fidesz egyszemelyes part, mert masok vagy nem tudnak ugy szonokolni (sajnos inkabb csak a retorika es kevesbe a tartalom a fontos manapsag) vagy felnek, hogy az unneplok netan szamon kerik rajtuk a munkahelyeket, az euro szarnyalasat es a "magyar joletet".

You can see such "special edition" things on TV channels on some particular occasions. President Obama during the State of the Union is addressing the american nation (once a year), the deadly tsunami and and earthquake earlier this year in Japan covered by CNN and other major news channels, the Nobel prize award ceremony, the Oscars (Academy Award), the royal wedding of Prince William and Miss Kate Middleton, etc. can be considered as special editions in the life of a news channel. They are really major events on the planet and many people are interested in such special editions. Of course such event do not occur often.

I do not know what is happening, but in Romania we have special editions each night. The romanian news channels advertise their talk-shows as being special editions all the time. Almost each night there is a breaking news. We have to admit we are special.

Either you listen your president addressing an audience at London School of Economics using an English which is kind of strange in order not to use more harsh epithet on the poor sailor, either you just realize that a bunch of high officials are corrupt, either you just realize that the population is paying higher prices for the energy, though, we could use our natural gas supplies, but each day we discover something "special". We are this kind of special type of nation. While other countries like Germany try to stop the economical crisis and they do special things w.r.t. this, we do other type of things and we are also special. Of course nobody would like to be that special, however we manage each day.

Last Sunday we were special because an american basketball player was punched in a bar and he just died. Our EU representatives in the EU Parlament and they are not able to speak not even Romanian. Probably this is also special. Similar speciality can be encountered in the percentage of the high school students during the baccalaureate as only 45% of the students passed this exam. The Interior Minister can not pronounce correctly the word "braconaj" and he comes up with something like "branconaj". Yes, probably we are special, really special!

Sincer sa fiu, nu stiu daca procedez corect incat sa ma cobor la nivelul starurilor din media romaneasca, dar vrand sau nevrand, am vazut o emisiune cu M. B. in care distinsul blestema colegul din breasla R. M. Chiar daca as vrea, nu voi reusi sa reproduc versurile si nici nu merita sa irosesc cuvinte. Unul se poarta ca un analfabet si castiga teren si audienta doar prin grosolania cu care se rasteste la altii cu o engleza la nivelul presedintelui meu desi el e ferm convins ca e tare si sincer sa fiu vorbeste o romana de ma rusinez. Celalalt pare un mare fan a lui Basescu si da si el lectii in stilul lui aparte, deci cum puteti vedea nu ma consider un fan ai acestori domni, mari cum se considera dansii.

Cam asta e nivelul la noi in tara. Ne blestemam, ne injuram si crestem in audiente. E de inteles, caci nivelul la noi nu creste (vezi examenele ratate de la bacalaureat si promovarea de 45%) ci doar scade si la acest nivel avem nevoie de baieti tari ca M.B. si R. M.

Yep. He is gone. I think it is useless to write some sentences about the personality of Steve Paul Jobs (1955-2011). Either you like him, either you hate him. There is no other way.

However, nobody can deny he was a visionary who defined a clear path for the computer industry creating the brand Apple and gadgets like iPad, iPhone, iPod, iMac, MacBook Air and many other things with that particular logo.

It is amazing how many quotes, youtube videos have been shared via facebook somehow connected to the Apple guru. I think even people not knowing much about him realized the great personality of this college drop-out, who was raised in a foster family who built a an empire from a family garage and explained to Stanford graduates in 2005 that "connecting the dots" is more important than graduating from an Ivy League university. He is just simply amazing! The world just lost a genius, a visionary.

Nu exista asa ceva in Romania. Recent m-am intors acasa din China si mi-am dat seama ca la noi lucrurile nu prea evolueaza. Nu ca nu evolueaza doar situatia economica, politica, morala scade pe zi ce trece. Nu se intampla mai nimic, toti se concentreaza deja la alegerile din 2012, si putin le pasa de oameni. Ei doar trebuie sa voteze, si doar atat. Pensii, salarii? Doar la anul, caci atunci trebuiesc prostiti oamenii. Si din pacate romanul poate fi prostit si guvernantii sunt constienti de acest fapt, asa ca nici nu se obosesc sa faca ceva pentru "cetateanul turmentat" din Romania.

Poate ca cei multi ma vor condamna, dar ce am vazut in China m-a surprins. Oamenilor le este frica dar totul merge ca pe roate. O astfel de "democratie" ar functiona si aici la noi me meleagurile mioritice. Problema la noi e ca oamenii nu mai au repere si societatea se destrama.

Ne trebuie un sistem ferm unde omului sa ii fie frica sa faca lucruri care nu trebuiesc facute. La noi in schimb, il batem pe politist, platim spaga, facem legi care convin numai unora, angajam doar nepotii, fratii si surorile, injuram la televizor ca birjarul, interpretam legile cum am fi niste doctori in drept, nu mai stim sa ne comportam civilizat, inchidem fabrici, uzini si firme cu miile si ne mandrim ca avem crestere economica de 0%.

Mig Orban vigan eli kiralysagat a nemzet verejteken, Gyurcsany meg remenykedik, hogy elkeruli a bortont (habar ez inkabb olyan kirakat per izu valami, hogy ha mar a mai vezetes nem kepes eros gazdasagot es munkahelyeket teremteni, legalabb adjon csamcsognivalot a nepnek, habar az Isten adta nem latja, hogy attol, hogy Gyurcsanyt bezarjak vagy sem, attol neki nem lesz jobb ...), Bajnai Gordon volt miniszterelnok a Columbia Egyetem utan most a John Hopkins Egyetem vendegtanara. Tetszik, nem tetszik, Bajnaiban van/volt vizio, az elodei, es az utodja meg inkabb a szemelyes kultuszanak epitesevel van elfoglalva.

Es bevallom nem is latom mit lehetne tanulni toluk sem hatarokon belul sem hatarokon kivul. Elnezest, retorikat es nagy szavakat Orbantol lehet, mert ha gazdasagot nem is tud teremteni, tomegeket mozgato beszedeket tudnak irni neki, mert ketlem, hogy o irna oket?!

Gratulalok Bajnai Gordon! Gratulalok!

Amazing. Infinite. There is no [appropriate] word to describe such wonder. It lies all over China, ending in Inner Mongolia. I had the same feeling a couple of years back in India, when I visited the Taj Mahal. I wrote the following short message to some friends: "I've just seen the Miracle. The Taj is a gift from God, built by Man to echo in the Eternity." The Wall is something similar. I have never seen something greater than these stones and fortifications. Impressive.

I reached the Wall yesterday morning around 6:30 am and you can imagine how surprised I was. There was nobody there. Only the wall and myself. The feeling was overwhelming. We waited until they open the gates and we started [with my colleague] to climb the wall on our own. Sunrise, the wall and 2 guys. It was kind of a never ending story. You just climb, you just go and go and the wall is never ending. There is a new fortification, a new hill, more way to go. No tourists, nobody just the wall listening our breath and footsteps on the stones. Honestly we started to climb with some enthusiasm but near the top I have to confess it was not that easy anymore. The steps are very big and the way too steep. Finally, after 1h of effort we got to the top. Amazing feeling I have to tell you. All over the mountains, the sun and the Great Wall of China, a wonder of the world.

After a few minutes of joy we started our descent because our flight was waiting at Beijing, China. I am really happy about this achievement to climb on the wall and enjoy the peace, the sun and the greatness of this people. The way back we met some people and I encouraged them to continue because it is worth to see the top. Hopefully, many of them are proud to do this effort and climb to the top.

Ps. Some photos about this amazing journey at the Great Wall of China are posted on my picasa accout.

Interesant. Acum cateva zile am aflat ca presedintele meu cu engleza lui de marinar trece peste ocean si viziteaza Statele Unite. Insa ca si in cazul vizitei de la Londra, comentatorii de marca (bagatori de seama pe bani multi) incercau sa micsoreze impactul vizitei, caci nu era intrevazut o vizita cu presedintele Obama. Si vezi Doamne! Presedintele meu a fost primit in Biroul Oval din Casa Alba de presedintele Obama si chiar si de vice-presedintele Biden.

Nu se stie inca ce s-a discutat, dar oricum, vreau sa il felicit pe presedintele meu. Daca a reusit sa negocieze chiar si ridicarea interdictiei de vize pentru cetatenii romani, atunci trebuie sa spun "chapeau", cum ar zice prietenii nostri francezi, care pe zi ce trece "ne iubesc" din ce in ce mai mult.

Ps. Astep comentariile bagatorilor de seama si a presedintelui meu care va avea loc maine daca nu ma insel la aeroport.

Comentam/contestam clasele presedintelui meu si suntem foarte revoltati ca multi dintre noi in functii de conducere sunt analfabeti si ajung in pozitii din cauza unei coloraturi politice, dar ce am vazut astazi de la un posibil (?) presedinte mi-a confirmat faptul ca nici Basescu dar nici Antonescu nu are ce cauta la presedintia Romaniei.

Da, cei multi sunt/suntem ferm convinsi caci orice numai Basescu nu, dar cum trece timpul si se aproprie alegerile locale si parlamentare din 2012 incep sa imi dau seama ca legea (vezi convingere) se extinde si la actualul pretendent la presedintie. Nu e omul pregatit si nici Ponta nu e omul cu care sa poata sa scoata tara din impasul moral, strategic si economic . Domnul Antonescu afirma pe urma rezultatelor foarte slabe de la bacalaureat (sesiunea din toamna, 2011): "Nu poti ca la capatul unui ciclu scolar in care elevii s-au invatat cu un anumit ritm sa schimbi regulile jocului ....".

Deci daca inteleg eu bine romaneste, trebuie sa intelegem faptul ca asa e "ritmul" pe la noi si trebuie sa acceptam si sa toleram "regula jocului". Deci in acest moment un posibil presedinte justifica prostia, nepregatirea si analfabetismul la nivel inalt. Omul acesta candideaza la functia suprema din stat!

Ps. Pana acum am inventat basescianismul, dar cred ca e timpul sa creem un alt ism, mai precis antonescianismul. Pe moment din pacate personal nu vad in Romania o alternativa viabila la actuala guvernare.

Pe cand altii incerc sa treaca de criza economica si incerca sa creeze locuri de munca (vezi discursul presedintelui Obama) in Romania cel mai mare pericol se pare ca este heraldica, mai special un palos si mana care o tine in sigla IPJ Covasna. E hazliu dar asta e. Antena3 s-a ocupat in doua emisiuni de maxima audienta de aceasta tema si a pus "oamenii presedintelui" (vezi mogulul Voiculescu) in persoana doamnei Vranceanu Firea si domnul Gadea care se lauda zi si noapte cu premiile APTR sa investigheze aceasta imensa problema de interes national. Oamenii mor si nu mai iau subventii pentru caldura, dar ce mai conteaza, heraldica pune in pericol tara deci nu ne mai intereseaza nimic, doar iminentul pericol ce paste peste plaiurile mioritice.

Ma tem ca distinsii realizatori, mai sus mentionati, nu puteau face o emisiune despre faptul ca Dan Voiculescu, a primit a sentinta judecatoreasca (vezi ICCJ) definitiva si irevocabila privind statutul dansului de colaborator al Securitatii si trebuia gasit ceva repede si incendiar. Ingeniozitatea jurnalistului cu premii APTR este fara limite. Au scos din maneca cartea nationalista si pericolul ce inseamna acea sigla modificata care este personalizat pentru acel judet. E solutia ideala si se vinde [din pacate] ca painea calda in Romania si in tarile unde este instabilitate economica si/sau politica. Va avertizez, aveti grija, aceasta sigla [facuta conform legilor in vigoare] reprezinta pericol imens la securitatea nationala.

Ps. Ordinul 126/17.06.2011 care completeza Ordinul nr. 490/2008, privind insemnele heraldice ale structurilor MAI a fost semnat de ministrul Traian Igas.

The European Union is rather huge, many countries are inside, still some others outside and Romania is somehow on the edge. Officially it is inside but technically, economically, and morally does not fit at all in this european landscape. Of course the Romanian Revolution has been consumed in '89, but the society is still not mature, they can not behave as real europeans and they do strange things. I do not want to mention all the stupidities occurring in the politics, the corruption and of course this "laissez faire" attitude. (Comment: Silviu Brucan, a former politician pictured some 20 years to be necessary to achieve the level of a real democratic country. I can state now, he was completely wrong. We need 50-100 years or maybe such time will never come.)

In the last few years, romanians invaded countries like Italy, Spain, etc. Higher wages, better conditions and civilized countries. Of course once this invasion all these conditions were lowered but still these democratic countries considered they might educate some of them. They failed completely. They offered them schooling, social welfare, jobs but it was not enough. Do not get me wrong. There are many high quality specimens from Romania working abroad and doing really nice jobs in different segments of those foreign societies but there is another segment, all those opportunist persons who do not want to work just get the benefits and do shameful things to get money, conditions, etc., from countries like France, England, Italy and Spain.

Somehow it is not right that 2% of the crimes committed in France is somehow linked to romanian citizens. It is a foreign country and people are afraid of some Romanian subjects. It is not right. It is not! The news agency France Presse states that in July the "romanian criminality" increased with 72,4% compared to the Q1 of the same period of the 2010 in the larger Paris metropolitan area. If we do such "performances" what is gone happen in the future? Are we gone be the danger of the EU? I can understand that the French Government is sending home some hundreds of romanian citizens. Even though EU regulations allow free travel and free passage in the EU space, it is mandatory to cope with the regulations and unfortunately some of us can not simply do so.

Can you imagine, how nice is to be a topic in the political agenda of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) for the next elections in France? Instead of discussing internal affairs they will win votes by proposing stopping the romanian criminality on French soil. Shame! Thank you dear [some] country fellows! Thank you! Good job! Well done! Congratulations!

Momentul poate e inoportun, caci suntem in criza economica, si pretul aurului creste pe zi ce trece, dar ma aventurez sa compar situatia existenta a Romaniei cu situatia Ungariei inainte de 2010. Romania ca si Ungaria s-a rupt in doua tabere, ori este USL ori este PDL si alta solutie nu mai exista. Cei de la putere in frunte cu presedintele meu, - de care sincer sa fiu incerc cu disperare sa ma distantez, caci nu vreau si nu accept ca un astfel de om sa ma reprezinte in Parlamentul European si peste hotare - sunt Dumnezeii Romaniei si ei decid cine castiga, cine cade si se se intampla in Romania de astazi.

Pe baricade s-au aliat PSD si PNL, dupa parerea mea o alianta nefireasca (vezi USL), caci unul fiind de stanga iar cealalta de dreapta, dar trebuie sa intelegem ca oamenii vor putere si pentru a obtine puterea sunt dispusi sa treaca peste doctrina de partid, stat social si liberalism doar sa ajunga presedinte si prim ministru caci sa fim sinceri, sunt cele mai importante demnitati in stat. Problema e, ca putere de stanga, putere de dreapta, oamenii vezi Basescu, Ponta sau Antonescu sunt cam la acelasi nivel. Cum presedintele scoate o perla, din pacate liderii USL se coboara la acelasi nivel si raspund. Deci diferenta nu e mare. Doar numele difera, si poate cateva clase dar in principiu nimic special.

E ingrijorator. Nu avem in Romania de astazi o alternativa viabila care sa fie credibila si sa scoata tara din haosul si decadenta in care se scufunda. Nici Ponta nici Antonescu nu sunt oameni politici care sa aiba anvergura unor mari demnitari de stat. Nu sunt. Marea problema a societatii romanesti este ca nu avem oameni de marca in politica romaneasca si toti cei care erau credibili si scoliti au parasit politica si incearca sa se distanteze de existenta clasa politica.

Ps. Ciolanul ramane la cei fara scrupule care sunt capabili de orice pentru a ramane la putere sau a accede la acesta. Sa ne intelegem bine, orice solutie e mai buna ca presedintele Basescu, dar nu m-as baza nici pe Ponta nici pe Antonescu.


Igy tunt le a tegnapi nap, pedig nekunk magyaroknak hataron innen es tul igencsak fontos unnep augusztus 20. Allamalapito Szent Istvant unneplunk es nemzeti unnepet ulunk. No persze ahogy Magyarorszagon tartjak szamon, ez amolyan "piros betus" unnep, vagyis munkaszuneti nap.

Megvallom 1989 elott nem igazan tulajdonitottam szemelyesen neki nagyobb figyelmet, de a rendszervaltas utan igencsak fontos lett szamomra es ahanyszor tehettem reszt is vettem. Legtobbszor Budapesten, hisz "ott tortenik minden a Pannon siksagon". Es ketsegtelen van mit latni: Parlamentnel zaszlo felvonas, nyilt mise a Bazilikanal, Szent Jobb kormenet, vasar a Varban, legujabban repulos bemutato a Duna felett es a nap fenypontja ketsegtelen a tuzijatek amelyre szazezrek sereglenek ki minden evben. 30 perc szin es feny orgia, no persze az adofizetok penzen, de hat minden magyar vezetes tudja es tudta, hogy cirkusz kell a nepnek. Es ok adanak cirkuszt a nepnek, az Isten adta nepnek.

Az idei unnep valahogy kimaradt. Gondolkodtam rajta penteken, de bizony a tegnap csak kimaradt. Nem lenne fontos? Nem erdekelne mar? Isten tudja ....

Da, cam acesta putem spune despre jurnalismul din Romania. Ma uitam la Anten3 unde doamna Vranceanu Firea intr-o tinuta de strand si mai putin imbracata ca un moderator de "prime time news" cum se auto-proclama dansa, se intreaba de ce oamenii se intereseaza mai mult de divortul fostului prim ministru Tariceanu si ea insusi se considera jurnalista "de clasa", caci pune intrebari "bune despre Tariceanu". Romania sufera, oamenii mor, suntem in pragul saraciei, suntem in declin moral dar cel mai important lucru la Antena3 este de ce o personalitate publica divorteaza. Omul este civilizat (vezi Tariceanu), da un comunicat de presa prin MediaFax si cere discretie dar doamna Firea se pare ca nu intelege mesajul. Si anunta ca emisiune ce urmeaza (Subiectiv cu R. D.) se va ocupa de acest subiect. Deci vezi jurnalism "de calitate" marca "Antena3". Usor usor Antena3 se tranforma in Cancan versiunea TV. Acesta e nivelul din Romania si in jurnalismul romanesc "de marca".

Nastase fiind invitat la emisiune, politicos, incearca sa evite subiectul, caci e de natura personala, dar dinstinsa jurnalista insista si insita fara nesfarsit. Acestia sunt jurnalistii nostrii de marca? Iau premii APTR la greu! Incep sa ma intreb cine dau aceste premii si care sunt criteriile pe baza carora se acorda acestor distinsi jurnalisti premii de merit.

Ps. Ei acum acuza actuala putere (pe drept fara indoiala) ca fura, ca totul merge pe nepotism, etc. dar ma intreb in momentul in care cei ce vor ajunge la putere (dupa parerea mea USL, chiar si poate UDMR) si incepe acelasi lucru (ca si in cazul Ungariei dupa alegerile din 2010) doar niste nume si partide se vor schimba cum vor reactiona cei mai de marca jurnalisti din Romania. Ma cam indoiesc ca vor face emisiuni despre niste afaceri ale lui Dan Voiculescu sau cum dadea informatii la Securitate despre membrii propriei familii sau .... caci sa fim seriosi afacerile sunt afaceri daca le face dreapta daca le face stanga. Poate atunci vor primi premiile APTR lingusitorii puterii actuale.

Today I was surprised. Looking for some references I have found on the Microsoft website that not only DBPL, ISI, etc. but also the Microsoft Academic Search is indexing the different research papers, counting the references, counting the number of citations and the co-authors of my papers. G-index, H-index is also calculated.

Even more, you can have citation-graphs, co-author graphs and co-author paths. And the surprise was: my Erdos number has been reduced from 5 to 4. It means that I have a co-author who's Erdos number is 3. The Erdos number of Paul Erdos is 0. As you might have realized, this is a recursive definition of the Erdos function (Erdos number).

A few days ago, the TV channel Antena3 made a whole "show" about the book "Romania under Basescu: Aspirations, Achivements and Frustrations during His First Presidential Term" edited by Ronald F. King and Paul E. Sum. Indeed, probably only just positive chapters will be found in the book from contributors from USA and Romania. You know, in these so-called post-communist countries presidents still believe the fact that if they can not realize anything , they can still pay [or force] others to write some nice things about them.

In Romanian there is a nice word for that, "elogii", however, nowadays, this is called PR. Ceausescu did the same, so I can even understand the same treatment 21 years later from some guys which were friends (Ion Iliescu) or subordinates to the communist regim (Traian Basescu).

Today, another president Mr. Iliescu appeared in the same TV channel presenting his book, describing the history of Romania in the last two decades. However, I have some doubts if he dared to spare some sections to the "Mineriade", himself being the mastermind of those dark times in the Romanian history. However, the PR worked to perfection, he is a national hero today. Unfortunately, we realize, in Romania nothing is happening. One president is coming, the other is leaving and nothing is changed. Of course, this is not covered in the books of the presidents ....

During last week terrible things happened in Oslo, Norway. More than 80 people were killed because somebody realized his diabolic plan. Probably for US the 9/11 is a sad day, a milestone of the american history, and I would say for the hole world, but I am certainly sure the massacre of Utoya will be burnt deep in the memories of the Norwegians.

However, either we want to admit or not, in Europe there is a problem, a huge one. US solved more or less this problem, but we should not forget about those segregations in the south of the country. In Europe seems to be a new wave of hatred against your follow neighbor.

Indeed, in the last 20-30 years a huge immigration has started from 3rd world countries and also Eastern European countries toward Western European countries like France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, The Netherlands, etc. Of course, the different language, the education, the faith, behavior was mixed on european soil and the diversity, even though it is a nice concept seems to fail. You can just remember the statement of Angela Merkel ...., "the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and enjoy other ... has failed, utterly failed."

Of course, as we claim being a democratic society, we have laws to protect people, but nobody can deny the growing hatred against the others. Is a small seed at the beginning and is just growing and growing and might end up in such acts as I just mentioned earlier. There is no authority or law to stop this. None. I think we should start talking about this issue and we should not treat this problem as a tabu anymore.

Da, e titlul unui film romanesc. Daca nu ma insel, regizat de marele regizor Sergiu Nicolaescu si pe vremuri era unul din filmele preferate, caci altceva nu prea aveam voie, dar erau timpuri de alta data.

Ma uit astazi la invitatii "de marca din linia intai" ale emisiunilor TV si observ cu stupoare ca noi oriunde am fi, suntem "cei din linia intai". Ma refer la impolitete. Marea majoritate a invitatilor participa la emisiuni in direct si se afiseaza cu telefonul mobil (celular) pe masa. Sa vada lumea ca stimatul invitat e inzestrat cu descoperirea secolului si mai poate citi mesaje sau chiar si mesaje codate in mai multe randuri, numite e-mail. E la moda si e monden sa mai strecori si tu un cuvant englezesc in discursul de doi bani, pe care multi il fac, caci e "misto" si "cool" (vezi Mircea Badea). Cei mai dintai uita chiar sa opreasca si soneria, si moderatorul e nevoit sa intervina .... E jalnic, dar nu conteza, caci suntem in Romania si ne permitem orice.

Personal consider o impolitete grava din partea politicienilor si ai multor gazetari sau "analisti politici" cum se auto-proclama ei insisi, care in timpul emisiunii se holbeaza la ecranul foarte mic al telefonului si "primesc mesaje de ultima ora", sau instructii de la partid, pe care le citesc cu voce tare, sa auda si prostul si necioplitul de telespectatori. Mai nou, unii dau dovada ce bine sa descurca pe tastatura unui amarat de calculator (vezi Radu Tudor, cel cu premiul APTR, de care e foarte mandru si felicitari, si speram ca i-a un premiu si pentru gafa comisa cu documentul fals, cu care incerca sa il acuze pe ministrul Funeriu) si ei facand pe stiutorii, caci reusesc [macar] sa citeasca de pe un monitor un text ce nu le apartine. La noi cam aici e nivelul. Nu suntem informati/pregatiti, dar primim mesaje sau ne credem tari, caci reusim sa tastam ceva in "Goagal", ca sa parafrazez un [mare] politician roman din Sectorul 5, Bucuresti. Cu cititul mai merge, caci daca am terminat o scola de gazetari, macar cititul sa mearga, chiar daca unii se perinda "pa carare" (vezi CTP) sau "pi carare". Eu nefiind vorbitor de limba materna, ma perind "pe carare", dar cred ca sunt eu cam demotat, si ar trebui sa invat limba literara romaneasca.

Interesant, caci uitandu-ma si la canale franceze, americane, elvetiene si germane, si ei fac talk-show-uri, unele chiar de foarte buna calitate, dar ei (vezi invitatii) nu se considera "cei din linia intai", si poate le e frica sau rusine, sa arate ca au si ei un BlackBerry, iPhone sau Nokia, etc. Desi s-a discutat enorm despre atasamentul Presedintelui Obama fata de telefonul sau, nu l-am vazut sa se fi afisat la o emisiune in direct, cu telefonul pe masa, la fel nici Sarkozy (desi "turmentat" l-am vazut deja dupa o discutie cu presedintele Putin) sau nici pe Angela Merkel, cancelar al Germaniei. Dar asta face diferenta dintre noi si ei. Noi suntem "cool cu telefonul pe masa", iar ei sunt [doar] civilizati!

Cum trece timpul ma luminez. Iar astazi, am primit o doza mare de lumina. Doamna Roberta Anastase, pe moment presedintele Camerei Deputatilor se poate minuna, caci procurorii au decis neinceperea urmaririi penale (NUP) in cazul votului la Legea pensiilor adoptat. Deci am inteles. Chiar si in Parlament putem vota legi pe baza unor voturi numarate "cu gauri". Cum mentioneaza PDL-ul, e "cutuma" si procedura. Deci daca inteleg eu bine, in Romania furatul votului e cutuma. Ce mai vrem? E oficial, vine de la cel mai inalt nivel din stat. (E de inteles, avem modele ca R. A., si daca dansa, al treilea om din stat nu stie sa numere, atunci inteleg si rezultatele dezastruoase de la bacalaureat, care sunt conform asteptarilor, si nici nu trebuie sa ne miram. Vorbim engleza ca presedintele, numaram ca presedintele Camerei Deputatilor si luam mita ca un europarlamentar. Unde e problema? Sunt modele ale societatii romanesti si vezi unde au ajuns. Nu mai vreau sa invat, ma fac politician! Renunt la cercetare!)

Si sa ma luminez si mai mult, aflu ca dintr-un tren militar dispar niste lazi cu focoase si nici nu stim cand si cum, desi e si normal caci de stiam nu mai vorbeam de furt. Daca ma gandesc ca politicienii o numesc "cutuma", e cutuma si sa furi lazi cu focoase. La noi cutuma (furatul pe romaneste) se invata din Parlament si se transmite in direct. Si sa vedem si partea comica, acel tren se opreste inainte de granita cu Bulgaria ca mecanicul de locomotiva sa vanda 70l de motorina. 70l de motorina! Si asta e normal in Romania, iar acei 10 jandarmi nu raporteaza acest "mic incident", doar cand se afla faptul ca trenul a fost furat la vama din Giurgiu.

Ps. In momentul in care scriu aceste randuri se confrima faptul ca 3 lazi cu focoase au fost gasite la Chitila. Nu mai atentam la siguranta nationala! De examenul profesorilor care in 70% au picat la examenul de titularizare nici nu mai vorbim ca e si normal sa fie asa. Se fac si ei politicieni sau presedinte. Ce sa mai dea examene?