The leak from the State Department
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, November 29, 2010A few days ago we have heard that Wikileaks is going to publish some 251.287 documents made by 274 embassies worldwide to the State Department. Of course some embarrassing ideas can be found in these memos, however, a discussion can be started if this leak was ethic or not. The State Department has already started the campaign to save as much as possible. Even Hillary Clinton made a public statement and she hopes the relation between USA and other [possibly offended] countries "will stand the challenge". Honestly, I think she was not that convincing, but I think there was no other option for her. There is a huge security issue if such classified documents can be downloaded easily from some internal State Department computer networks.
Was it ethic to publish all these documents? It may happen that these documents may put in danger some persons and of course some negative description about some people made by the US officials may offend and create tensions between US and its allies.
What about the other side? They claim that all information should be public and everybody should know about these documents. The information should be free but at what price?
I think the world should have access to information but some parts should be omitted in order to protect some persons and some interests. Unfortunately, some persons have the right and power to classify some documents and I am not sure this is right. Please refer to the documents classified by the Gyurcsany government in Hungary created during the riots in Budapest (2006).
Was it ethic to publish all these documents? It may happen that these documents may put in danger some persons and of course some negative description about some people made by the US officials may offend and create tensions between US and its allies.
What about the other side? They claim that all information should be public and everybody should know about these documents. The information should be free but at what price?
I think the world should have access to information but some parts should be omitted in order to protect some persons and some interests. Unfortunately, some persons have the right and power to classify some documents and I am not sure this is right. Please refer to the documents classified by the Gyurcsany government in Hungary created during the riots in Budapest (2006).
Incepem sa ne temem stimate UDMR?!
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Thursday, November 25, 2010Asa se pare. Dupa declaratia citata de Agerpres: "Am spus ca nu sunt un sustinator al acestui lucru si cred ca acordarea dublei cetatenii la ora actuala nu este nici necesara si nici nu rezolva problemele (...) Eu cred ca acordarea dublei cetatenii este un semnal politic de incurajare a plecarii ungurilor din Transilvania si de stabilire a lor in Ungaria. Ori eu sunt de conceptia ca ungurii din Romania sa ramana in Ardeal, sa ramana acasa, sa se imbogateasca aici si sa traiasca bine aici", senatorul Frunda pare sa se simta amenintat, caci daca plec ungurii din Ardeal, UDMR nu mai ajunge in parlament. Sa fim sinceri, nu prea le intereseaza cum traieste ungurul de rind din Ardeal doar sunt interesati de voturile acestora. Cred ca sintagma "nu rezolva problemele" inseamna ca nu rezolva problemele asa zisei "elite UDMR".
Consider ca nu e la latitudinea dansului sa decida daca un ungur va aplica sau nu pentru cetatenie in tara vecina, Ungaria. Sa lasam cetatenii sa se decida si nu politicul sa se pronunte in acest caz. Domnul Frunda ar trebui sa se ocupe mai mult de a crea conditiile necesare pentru a avea locul propice ca ungurii si in general cetatenii Romaniei "sa se imbogateasca aici si sa traiasca bine aici". Dar se pare ca dau gres la aceasta formula asa ca indeamna ungurii sa ramine in Romania caci cineva trebuie sa voteze pentru dansii.
Suntem cetateni ai CE si avem dreptul sa ne gasim un loc de munca si un trai decent intr-o tara decenta, caci din pacate la ora actuala nu putem afirma acest lucru despre Romania, tara care e guvernata de un guvern sustinut de partidul domnului Frunda. O astfel de cetatenie poate fi menita sa ajute acest proces, deci consider ca nu e treaba senatorului daca statul vecin vine in sprijinul cetatenilor de etnie maghiara locuind in tarile vecine Ungariei. Daca conditiile oferite in Ungaria sunt mai bune si posibilitatile de a gasi un loc de munca sunt mai abundente, cred ca decizia .....
Si inca ceva numai pentru a explica situatia. Multi etnici maghiari din tarile vecine nu se vor stabili in Ungaria, doar faptul ca vor detine cetatenia e un drept redobindit care multora le-a fost luat cu forta in 1947 prin Tratatul de la Paris.
Consider ca nu e la latitudinea dansului sa decida daca un ungur va aplica sau nu pentru cetatenie in tara vecina, Ungaria. Sa lasam cetatenii sa se decida si nu politicul sa se pronunte in acest caz. Domnul Frunda ar trebui sa se ocupe mai mult de a crea conditiile necesare pentru a avea locul propice ca ungurii si in general cetatenii Romaniei "sa se imbogateasca aici si sa traiasca bine aici". Dar se pare ca dau gres la aceasta formula asa ca indeamna ungurii sa ramine in Romania caci cineva trebuie sa voteze pentru dansii.
Suntem cetateni ai CE si avem dreptul sa ne gasim un loc de munca si un trai decent intr-o tara decenta, caci din pacate la ora actuala nu putem afirma acest lucru despre Romania, tara care e guvernata de un guvern sustinut de partidul domnului Frunda. O astfel de cetatenie poate fi menita sa ajute acest proces, deci consider ca nu e treaba senatorului daca statul vecin vine in sprijinul cetatenilor de etnie maghiara locuind in tarile vecine Ungariei. Daca conditiile oferite in Ungaria sunt mai bune si posibilitatile de a gasi un loc de munca sunt mai abundente, cred ca decizia .....
Si inca ceva numai pentru a explica situatia. Multi etnici maghiari din tarile vecine nu se vor stabili in Ungaria, doar faptul ca vor detine cetatenia e un drept redobindit care multora le-a fost luat cu forta in 1947 prin Tratatul de la Paris.
"Nu mai vreau sa traiesc intr-o lume in care principalele subiecte se numesc Ciutacu, Basescu, Gadea, Becali, Diaconescu. E o lume care, in ciuda pitorescului ei de suprafata, e imens de repetitiva si vida. In Romania se intampla mereu lucruri enorme, ca si cum nu s-ar intampla nimic. Sau invers, nu s-a intamplat nimic, ca si cum ar fi lucruri extraordinare". (Andrei Plesu)
Ps. Articolul integral poate fi gasit aici.
Minap ertem haza Indiabol es egy fura uzenet fogadott. Az iwiw kozossegi oldal kuldott egy nagyon atfogo uzenetet, hogy milyen uj tagok szeretnenek velem barati viszonyba kerulni, illetve milyen uj informaciok tudhatok mar a mar letezo ismeroseimrol.
Az ilyen fajta level az elso jelei a gyengesegnek. Aki jo es hires, annak nem kell ilyen alazatos levelet kuldenie, de amint latom az iwiw hanyatlani latszik. Honapok ota be sem jelentkeztem, es mar eppen azon gondolkodom, hogy torlom a profile-omat, mert foloslegesnek tartom. A facebook sokkal minosegibb szolgaltatast nyujt es meg igen sok potencial rejlik benne. Ketsegtelen, telitodni fog, ahogy az tortent az iwiw eseten is, de egyelore ez meg messze van, nagyon messze.
Az ilyen fajta level az elso jelei a gyengesegnek. Aki jo es hires, annak nem kell ilyen alazatos levelet kuldenie, de amint latom az iwiw hanyatlani latszik. Honapok ota be sem jelentkeztem, es mar eppen azon gondolkodom, hogy torlom a profile-omat, mert foloslegesnek tartom. A facebook sokkal minosegibb szolgaltatast nyujt es meg igen sok potencial rejlik benne. Ketsegtelen, telitodni fog, ahogy az tortent az iwiw eseten is, de egyelore ez meg messze van, nagyon messze.
I've just arrived from ICFHR2010, held in Kolkata, India. It was a 3 days conference in handwriting recognition. I met a lot a lot of old friends and I met some new scientists from Iran, South Africa, India, France, USA, etc.
It is quite a shame that some Chinese researchers could not attend to conference due to refusal of the Indian Government of their visa. Hopefully, next year at ICDAR2011 in China there will be no such issues.
Ps. I am a happy owner of a brand new panjabi ( a long typical Indian shirt)!
It is quite a shame that some Chinese researchers could not attend to conference due to refusal of the Indian Government of their visa. Hopefully, next year at ICDAR2011 in China there will be no such issues.
Ps. I am a happy owner of a brand new panjabi ( a long typical Indian shirt)!
Until now I was always experiencing nice things here in Dortmund, Germany. This week however, I realized that even here you can be fouled easily. Normally I do not have time to read all my invoices/bills and usually I try to do all my things online. However, this week I checked my mobile phone bill. And honestly I have to tell you, I was amazed. No! Surprised.
Phone numbers, data plans and Jamba. I was surprised because I have not seen such an entry on my bill before. 4.99€ was charged but no details. So I started to google what Jamba means and I realized it is a German service offering ring tones, music images etc. for your phone. The problem I have never did any subscription for that service. Doing some research I realized that mainly everybody is fooled by this company. It is not easy to cancel your contract. No details are given on the website and once I realized how to do so, they charged me again 4.99€. Amazing how a company can charge you money for nothing. Either you log yourself to your account on or you send a message to 33333 with a body: STOPALLE to cancel your contract. I think I will fill a complaint once I am back from India. It is not about the money but rather about how they act to charge you for something you have never asked for.
Ps. Definitely, I will look from now on all the entries on my phone bill.
Phone numbers, data plans and Jamba. I was surprised because I have not seen such an entry on my bill before. 4.99€ was charged but no details. So I started to google what Jamba means and I realized it is a German service offering ring tones, music images etc. for your phone. The problem I have never did any subscription for that service. Doing some research I realized that mainly everybody is fooled by this company. It is not easy to cancel your contract. No details are given on the website and once I realized how to do so, they charged me again 4.99€. Amazing how a company can charge you money for nothing. Either you log yourself to your account on or you send a message to 33333 with a body: STOPALLE to cancel your contract. I think I will fill a complaint once I am back from India. It is not about the money but rather about how they act to charge you for something you have never asked for.
Ps. Definitely, I will look from now on all the entries on my phone bill.
Mintha a tortenelem ismetlodne. Ami volt eddig Magyarorszagon, az most Romania fele vandorol es egyre elesebbe valik. Nem feledhetjuk, hogy milyen intenzitassal "tamadta" az egykori hatalmat a FIDESZ altal penzelt HirTV. Minden kellemetlen tenyt feltartak az akkori hatalommal szemben, lasd pl. rendori visszaelesek a 2006-os oktoberi tuntetesekkel kapcsolatosan es a lista vegellathatatlan. Kellett is az akkor a tobbsegi hatalommal rendelkezo MSZP-SZDSZ-MDF koalicio ellen. Az MDF magat ellenzeknek tartotta, de mindenben segitette az akkori kormanypartot. Es szomoru, hogy baratsagok mentek tonkre, azert mert valaki eppen piros vagy netan naracssarga erzuletu volt. Emberek elfordultak egymastol ezert. Incidensek voltak szerte az orszagban es a az egymas iranti gyulolet a tetofokra hagott pedig csak a ket part versengett a hatalomert.
Ma ez a helyzet Romaniaban is, csak most ott a Realitatea es a Antenna media birodalmak fogadtak bosszut a hatalom es az elnok ellen. Es ketsegtelen, amit mutatnak es feltarnak nem igazan valik becsuletere a kormanynak sem a kormanyparti politikusoknak. Ketsegtelen vannak benne tulzasok is, de hat az erdekeket a penz diktalja. Mindket tarsasag mogott Romania mondhatni legfontosabb uzlet emberei allnak, lasd Sorin Ovidiu Vantu es Dan Voiculescu. Az egyertelmuen latszik, hogy mindket tarsasag eskudt ellenseg, es barmely lehetoseget megragadnak, hogy kritizaljak a kormanyt, sajnos sokszor joggal. Lehallgatasi ugyek, energia business, st. Ismeros, nem de?
A problema nem is itt van, hanem az emberekben. Manapsag mindenki elkotelezte magat, vagy az egyik oldalon vagy a masik oldalon es nem latnak mast csak feheret vagy feketet. Radikalizalodik a velemeny, es csak egy szint latnak: feher vagy fekete.
Ketsegtelen, a tarsadalom fiatalabb retege demokrata es liberalis erzuletu, mig az idosebb generacio tobb biztositekot lat a szocialista part igereteiben. Hogy hol az igazsag? .....
A gond nem is itt van, hanem ott, hogy az emberek nem kepesek elfogadni a massagot. Ha kritizalod a politikai balvanyaikat rogvest magasra hagnak az erzelmek. A minap "agymosottnak"-nak titulaltak, mert eppen az aktualis elnok ertelmi es politikai kepessegeit firtattam. Erdekes, hogy hirdetjuk a demokraciat megsem elunk vele. A szolas szabadsag es a velemeny nyilvanitas alapveto emberi jogaink egyike, akar a szabad vallasgyakorlas. Az egeszben a szomoru csak az, hogy az emberek egyre rosszabbul elnek es nem is igazan latszik a feny az alagut vegen, legyen ilyen vagy olyan a hatalom szine.
Felo, hogy a tarsadalmi elegedetlenseg odaig fajul, mint az tortent Magyarorszagon. Az emberek barkit megszavaznak majd csak ne halljanak tobbe az aktualis vezetesrol. Es mi ennek a vege? Elre tor a szelsoseg es oda juthatunk, mint ma Magyarorszagon, hogy a 2/3 tobbseg mindenre jogot ad a kormanypartnak es semmi kontrol nincs tobbe rajtuk. Mig eddig a populista dolgok kezdenek lejarni, most mar komoly (fajo) gazdasagi intezkedesekre kerul sor, es ez sejtem nem volt benne a valasztasi igeretkeben, de most mar nem lehet megakadalyozni, hisz 2/3-os torvenyek mindeniket keresztul tudja vinni a FIDESZ.
Lam-lam, majd csak felebred a magyar tarsadalom is! Sejtem ez fog tortenni Romaniaban is. Eddig meg sikerult a kormanynak hatalmon maradni, de ha igy folytatjak, akkor nem sokaig ulnek a szekekben, pedig az egyertelmu, hogy nagyon szeretik a szekeiket es a hatalmulat.
Amint sejtem, az RMDSZ erzi a vesztet, es minden lehetoseget megragad, hogy "emelt fovel" hagyjak el a kormanyzast es rogvest tudjanak atulni a kovetkezo kormany soraiba. Azt mar lattuk, hogy nekik nincsenek elveik, hisz nem lehet hogy ma a baloldal holnap meg a jobboldal csatlosai. Mig a tobbi part legalabb tudja, hogy hova tartozik es milyen elvek menten politizal, addig az RMDSZ csak a hatalom (barmely is legyen az) csatlosa. Talan erdemes lenne nevet is valtoztatni: a Romaniai Hatalom Cedaja Part.
Ma ez a helyzet Romaniaban is, csak most ott a Realitatea es a Antenna media birodalmak fogadtak bosszut a hatalom es az elnok ellen. Es ketsegtelen, amit mutatnak es feltarnak nem igazan valik becsuletere a kormanynak sem a kormanyparti politikusoknak. Ketsegtelen vannak benne tulzasok is, de hat az erdekeket a penz diktalja. Mindket tarsasag mogott Romania mondhatni legfontosabb uzlet emberei allnak, lasd Sorin Ovidiu Vantu es Dan Voiculescu. Az egyertelmuen latszik, hogy mindket tarsasag eskudt ellenseg, es barmely lehetoseget megragadnak, hogy kritizaljak a kormanyt, sajnos sokszor joggal. Lehallgatasi ugyek, energia business, st. Ismeros, nem de?
A problema nem is itt van, hanem az emberekben. Manapsag mindenki elkotelezte magat, vagy az egyik oldalon vagy a masik oldalon es nem latnak mast csak feheret vagy feketet. Radikalizalodik a velemeny, es csak egy szint latnak: feher vagy fekete.
Ketsegtelen, a tarsadalom fiatalabb retege demokrata es liberalis erzuletu, mig az idosebb generacio tobb biztositekot lat a szocialista part igereteiben. Hogy hol az igazsag? .....
A gond nem is itt van, hanem ott, hogy az emberek nem kepesek elfogadni a massagot. Ha kritizalod a politikai balvanyaikat rogvest magasra hagnak az erzelmek. A minap "agymosottnak"-nak titulaltak, mert eppen az aktualis elnok ertelmi es politikai kepessegeit firtattam. Erdekes, hogy hirdetjuk a demokraciat megsem elunk vele. A szolas szabadsag es a velemeny nyilvanitas alapveto emberi jogaink egyike, akar a szabad vallasgyakorlas. Az egeszben a szomoru csak az, hogy az emberek egyre rosszabbul elnek es nem is igazan latszik a feny az alagut vegen, legyen ilyen vagy olyan a hatalom szine.
Felo, hogy a tarsadalmi elegedetlenseg odaig fajul, mint az tortent Magyarorszagon. Az emberek barkit megszavaznak majd csak ne halljanak tobbe az aktualis vezetesrol. Es mi ennek a vege? Elre tor a szelsoseg es oda juthatunk, mint ma Magyarorszagon, hogy a 2/3 tobbseg mindenre jogot ad a kormanypartnak es semmi kontrol nincs tobbe rajtuk. Mig eddig a populista dolgok kezdenek lejarni, most mar komoly (fajo) gazdasagi intezkedesekre kerul sor, es ez sejtem nem volt benne a valasztasi igeretkeben, de most mar nem lehet megakadalyozni, hisz 2/3-os torvenyek mindeniket keresztul tudja vinni a FIDESZ.
Lam-lam, majd csak felebred a magyar tarsadalom is! Sejtem ez fog tortenni Romaniaban is. Eddig meg sikerult a kormanynak hatalmon maradni, de ha igy folytatjak, akkor nem sokaig ulnek a szekekben, pedig az egyertelmu, hogy nagyon szeretik a szekeiket es a hatalmulat.
Amint sejtem, az RMDSZ erzi a vesztet, es minden lehetoseget megragad, hogy "emelt fovel" hagyjak el a kormanyzast es rogvest tudjanak atulni a kovetkezo kormany soraiba. Azt mar lattuk, hogy nekik nincsenek elveik, hisz nem lehet hogy ma a baloldal holnap meg a jobboldal csatlosai. Mig a tobbi part legalabb tudja, hogy hova tartozik es milyen elvek menten politizal, addig az RMDSZ csak a hatalom (barmely is legyen az) csatlosa. Talan erdemes lenne nevet is valtoztatni: a Romaniai Hatalom Cedaja Part.
A pierit din viata scriitorul Adrian Paunescu. L-am cunoscut din timpul cind facea Cenaclul Flacara si l-am vazut intrand in politica si nu pot uita vehementa cu care se impunea impotriva maghiarilor din Romania. Dar fiind oameni, fiecare are parerile lui.
Nu ii cunosc opera, dar citusi de putin il cunosc, mi s-a parut ca societatea romaneasca s-a descotorosit de el, lasindul la margine ca o rusine de care toata lumea vrea sa scape. Iar acum totul se schimba. Oameni politici, artisti si oameni de pe strada s-au razgindit. E ridicat acum in slavi. E considerat cel mai mare poet roman ca Eminescu, Eugen Barbu sau Cosbuc.
Ce a facut cu Cenaclul Flacara a fost inedit, si cine a trait acele vremuri stie ca acele seri erau de neuitat pentru tineri care gaseau in Flacara tot ce nu era de gasit in acele vremuri. Totusi nu trebuie uitat legaturile pe care le avea cu puterea.
E patetic cum oamenii s-au imprietenit cu el peste noapte, ii cunosc operele si vorbesc depre el cu evlavie, desi ieri nici nu le-a pasat inca de acest om.
Nu ii cunosc opera, dar citusi de putin il cunosc, mi s-a parut ca societatea romaneasca s-a descotorosit de el, lasindul la margine ca o rusine de care toata lumea vrea sa scape. Iar acum totul se schimba. Oameni politici, artisti si oameni de pe strada s-au razgindit. E ridicat acum in slavi. E considerat cel mai mare poet roman ca Eminescu, Eugen Barbu sau Cosbuc.
Ce a facut cu Cenaclul Flacara a fost inedit, si cine a trait acele vremuri stie ca acele seri erau de neuitat pentru tineri care gaseau in Flacara tot ce nu era de gasit in acele vremuri. Totusi nu trebuie uitat legaturile pe care le avea cu puterea.
E patetic cum oamenii s-au imprietenit cu el peste noapte, ii cunosc operele si vorbesc depre el cu evlavie, desi ieri nici nu le-a pasat inca de acest om.
The sins can not be deleted "dear" representatives
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Wednesday, November 03, 2010It seems the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania found the "right" timing to get rid of his political partners and leave the sinking ship. Probably they think it is clever to do so, -using a lame excuse- but I think is rather late and they can not delete all those sins they have done before.
The Hungarian voters hopefully will penalize these -so [self] called representatives - and at the elections in 2012 [or in some special case in 2011] some guys should leave the politics. The "Ego te absolvo" is more difficult as some might think.
The Hungarian voters hopefully will penalize these -so [self] called representatives - and at the elections in 2012 [or in some special case in 2011] some guys should leave the politics. The "Ego te absolvo" is more difficult as some might think.
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