
It was really a nice day with sunshine over here in Dortmund. I got visited by somebody from my past. It was a lifetime experience to see that person after so many years. Old memories from the past ...

Never too late

I was waiting for this kind of comment from a while ago. Probably His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI realized that trying to hide all those horrors committed by the catholic clergy will not help in the process to build a new hope for the faithful.

"Here too I think of the immense suffering caused by the abuse of children, especially within the Church and by her ministers. Above all, I express my deep sorrow to the innocent victims of these unspeakable crimes, along with my hope that the power of Christ’s grace, his sacrifice of reconciliation, will bring deep healing and peace to their lives. I also acknowledge, with you, the shame and humiliation which all of us have suffered because of these sins; and I invite you to offer it to the Lord with trust that this chastisement will contribute to the healing of the victims, the purification of the Church and the renewal of her age-old commitment to the education and care of young people. I express my gratitude for the efforts being made to address this problem responsibly, and I ask all of you to show your concern for the victims and solidarity with your priests." (Pope Benedict XVI, Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ City of Westminster, Saturday, 18 September 2010)

It will never stop. Never. I am really sad to hear about the the new sex abuse scandal committed by the Belgian clergy. Once again the Catholic Church is shaken and the comments of Archbishop Leonard are really outrageous. They are planning to create a center for reconciliation, recognition and healing. Honestly, how do you think such wounds can be healed by the clergy who already committed those sex abuses. Really lame!

Yes, all this horrors should be recognized by the Church and by the Vatican and punishment should be applied as well not just reconciliation and healing. Instead of building the church on faith like " And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18) it seems the new church is more built on sin, lies and infamy. It seems the Catholic Church is not able to handle this situation and the credibility of this institution is .....

A few days ago I just got a list with the top 200 universities worldwide. Of course the top 10 was occupied by American and British universities. I would rather say it is normal. However, looking the second half of the list not a sign from a Hungarian or Romanian university. It seems we just talking about education while others are doing education.

Of course, education means money. Without money nothing is possible. But USA and UK realized this trick. Invest money in education and you can attract the gray matter worldwide. I am really sorry for those countries who did not realized this. They will never succeed!

Ps. An extended list of top 500 universities even though contains 2-3 Hungarian universities still not a sign about a Romanian one ...

Szomoru, hogy ilyet kell leirnom, mert ezaltal sajat magam is minositem, de ra kellett jonnom, hogy sajnos ez igy mukodik. Nem tudtunk mit kezdeni a demokraciaval, amit kaptunk ezelott ket evtizede, es most ott tartunk, hogy csak akkor kerulunk teritekre, ha valami negativ peldat kell emliteni. Kerek minden kedves honfitarsamat, hogy jol ertse amit irok, itt nem szemelyekre terjed ki a figyelmem, hanem a tarsadalom egeszere.

Romaniaban mindent lehet. Lefekszunk egy elnokkel, reggel felebredunk egy masikkal. Az elnok ur ugy kinezetre (amiert nem tehet, talan nem is illo, hogy ilyet irok) ugy ertelemre es foleg ezzel van a gondom, egy olyan szinten all, hogy manapsag az EU elnokok szegyelnek megallni mellette, hogy ne emlegessem a nyelvezetet es a stilust, amit hasznal es ahogy vezeti az orszagot.

De ne csak az elnokot szidjuk, nezzunk korul a sajat hazunk tajekan is. Mig egy olyan part tartja magat a magyarsag kepviselojenek (szerintem jogtalanul), aki egyik percrol a masikra 180 ° fordulva atall a hatalom javara a poziciok erdekeben, akkor itt is vannak bajok, sot nem is keves. Manapsag, meg latvan, hogy a nepszerutlen gazdasagi intezkedesek a bukashoz vezet(het)nek, arra kezdik osztonozni a "kepviseloket", hogy kihatraljanak, mert sullyedni senki sem akar. Gyerekek egnek elve egy szuleszeten, es ki felel erte, egy szegeny apolono, mert hat valakinek meg kell fizetni az arat, nem de? A nyugdijasok nem tudjak megvasarolni a gyogyszereiket, de mit sem szamit? Oregek, nem igazan szamitanak, foleg hasznot nem hajtanak az orszagnak. A 40 ev amit ledolgoztak ..., hol van mar az?

No es ma ott tartunk, hogy 4 osztallyal bekerulhetunk az EU Parlementbe kepviselonek, igy hat teljes mertekben jogos, hogy 50% az erettsegi vizsgaknak sikertelen. Minek tanulni? A penz megold mindent manapsag. Sajnos eszet nem lehet penzen vasarolni, de 4 osztallyal ezt sajna nem is lehet felfogni. Manapsag, igencsak ez a peldakep. Ha neki sikerult, nekem miert is ne sikerulne?

Es ne feledjuk magunkat sem, egyszeru allampolgarokat. Adot nem fizetunk, hisz hulye mindenki aki fizet. Csalunk, hazudunk es mindent megteszunk a szemelyes erdekeink ugyeben, ha kell atgazolunk masokon, mert "azt csinalok amit akarok, demokracia van". Fenttartjuk a csuszopenzeket a kozigazgatasban, az orvosi ellatasban, mikor intezkedni kell, rogvest a telefon utan nyulunk es valakit felhivunk, mert hogy is lehetne maskeppen. Jol meno vallalkozasok mindenike Isten tudja mi okbol de profitot nem termel soha (?), sot a tulajdonosok meg munkanelkuli segelyert is folyamodnak, hisz megilleti oket, mert ok evekik becsulettel fizettek a megfelelo jarulekokat.

Sajnalkozunk, hogy elmennek az ertelmesek (lasd orvosok, apolok, informatikusok, mernokok, stb.), a romak miatt meg orvendunk (lasd az elnokot is beleertve), mert addig is nem nalunk csinaljak a botranyt, hanem Parizsban es ma mar az egesz vilag elott. Es igy tortenik, hogy mig masok eppen a gazdasagi valsagbol kilabalnak, mi meg sullyedunk egyre melyebbre a politikai szemetben, a korrupcioban es a negativ image-ben, amit a vilag alkot rolunk.

Azt kell mondanom, hogy mi vagyunk erte a hibasok. Ne mindig masban keressuk a hibat. Tegyunk erte valamit! Ki-ki a maga szintjen, es szerintem jobb lesz, de sajnos ez a fajta letforma eletunk reszeve valt, es az a velemenyem, hogy nem is akarunk valtozni. Nekunk igy jo es probalunk a kommunista idokkel takarozni es magyarazkodni. Van benne valami, de 20 ev sok ido, es semmi eredmenyt nem mutattunk fel. Ha igy folytatjuk, valoszinu a Schengen-i egyezmeny resze sem leszunk, es mindig csak masodrangu tagallam szerepet fogjuk betolteni az EU berkeiben es (csak) arra leszunk jok, hogy a gazdasagi/politikai eloadasokban legyunk jo peldak, amelyet nem szabad kovetni.

WizzAir is a low-cost airline company operating flights in Western and Central Europe. Really nice price constructions and lets be honest the fleet of 34 Airbus A320-200 are really comfortable. Do not get me wrong is is not a payed advertisement. I am just telling my opinion about this company and its business model.

Definitely, they should somehow gather some money, so they charge for check-in baggage and they are limiting the size and the weight of the hand luggage. This restriction was really applied and even it happened to me to pay extra charges because my hand luggage was exceeding with 1kg the allowed 10kg.

However, a few months ago they introduced the online check-in, which means the passenger should (or can) print his own ticket. If there is no check-in luggage you can avoid the ticket counter. Nice! Really nice and some companies they offer really green solutions as you do not have to print the ticket but show the bar code on your phone (for more details please refer online check-in at Lufthansa).

So, nowadays, if you are traveling just with hand luggage with an online check-in ticket printed on your own, nobody is interested anymore in the exceeded kilograms of your luggage. In that case is not important anymore the luggage? I think this 1-2kg extra should be allowed because it seems it is not important. However, the company even if they can estimate the average weight of the passengers and their baggage 360kg (180 passangers x 2kg) is really nothing.

So, as you can see, it is just a stupid WizzAir syndrom ... Hopefully they will realize it soon!

I am really sorry to criticize again and again the Romanian Government and the PM, Emil Boc but what is happening it is not politics anymore but rather some soap opera (Romanian version). Today the PM decided to change some guys with some "others" in the Government. Unfortunately, over there this is just more like a charade rather than some radical change.

The problem is not the persons but rather the global view which unfortunately does not even exists. While other countries are out or almost out of the economical crisis, Romania is just going deeper and deeper in that mud. And still not over, the worse part can be expected early next year.

I am ashamed to have such a Government and I am not talking anymore about the president because that part is even worse ...