Earlier this year the media magnate Rupert Murdoch did the most stupid thing he could ever have done. He asked money for his news. He introduced a 2 pounds/week fee (or 1 pound/day) for his online The Times and The Sunday Times. The number of visitors dropped radically and it is quite normal. You do not need any high class Ivy League white collar guy to tell you this. It is really obvious. Nobody is that stupid to pay money for something what you can get for free. News should be for free.
If he continuous like this probably he will be out soon from this news business. Print a newspaper and ask some money for it, but to upload a news to a website .... even though they have to pay those high class columnists and reporters. If you do not want to pay for something which should be for free just look for Google News. It is for free!
If he continuous like this probably he will be out soon from this news business. Print a newspaper and ask some money for it, but to upload a news to a website .... even though they have to pay those high class columnists and reporters. If you do not want to pay for something which should be for free just look for Google News. It is for free!
Yes. That's what they did. They fired BP's CEO Tony Hayward and just changed his name to a new one, Robert Dudley. But nothing has changed! They sacrificed one guy and they put an American one who can not deal with the catastrophe, even though he was raised in Mississippi. He is also just a human. Definitely, he is the first non British BP CEO but still this is not enough to help those fishermen, those animals who can not return anymore to their natural habitat and so forth.
This is just nothing but manipulating the people ... Poor guys! Just look behind the scenes! It is so obvious!
This is just nothing but manipulating the people ... Poor guys! Just look behind the scenes! It is so obvious!
Tolerancia. Sokunk szotaraban nem is letezik ez a szo. Nem tudjuk, hogy mit jelent, es ha igen, akkor is csak nagyon korlatozott tartalmat tanusitunk neki. Valami mindig megakadalyoz, hogy toleransak legyunk.
Egy kedves gimnaziumi tanarom megtanitott arra, hogy merjek nagyot gondolni es tenni es ne csak szuk otthonomba gondolkodjam, hanem egeszeben lassam a vilagot. Ma orommel mondhatom, hogy ha nem is mindig, de neha sikerul latni a nagy osszefuggeseket.
De terjunk vissza a toleraciara. Sok idore volt nekem is szuksegem, hogy valamivel is toleransabb legyek. Meg kell tanulni elfogadni, bizonyos dolgokat, meg ha nehezunkre esik is. Nem konnyu hisz minden porcikank ellenkezik, es azt sugja az enunk, hogy ez nem helyes vagy nem jo, de el kell tudni fogadni, hogy ez a velemeny a sajat szemelyes szuronkon keresztul "tunik" helytelennek, netan eppen rossznak vagy elfogadhatatlannak. Nem akarok masokat megseretni, ezert sajat peldakon probalom erzekeltetni, hogy mirol is beszelek.
1) Sok ido kellett ameddig rajottem arra, hogy sokaknak nem megoldas a kulfoldre valo vandorlas. Ok jol vannak ott ahol vannak, vagy (talan) nem kepesek legyozni a felelmeiket az ismeretlen irant, illetve nem kepesek helyt allni egy idegen vilagban, ahol a kovetelmenyek es az elvarasok nagyok, es lehet, hogy nem kepesek, vagy nem erzik magukat kepesnek erre. Elegge megfizettem en ennek az arat, de ma mar tudom mit jelent.
2) Tetovalas es piercing. Ma az egyik tarsadalmi enkep. Sokak igy probaljak felhivni magukra a figyelmet. Nagyon egyszeru modja annak, hogy vizualis uton felhivjuk magunkra a figyelmet. Sokak ezt erteknek nevezik, magam csak undorodni tudok tole es mikor ilyet latok, rogvest eszembe jutnak azok a regi tetovalasok, melyeket a katonasagban keszultek es egy atdofott szivet abrazoltak es mindehez meg jart egy "Rozsi szeretlek" vagy hasonloak. Szerintem massal kellene az embereknek kitunniuk, de ez van. Ez csak nehany dollarba kerul, egy kis fajdalom es maris lehet vele villogni. Mas dolgokert sokkal tobb munkat es onmagunkat kell beleolni, es ez sokaknak nem megy. Inkabb megvasaroljak ezt es osszerajzoltatjak a testuket, amelyet majd kesobb megbannak, de az mar legyen az o szerencsejuk. Mikor latom oket elmosolyodom es nevetek magaban, neha megjegyzeseket is teszek, de megertem, hogy ok (sajnos) csak igy tudnak kitunni. Elnezest kerek azoktol, akik a tetovalast nem erre hasznaljak!
3) Szervezett es kaotikus eletforma. Nagyon fura latni sok ismerosomet es baratomat, hogy egyik naprol elnek a masikra. Nem tudjak mi fog tortenni es mi lesz holnap. Nincsenek terveik az eletukben, hisz abban a kaotikus letben amelyben elnek ilyenre nincs lehetoseg. Ketsegtelen, ez nem egyezik azzal a jol beosztott lettel, amelyben jomagam elek, hisz tudom mi fog tortenni holnap, es azutan, es a terveim is megvannak decemberig, persze ebbe egy kis kaosz meg mindig belefer. No persze ha kozos programot akarsz szervezni elore, akkor bizony nagyon kellemetlen, mert te meg vagy szokva a rendezett elettel, ok meg .... hat enyhen szomoru, hogy igy elnek. De probalom elfogadni, es igazodni hozzajuk persze ha tudok.
A felsorolas vegellathatatlan, hisz masok vagyunk, mas ertekek szerint elunk es latjuk a vilagot es bizony neha komoly erofeszitesbe telik elfogadni, hogy leteznek emberek akik maskeppen latjak, maskeppen csinaljak maskeppen elnek meg bizonyos dolgokat. Hogy lehet megis ellene tenni?
1) Biralunk es mepgrobalunk erveket felhozni, annak erdekeben, hogy masokat "jobb beleatasra teritsunk". Neha mukodik, de legtobbszor nem, hisz a kritikat nehezen birja mindenki.
2) Nem veszunk rola tudomast. Ez a masik veglet, hisz ilyenkor teljes mertekben probaljuk magunkat fuggetleniteni az illeto szemelytol, esemenytol es probalunk tudomast sem venni rola. Eleg konnyu megoldas, de neha nem felelossegteljes.
3) Toleransak vagyunk. Elfogadjuk a masikat olyannak amilyen, es probalunk ezzel a tennyel elni. Felreertes ne essek. Nem kell egyeterteni vele, csak el kell tudni fogadni, hogy ilyen. Ez a legnehezebb de megis a legsikeresebb.
A hulyeseg, a butasag es a pofatlansag sosem tartozott azon dolgok koze melyeket tudtam es tudnam toleralni. Mindig elesen biralom es megprobalok mindent megtenni annak erdekeben, hogy valtozzon, foleg Erdelyben , ahol mindenikunkre szukseg van. Igy van ez a politikusainkkal is. Mindig is biralni fogom az RMDSZ-t, mert sajnos van amiert es nem igazan all szandekukban valtozni. Ellenben manapsag mar sokkal inkabb tolerans vagyok a kulonbozo naciok irant, meg ha mas a boruk szine, mas nyelvet beszelnek es mas a kulturajuk. Ok ilyenek, en ilyen es lehet harmoniaban elni egymas mellett. Hasonalo kezdek tolerans lenni a kulonozo vallasok iranyaban es elfogadni, hogy masok vallasa, hite is hasonloan fontos, mint az enyem. Es persze vannak a dolgok, melyekrol nem veszek tudomast ....
Egy kedves gimnaziumi tanarom megtanitott arra, hogy merjek nagyot gondolni es tenni es ne csak szuk otthonomba gondolkodjam, hanem egeszeben lassam a vilagot. Ma orommel mondhatom, hogy ha nem is mindig, de neha sikerul latni a nagy osszefuggeseket.
De terjunk vissza a toleraciara. Sok idore volt nekem is szuksegem, hogy valamivel is toleransabb legyek. Meg kell tanulni elfogadni, bizonyos dolgokat, meg ha nehezunkre esik is. Nem konnyu hisz minden porcikank ellenkezik, es azt sugja az enunk, hogy ez nem helyes vagy nem jo, de el kell tudni fogadni, hogy ez a velemeny a sajat szemelyes szuronkon keresztul "tunik" helytelennek, netan eppen rossznak vagy elfogadhatatlannak. Nem akarok masokat megseretni, ezert sajat peldakon probalom erzekeltetni, hogy mirol is beszelek.
1) Sok ido kellett ameddig rajottem arra, hogy sokaknak nem megoldas a kulfoldre valo vandorlas. Ok jol vannak ott ahol vannak, vagy (talan) nem kepesek legyozni a felelmeiket az ismeretlen irant, illetve nem kepesek helyt allni egy idegen vilagban, ahol a kovetelmenyek es az elvarasok nagyok, es lehet, hogy nem kepesek, vagy nem erzik magukat kepesnek erre. Elegge megfizettem en ennek az arat, de ma mar tudom mit jelent.
2) Tetovalas es piercing. Ma az egyik tarsadalmi enkep. Sokak igy probaljak felhivni magukra a figyelmet. Nagyon egyszeru modja annak, hogy vizualis uton felhivjuk magunkra a figyelmet. Sokak ezt erteknek nevezik, magam csak undorodni tudok tole es mikor ilyet latok, rogvest eszembe jutnak azok a regi tetovalasok, melyeket a katonasagban keszultek es egy atdofott szivet abrazoltak es mindehez meg jart egy "Rozsi szeretlek" vagy hasonloak. Szerintem massal kellene az embereknek kitunniuk, de ez van. Ez csak nehany dollarba kerul, egy kis fajdalom es maris lehet vele villogni. Mas dolgokert sokkal tobb munkat es onmagunkat kell beleolni, es ez sokaknak nem megy. Inkabb megvasaroljak ezt es osszerajzoltatjak a testuket, amelyet majd kesobb megbannak, de az mar legyen az o szerencsejuk. Mikor latom oket elmosolyodom es nevetek magaban, neha megjegyzeseket is teszek, de megertem, hogy ok (sajnos) csak igy tudnak kitunni. Elnezest kerek azoktol, akik a tetovalast nem erre hasznaljak!
3) Szervezett es kaotikus eletforma. Nagyon fura latni sok ismerosomet es baratomat, hogy egyik naprol elnek a masikra. Nem tudjak mi fog tortenni es mi lesz holnap. Nincsenek terveik az eletukben, hisz abban a kaotikus letben amelyben elnek ilyenre nincs lehetoseg. Ketsegtelen, ez nem egyezik azzal a jol beosztott lettel, amelyben jomagam elek, hisz tudom mi fog tortenni holnap, es azutan, es a terveim is megvannak decemberig, persze ebbe egy kis kaosz meg mindig belefer. No persze ha kozos programot akarsz szervezni elore, akkor bizony nagyon kellemetlen, mert te meg vagy szokva a rendezett elettel, ok meg .... hat enyhen szomoru, hogy igy elnek. De probalom elfogadni, es igazodni hozzajuk persze ha tudok.
A felsorolas vegellathatatlan, hisz masok vagyunk, mas ertekek szerint elunk es latjuk a vilagot es bizony neha komoly erofeszitesbe telik elfogadni, hogy leteznek emberek akik maskeppen latjak, maskeppen csinaljak maskeppen elnek meg bizonyos dolgokat. Hogy lehet megis ellene tenni?
1) Biralunk es mepgrobalunk erveket felhozni, annak erdekeben, hogy masokat "jobb beleatasra teritsunk". Neha mukodik, de legtobbszor nem, hisz a kritikat nehezen birja mindenki.
2) Nem veszunk rola tudomast. Ez a masik veglet, hisz ilyenkor teljes mertekben probaljuk magunkat fuggetleniteni az illeto szemelytol, esemenytol es probalunk tudomast sem venni rola. Eleg konnyu megoldas, de neha nem felelossegteljes.
3) Toleransak vagyunk. Elfogadjuk a masikat olyannak amilyen, es probalunk ezzel a tennyel elni. Felreertes ne essek. Nem kell egyeterteni vele, csak el kell tudni fogadni, hogy ilyen. Ez a legnehezebb de megis a legsikeresebb.
A hulyeseg, a butasag es a pofatlansag sosem tartozott azon dolgok koze melyeket tudtam es tudnam toleralni. Mindig elesen biralom es megprobalok mindent megtenni annak erdekeben, hogy valtozzon, foleg Erdelyben , ahol mindenikunkre szukseg van. Igy van ez a politikusainkkal is. Mindig is biralni fogom az RMDSZ-t, mert sajnos van amiert es nem igazan all szandekukban valtozni. Ellenben manapsag mar sokkal inkabb tolerans vagyok a kulonbozo naciok irant, meg ha mas a boruk szine, mas nyelvet beszelnek es mas a kulturajuk. Ok ilyenek, en ilyen es lehet harmoniaban elni egymas mellett. Hasonalo kezdek tolerans lenni a kulonozo vallasok iranyaban es elfogadni, hogy masok vallasa, hite is hasonloan fontos, mint az enyem. Es persze vannak a dolgok, melyekrol nem veszek tudomast ....
The conservative Italian magazine Panorama revealed the escapade of some gay priests in night clubs and even in a church. The Diocese of Rome protested against this attitude by saying "[...] we cannot accept that because of their behaviour the honour of all the others is sullied."
Definitely, they were right to claim such thing, however, unfortunately, I haven't seen such affirmation once those horrific child abuses came to light. So that means, the honour is sullied once you are a gay priest but there is no problem if your are pedophile. I am getting more and more doubts about the Catholic Church. Such an attitude won't allow them to claim themselves the spiritual leader of the world.
Definitely, they were right to claim such thing, however, unfortunately, I haven't seen such affirmation once those horrific child abuses came to light. So that means, the honour is sullied once you are a gay priest but there is no problem if your are pedophile. I am getting more and more doubts about the Catholic Church. Such an attitude won't allow them to claim themselves the spiritual leader of the world.
Transylvania a possible (new) Kosovo?
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Friday, July 23, 2010The decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in the Hague, The Netherlands, can open the box of Pandora concerning the separatist movements of different countries like Spain, Romania, Greece or Slovakia. These countries are those one who did not recognized the independence of Kosovo from Serbia in January 2008. However, today the top UN court decided. The unilateral independence declaration is not violating international law and probably some pressure from the EU will be on those countries to recognize the independence in their state level as well.
Such pressure from the UN and EU can lead to similar vindications from Hungarian ethnics in Transylvania or south of Slovakia or by the basks nationalist in Spain. I am looking forward to see what is happening in the next few months in that sense. Is history repeating?
Such pressure from the UN and EU can lead to similar vindications from Hungarian ethnics in Transylvania or south of Slovakia or by the basks nationalist in Spain. I am looking forward to see what is happening in the next few months in that sense. Is history repeating?
Yep. Our long long time relatives which look similar to us have been discovered there. A really nice spot in the middle of nowhere deep in the German countryside. There is a museum and a court where the fossils have been discovered. Is a kind of a short march over the mankind. It is a really nice museum.
Ps. Of course this visit was preceded by some Hungarian restaurant in Dusseldorf, some beers in downtown and some nice chat with some really nice friends. It was an awesome weekend! However, the next will come soon ... What's next? I do not know. Nobody knows!
I was really happy today reading the newsletter of the Vatican. The document Normae de Gravioribus Delictis initially proposed by His Holiness, Pope John-Paul II was updated as it seems in the last 9 years some "new delictis" arrived.
I hope it is not just a hoax to finish with the pressure from the media and the civil society but rather some useful updates and some new guideline to treat all those horrific sexual abuses which have been discovered lately. Even though God is beyond everything the Church should be judged also by the society. I am certainly sure that such update wouldn't have been invoked if the media was not publishing those sex abuse scandals all over Europe and America.
I hope it is not just a hoax to finish with the pressure from the media and the civil society but rather some useful updates and some new guideline to treat all those horrific sexual abuses which have been discovered lately. Even though God is beyond everything the Church should be judged also by the society. I am certainly sure that such update wouldn't have been invoked if the media was not publishing those sex abuse scandals all over Europe and America.
Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Monday, July 12, 2010Please read this article and you will see what I am talking about. Definitely, nowadays is not anymore about the information itself but rather about the source and its reliability. People tend to accept as being the truth whatever they read or see. It is all about how you put some information and already you have some followers.
This is really dangerous as everybody is looking TV and reading news. I do not like conspiracy theories but looking those news portals like Google News, Yahoo, CNN and others they can manipulate the public opinion as they like. Of course it is just a supposition (and hope is an erroneous one) but if we trust those sources nobody ever can change our opinion anymore.
I suggest you to get your information from multiple sources and possibly independent ones. You never know... In the communist era there was a lack of information right now there is an abundance. Which one is better?
This is really dangerous as everybody is looking TV and reading news. I do not like conspiracy theories but looking those news portals like Google News, Yahoo, CNN and others they can manipulate the public opinion as they like. Of course it is just a supposition (and hope is an erroneous one) but if we trust those sources nobody ever can change our opinion anymore.
I suggest you to get your information from multiple sources and possibly independent ones. You never know... In the communist era there was a lack of information right now there is an abundance. Which one is better?
I borrowed this line from Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory). Now the World Cup is over, there is no more game for the next couple of months, so there is no more excuse to leave the office earlier for a game or another.
Some student told, it is nice that Germany have not won the title because they can get back to work and save the EU economy.
Some student told, it is nice that Germany have not won the title because they can get back to work and save the EU economy.
Igen, elismerem, az utobbi idoben inkabb angolul irtam, de ahogy masok sem felejtettek el az anyanyelvuket, igy en sem, sot mindig orommel tolt el, ha irhatok vagy beszelhetek magyarul. Sajnos itt Nemetorszagban, inkabb angolul, franciaul es romanul beszelek, magyarul nagyon keveset, de nehany napja valami erdelyi magyaroknak en segitettem jegyet vasarolni az automatabol. Ok hatarozottan allitottak, hogy beszelnek nemetul, en meg hatarozottan allitottam, hogy jomagam meg nem. Megis, nekem sikerult jegyet vennem egy nemet automatabol, nekik nem.
Nem sok uj dolog tortenik itt manapasag, ezt hivjak a kutatasban csendnek es bekenek. Utolso simitasok a nyarvegi konferenciakra, nehany megbeszeles, hogy ne feledjuk, hogy mit is csinalunk es ennyi. No ez nalam nem teljes mertekben van igy, mert azert dolgozom nehany dolgon, de azert be vannak huzva a fekek es lassabban megy a vonat. Szeptembertol arrafele meg indul a dolog teljes gozerovel. Mar van a fejemben 4-5 cikk, de addig meg sok munka van , habar szerintem jovo ilyenkorra az otletekbol mar cikkek is lesznek. De varjuk meg a vasart a napjaig.
Lehet olcso jegyeket kapni szeptember es oktober honapokra a Wizzair legitarsasag kulonbozo jarataira, a telefonomon uj Android 2.1 operacios rendszer fut es Nemetorszagot is elerte a meleg. Az RDS-RCS kabel Tv es Internet szolgaltato telefonos hiba-elharito csapataban sok a dillettans, aggasztoak a hirek Romaniarol, sajnos Magyaroszag sem sokkal jobb es a fogolycsere story meg nevetseges (lasd amerikai es orosz kemek csereje Becsben).
Ui. Mar regebben akartam emliteni, hogy a mult hetekben a Vatikan publikusan bocsanatot kert az elkovetett szexualis zaklatasokert. Nagyon orvendtem, hogy vegre megtortent, habar ha egy ilyen rendu es termeszetu intezmeny csak ennyi kulso nyomas utan volt hajlando(?) elismerni a bunosseget, akkor bizony nem latom, hogy milyen jogalapjuk van erkolcsrol es erenyrol predikalni.
Nem sok uj dolog tortenik itt manapasag, ezt hivjak a kutatasban csendnek es bekenek. Utolso simitasok a nyarvegi konferenciakra, nehany megbeszeles, hogy ne feledjuk, hogy mit is csinalunk es ennyi. No ez nalam nem teljes mertekben van igy, mert azert dolgozom nehany dolgon, de azert be vannak huzva a fekek es lassabban megy a vonat. Szeptembertol arrafele meg indul a dolog teljes gozerovel. Mar van a fejemben 4-5 cikk, de addig meg sok munka van , habar szerintem jovo ilyenkorra az otletekbol mar cikkek is lesznek. De varjuk meg a vasart a napjaig.
Lehet olcso jegyeket kapni szeptember es oktober honapokra a Wizzair legitarsasag kulonbozo jarataira, a telefonomon uj Android 2.1 operacios rendszer fut es Nemetorszagot is elerte a meleg. Az RDS-RCS kabel Tv es Internet szolgaltato telefonos hiba-elharito csapataban sok a dillettans, aggasztoak a hirek Romaniarol, sajnos Magyaroszag sem sokkal jobb es a fogolycsere story meg nevetseges (lasd amerikai es orosz kemek csereje Becsben).
Ui. Mar regebben akartam emliteni, hogy a mult hetekben a Vatikan publikusan bocsanatot kert az elkovetett szexualis zaklatasokert. Nagyon orvendtem, hogy vegre megtortent, habar ha egy ilyen rendu es termeszetu intezmeny csak ennyi kulso nyomas utan volt hajlando(?) elismerni a bunosseget, akkor bizony nem latom, hogy milyen jogalapjuk van erkolcsrol es erenyrol predikalni.
Sajnos szomoruan kell tapasztalni, hogy sokkal inkabb a populizmus gyozott Magyarorszagon es kevesbe az ervek. Lekerult egy rendszer 8 ev utan, sokan vartuk ketsegtelen, de sajnos a nagy igeretek igencsak elmaradtak. Es sejtem, hogy ma mar nem lenne Orban Viktor olyan nepszeru, mint a valasztasok elott.
Elkezdodott a "boszorkany egetes", es az allami aparatus kicserelese, de semmi lenyegi valtozas nem tortent. Igen, lett uj allampolgarsagi torveny de gazdasagi fellendules nem igazan latszik ma Magyarorszagon. Abba a hibaba esnek, amit megjosoltam mar egy regebbi bejegyzesemben, hogy ahelyett, hogy tennenek valamit, inkabb bunbakokat keresnek es mutagatnak. Ez sajnos az atlag magyar emberen edes keveset segit. Nekik munka kell, gazdasagi fellendules, de ehelyett a forint nagyon megindult a lejton, egyre tobb ceg zar be (eddig 50.000) no persze nem mindent akarok a Fidesz nyakaba varni.
Adjunk meg idot nekik, de vannak ketsegeim es sajnos nem latom, hogy legalabb ok latnak a fenyt az alagut vegen.
Ui. Ami a "Nemzeti egyuttmukodes programja" sajnos egy ujabb populista iromany, ami nem ad sem munkat sem kenyeret az embereknek, es az elso oldal kifuggesztese sajnos kommunista idoket idez. Legkozelebb (talan) a miniszterelnok portrejat kell kotelezoen kifuggeszteni ....
Elkezdodott a "boszorkany egetes", es az allami aparatus kicserelese, de semmi lenyegi valtozas nem tortent. Igen, lett uj allampolgarsagi torveny de gazdasagi fellendules nem igazan latszik ma Magyarorszagon. Abba a hibaba esnek, amit megjosoltam mar egy regebbi bejegyzesemben, hogy ahelyett, hogy tennenek valamit, inkabb bunbakokat keresnek es mutagatnak. Ez sajnos az atlag magyar emberen edes keveset segit. Nekik munka kell, gazdasagi fellendules, de ehelyett a forint nagyon megindult a lejton, egyre tobb ceg zar be (eddig 50.000) no persze nem mindent akarok a Fidesz nyakaba varni.
Adjunk meg idot nekik, de vannak ketsegeim es sajnos nem latom, hogy legalabb ok latnak a fenyt az alagut vegen.
Ui. Ami a "Nemzeti egyuttmukodes programja" sajnos egy ujabb populista iromany, ami nem ad sem munkat sem kenyeret az embereknek, es az elso oldal kifuggesztese sajnos kommunista idoket idez. Legkozelebb (talan) a miniszterelnok portrejat kell kotelezoen kifuggeszteni ....
I am just reading the newspapers and I am not surprised at all. This is France and not Romania or Hungary. Two high officials from the French cabinet resigned because they hired a private jet to go to Martinique (Alain Joyandet), while the other (Christian Blanc) spent some 12.000€ for some fine cigars coming of course from tax payers money.
Honestly, for such amount of money we do not even bother ourselves. We are more than that. We can do other businesses involving more money than that and of course nothing will happen. I am looking forward for those days when such a practice will be common as well in the Balkans. Do I have the chance to see such things in the near future? Sadly, I have to tell I do not think so!
Honestly, for such amount of money we do not even bother ourselves. We are more than that. We can do other businesses involving more money than that and of course nothing will happen. I am looking forward for those days when such a practice will be common as well in the Balkans. Do I have the chance to see such things in the near future? Sadly, I have to tell I do not think so!
How to do a master in some Romanian universities
0 Comments Posted by: Szilárd VAJDA Time: Friday, July 02, 2010I am really sorry to write about this embarrassing topic but I am really pissed that some universities are even encouraging such shameful things. I am talking about getting a master degree simply just paying for it, of course not directly but rather as fees. Nowadays, everybody can get a MSc. and all this depends on some money and nothing more. No work is necessary anymore...
Lately, I was briefed about a common solution. For master thesis, the Romanian universities are proposing masters by coursework. However, some of the students are working already so they are doing the courses during the weekends and as it is a master level, we expect more initiative from the students. Case studies are quite common tasks and some individual work is also expected. To do so, the professors are looking for some projects coming from the students. But you know, students are just students. They like to get high marks with minimal effort. Look the website www.referate.ro and you will see the "students haven". You can download for a certain amount of money a project in different topics and of course ready to print master thesis as well. You just change the title page, the names and you are done. Can you imagine? It is really a shame.
I am certainly sure, some of the professors are aware of this attitude but they didn't care. They get the money for the classes and nothing else matters. The universities are not anymore centers of education but rather money making solutions. Universities should apply those solutions to spot plagiarism and who is caught with such a work should leave the university. They do not belong there.
Unfortunately, these former communist countries are not aware of the effects of the plagiarism and in former time it was common to copy western products and sell them on local market. Similar issues can be detected right now in China, where there is a whole industry based on copying different products. This should stop! Let's stop plagiarism!
Ps. I am also sure that some students are working hard to get such a degree and they put a lot of effort in order to do so. I think it is not fair to get the same degree as those guys just because somebody has some money. The money can not buy knowledge, definitely not self knowledge! Probably it is possible to buy a diploma, a degree but not the knowledge itself!
Lately, I was briefed about a common solution. For master thesis, the Romanian universities are proposing masters by coursework. However, some of the students are working already so they are doing the courses during the weekends and as it is a master level, we expect more initiative from the students. Case studies are quite common tasks and some individual work is also expected. To do so, the professors are looking for some projects coming from the students. But you know, students are just students. They like to get high marks with minimal effort. Look the website www.referate.ro and you will see the "students haven". You can download for a certain amount of money a project in different topics and of course ready to print master thesis as well. You just change the title page, the names and you are done. Can you imagine? It is really a shame.
I am certainly sure, some of the professors are aware of this attitude but they didn't care. They get the money for the classes and nothing else matters. The universities are not anymore centers of education but rather money making solutions. Universities should apply those solutions to spot plagiarism and who is caught with such a work should leave the university. They do not belong there.
Unfortunately, these former communist countries are not aware of the effects of the plagiarism and in former time it was common to copy western products and sell them on local market. Similar issues can be detected right now in China, where there is a whole industry based on copying different products. This should stop! Let's stop plagiarism!
Ps. I am also sure that some students are working hard to get such a degree and they put a lot of effort in order to do so. I think it is not fair to get the same degree as those guys just because somebody has some money. The money can not buy knowledge, definitely not self knowledge! Probably it is possible to buy a diploma, a degree but not the knowledge itself!
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