A II. Vilaghaboru, annak ellenere, hogy Romania szamara teruleti szempontbol egy hatalmas elonyt jelentett (lasd Erdely), megis a terkep jobb oldalara rajzolta annak lakoit, es igy hat megkezdodott a hideg haboru, ahol minket mindenki kommunistanak titulalt pedig arra nem gondoltak, hogy a mi borunkon lehettek es maradhattak ok kapitalistak. Volt ebben jo is, volt sok rossz, de ami a szabad helyvaltoztatast illeti, hat ott bizony voltak nagy hianyok ...

Roman reszrol, mert nem adtak egyaltalan utlevelet, es ha adtak is, arra nagyon vigyaztak, hogy egy teljes csalad ne utazhasson, mindig maradjon valaki, akivel egy esetleges disszidalas eseten lehet zsarolni. No de a masik oldal sem volt kulonb, hisz a kommunista oldalon kivul bizony nem lehetett nagyon kijutni. Ha meg igen, akkor kovetkezett a hosszadalmas es megalazo vizum keresi procedura.

Jomagam, inkabb a rendszervaltas utani idorol tudok beszelni, hisz en akkor kezdtem vizumokert folyamodni. Es megvallom, nagyon megalazo es hosszadalmas procedurak voltak. Mig masok mehettek egy egyszeru utlevellel, nekem tobb tucat papirt kellett beszereznem, es be kellett bizonyitanom, hogy van megfelelo penztomeg a szamlamon. Es ennek ellenere, mikor valamilyen kulfoldi hatarhoz ertunk, rogvest valtozott a hatarorok viselkedese es valami pariaknak tekintettek. Minden papirt tobbszor megneztek, a csomagokat szinten tuzetesen atvizsgaltak es latszott rajtuk, hogy szomoruan at kellett engedniuk, mert nem volt semmi kulonosebb okuk amiert megtagadhattak volna az illeto orszagba valo belepesunket. Nem mi voltunk a hibasak, megis minket alaztak.

Valtoztak az idok, valtozott a vilag. Ma mar NATO tagallam vagyunk (2004) es 2007 ota meg EU tagorszag is. Erdekes modon azota minden megvaltozott. Eloszor ez abban merult ki, hogy eltoroltek a vizumkenyszert, majd mar szemelyigazolvannyal is lehetett utazni Europa legtobb orszagaba, ahova a legtobb romaniai vagyott. Erdekes modon semmi sem valtozott, az emberek azonosak, az utlevelek sem sokat valtoztak, de most mar mehetnek. Ha jobban belegondolunk ebbe, ez meg megalazobba teszi a helyzetunket most is es akkor is.

Es mara meg oda jutottunk, hogy nem is tudjuk, mit is jelent egy vizum. Mig eddig sorokat es papirokat toltottunk ki, netan megbeszelesre hivtak be az Amerikai Kovetsegre, hogy ellenorizzek, hogy miert is akarunk Amerikaba menni, ma egy egyszeru Internet hozzaferes es nehany nagyon egyszeru adat megadasaval maris vizummal rendelkezunk. Mi valtozott? Semmi. Eddig honapokig tartott egy vizum kerelem megitelese most meg nehany pillanat.

Nagyon orvendek, hogy ma a roman allampolgarok szabadon utazhatnak sok orszagba, es nincsenek megbellyegezve valami olyansmiert amiert ok maguk nem tehettek, de nem fogom tudni egyetlen nyugati orszagnak sem elfelejteni, hogy hogyan bantak velunk azert, mert ok nem tettek meg mindent annak erdekeben, hogy ne orosz befolyas ala keruljunk a haboru vegeztevel.

A napokban olvastam a marosvasarhelyi Nepujsag hasabjain, hogy bizony sokan aggodnak a nyelvunkert, joggal.

Megjelent sok uj joveveny szo, kulonos hatassal van rank a roman nyelv - ez az egyutteles egyik artatlan "orome" -, es ketsegtelen, a nemzetkozi hasznalatban levo angolnak is kulonosebben erezheto a hatasa. Hisz ma mar nem egy megbeszelesre megyunk, hanem meeting-elni, ahol nem divat hullamokrol beszelunk, hanem sokkal inkab trend-rol, es a sor folytatodik vegellathatatlan. Sok esetben hasztalan ezen szavak hasznalata, de a beszelo felek ugy erzik(?), hogy ilyen jovevenyszavak idonkenti belekeverese a tarsalgasba azt a hatast kelti a hallgatosagban, hogy naprakeszek es ok maguk meg "trendik". Vannak esetek, mikor hasznalatuk elkerulhetetlen, hisz nem fejlodunk olyan gyorsan mint a technologia, de sok esetben talalhatunk nagyon szep es talalo magyar megfeleloket is, meg ha esetleg egy kis gondolkodast igenyel is.

Mindezek mellett, az anyaorszagiak sem igazan segitenek abban, hogy nyelvunket megorizzuk, hisz mig a hatarok le voltak zarva, Erdelyben mindenki szervusz-t koszont, netan jo reggelt, de ma sokak inkabb "Na hello!"-val probalja feldobni a talalkozas oromet. Hasonlo kategoriaba sorolando a "kilenc ora magassagaban", "add oda nekem" es a foleg Budapesten alakulo szleng tomeg (lasd "csavo", "telcsi", "tutko", "franko", stb.). No persze ha megkockaztatnak azt allitani, hogy leven az elszigeteltseg, illetve a kisebbsegi let hozzasegitett ahhoz, hogy Erdely jobban megorizte a magyar nyelvet, mint Magyarorszag, hat gondolom nyelveszeink birokra kelnenek, hogy igazuknak ervenyt szerezzenek.

A szomoru, hogy sajna mind kevesebben gondoljuk azt, hogy fontos a nyelvet apolni es orizni, ugy, ahogy azt oseinktol kaptuk oroksegul, es ma egyre inkabb haladunk egy egyveleg fele, ami amolyan globalizacios torekves, de talan ujra itt az ideje, hogy Isten teremtsen egy babeli zurzavart.

Az igazi problema azonban maganak a nyelvnek a definiciojaban rejlik. Mit ertunk nyelv alatt? A nyelv kevesbe kulturalis talalmany, sokkal inkabb oszton es az emberi kommunikacio legaltalanosabb eszkoze, es ezert sajnos ha tetszik, ha nem, el kell fogadnunk, hogy a nyelv alakul, kulso hatasok erik es ennek ellenere hasznalhato es szeles tomegek "muvelik". Talan utopisztikus, talan nem, de remelem, hogy sokunkban meg megmarad oseink nyelve es megteszunk mindent, hogy azt atadjuk a kovetkezo nemzedekeknek, meg ha eppen mas "trend"-ek is uraljak a jelen vilagot.

I lived in France for more than four years during my PhD studies and I had the chance to really understand what does it mean to live in a democratic country, but today the French Parliament's committee proposition concerning a partial ban of the (mainly) Muslim woman's face veil is really unusual and illegitimate in my opinion.

The more than 200 pages report proposes to ban the face veil in public transport facilities, schools, hospitals and government buildings. The committee also recommended to refuse residence cards and citizenship from people showing a particular "radical religious practice". That means there is a discrimination based on religion or customs which differ from country to country.

I would like to recall the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states:

Art 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. [Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.]

Art. 15 (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality, (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

If the resolution will pass in the General Assembly I think France is going back 100 years on the democratic road. Can you imagine, those woman can not use public transport anymore or girls can not attend schools anymore. Similar scenarios can be projected when for example an orthodox Jew, a Buddhist monk or a cleric wearing particular clothes can not apply anymore for French citizenship or a resident permit. It is outrageous and I hope such resolution will not be admitted.

Honestly, somebody reminded me that 150 years ago has died the biggest Hungarian mathematician, Janos BOLYAI (December 2, 1802 -- January 27, 1860). He did something that never has been done before. He proposed a new view about geometry, the so-called "non Euclidean geometry" where the parallels postulate does not hold anymore.

Dear Reader,

I know it is not so easy to earn the money but I think right now all those kids in Haiti need desperately all the money we could raise. I've checked several countries like Germany, France, Hungary, Romania and each country's UNICEF site is allowing to send some small amount of money trough some text message or a phone call. I did it, you can do it also! Those people in Haiti , they really need us! Lets help them!

Donate for Haiti wherever you are!

Ps. "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Romans 13,9)

I think I did mentioned earlier in some of my blog entries that I am a fan of CNN and BBC the biggest TV channels broadcasting news in English. They do different shows what you can not see for example in Romania or Hungary but of course each country has its specifics and (unfortunately) a different auditorium.

From a while, I am looking for "The Doha debates" that are a unique venture in the Arab world providing a fair battleground for conflicting opinions and arguments about the major political topics in the region. I think instead of doing these kind of soap opera style political talk-shows like all the television channel in Romania, we should learn from our British colleagues and do some high class material.

Similar quality can be found on CNN, where Christiane Amanpour a chief reporter is sitting with people like Ban-ki Moon (UN Secretary General), Tzipi Livni (leader of Kadima party), ElBaradei (former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency) or Madeleine Albright (former Secretary of States) just in order to cite some of her top interview candidates.

Have a look on these shows and you will realize that our TV culture is 50 years back ...

I am really sorry for this Romanian title but I think this is the most appropriate one to describe the current status of Romania. All citizens living in the country they know exactly what I am talking about.

While some countries like Germany appears in the news because they just past over the economical crisis, or some others because they were just hit by a huge earthquake (see Haiti), France because he would like to introduce some taxes on the advertisements or America where the popularity of the Nobel laureate President Barack Obama just going down and down, Romania is present on the news spots because of his huge loans at IMF (International Monetary Found) and lately because of the accusations of some political leaders about some purple flash which would have helped the former Romanian president Traian Basescu to get elected again.

In the meantime, Romania even though it is a member state of the EU, has huge difficulties regarding different issues like agriculture, education, health care, unemployment, impartiality in the judicial system, corruption, etc. Instead of solving these issues the different parties are selecting the best candidates for the different positions. It does not matter if the persons are qualified for a job or another. The only issue is his/her political color. At each election is the same old story. Your (political ) color is not appropriate anymore so just "goodbye".

Can you imagine? In a couple of months 15,000 (or even more) teachers - mainly old employees or teachers without no real education is this field - from the education system will be jobless. One issue will be to give them something else to do but what is going to happen to those kids who are just loosing their school teachers?

Romania has been invaded in the last decade by different TV channels, all of them having talk-shows all the time. If we can not solve some problems, what we can do: we can discuss about. So each citizen knows the whole political elite but only their names because instead of solving problems they just discuss about the problems. Quite an interesting approach. This is kind of problem solving "a la roumaine". Probably still enough for the people, otherwise they would do some work instead of talking and talking and talking .....

Ps. The aforementioned title can be translated in English something like: "Romania, the country of Prince Papura ". Papura Voda (Prince Papura) was a historical figure ruling over one part of Romania (Moldova) during 1659-1661 when the commoners were starving and they baked breath from sedge (papura).

It is just simply amazing. Cameron's vision projects him in the future and close to other film directors like Lucas who had the Star Wars idea or Fincher who did Aliens and many others. It is really just great. However, the story is really lame but the visual effects and the 3D it's like a dream. The world of Pandora, the colorful images, the floating islands and the creatures were just out of the box.

The idea of connecting all living creatures trough the "tails" which were on each living creature was just great. To connect yourself to others and feel them and control them was a brilliant idea. However, I still have several questions like:

1) How the humans created the avatars?
2) Why it was necessary for the Navi's to have long tails?

Nevertheless, the movie is great, probably similar other movies will appear in the near future and a new movie experience has been started ...

Ps. Concerning the movie scenes I had some flashes like Demolition man (love scenes), The last samurai (final battle in the woods with those horse like animals) and the whole Navi tribe was just like in some old western movies where the settlers try to ban some poor Indians our of their lands.

Look. I live in Romania for more than 33 years and I can tell you there are some things over there but the last accusations of Mr. Mircea Geoana, the former presidency candidate are just shocking. These kind of comments can not come out in a Western country, but Romania is still Romania. Everything is just possible.

He is claiming the fact that his direct adversary in the presidential run, Mr. Traian Basescu has used some "evil forces" to get the presidential election. He claims to have seen some specialist behind the scenes which can do such kind of hypnosis or some other kind of actions to influence somebody using his esoteric energies. Definitely, such kind of research exists and has quite a long history in the former URSS but to claim such things after he has been defeated by his adversary is quite lame and be honest, quite stupid.

I had high expectations for this Socialist Party leader and I thought to be the right candidate for the President of Romania but after these statements made by himself and his wife I just do not know anymore what should I think... Of course we can just suppose that the world is directed by some malefic force coming out from somebodies mind but still, we should be rational at some point. Probably he will loose the leadership in his party at the upcoming party congress and he will be just a secondary element in the new Socialist Party or he just retires from active political life.

In order to finish this story, I would like to quote a Romanian columnist: "We live in Romania and this occupies all our time". (Mircea Badea)

You may have read in one of my previous blog that I like CNN. It is quite a realistic channel, of course describing mainly American topics but still focusing in some other regions like Europe, Asia and Africa as well.

Haiti just went trough a 7.3 earthquake and the capital city Port au Prince is in ruins. Considering some estimations several hundred thousands people are under the debris most of them they did not survived. Haiti is a poor country and they were really not prepared to such a natural calamity. I am really sorry for all this people over there and I hope all the donations and help will be channeled to this city as fast as possible. I am praying God to help them!

CNN tries to cover the hole event presenting in details what is happening really over there. You can see dead bodies, wounded and many other people just walking like some zombies without any hope. Terrible. Honestly, I was shocked about some of the shots.

One of the CNN reporter just covered a situation where a small girl has been stocked under the debris and he can not escape and she is in pain, suffering, scared to death ,while the others can not do anything as they do not have the corresponding equipment. At the surface they are deciding to cut her leg in order to get her out but even if they do so, there is no blood supplies which would be necessary for such a surgery. It is inhuman but unfortunately this is reality right now in Haiti.

Ma egy ujabb erdekessegre derult feny, de hat Romania naponta tud ujat mutatni a vilagnak. A legujabb csoda most eppen a Penzugyminiszterium szovivojenek kinevezese. Az egyik legfontosabb miniszterium es kineveznek az elere egy enekest, amely a meggazdagodas erdekeben vedlett at media szemelyisegge. No de sebaj, talan majd az emberek enekelve megertik, hogy miert kell adokat fizetniuk es azokat hogyan es mennyit.

Kivancsi vagyok, hogy fogjak ertekelni mondjuk a Nemzetkozi Penzugyi Alap szakemberei egy enekes multtal rendelkezo szovivo sajtotajekoztatojat, akinek ketlem, hogy sokkal tobb penzugyi ismerete lenne, mint egy atlag polgarnak.

Probably, it is not appropriate from my side to write some review about an artist like Boltanski but ...

I have no in-depth knowledge what art means but somehow I can still manage to make some distinctions about different schools and different streams. In my humble opinion art has stopped with Picasso and Dali but it seems I should update my definition about art.

Right now you draw two lines on a paper and you are just great. Similar things can be seen right now in Grande Palais (Paris). The artist (Boltanski) made some compositions out of used clothes. Honestly, I had some flash from my old memories when my grandma took me to the "brocante" and I have seen similar arrangements but at that time it was not called art but rather cheap life. Nowadays, people are paying huge amount of money to see such things. Quite amazing .....

Olvasom mit nyilatkozott a nemzet koltoje es hat bizony rogvest billentyuzetet ragadtam. Idezem a marosvasarhelyi Nepujsag januar 11-i szamabol, miszerint "Az EMNT ellenzékben szeretné látni az RMDSZ-t, miközben –meggyôzôdésem – a magyarság többsége a kormányzati részvételt óhajtja."

Hat ime az onkenyuralom ami uralkodik az RMDSZ berkeiben. Ma mar a nemzet koltojenek sajat meggyozodese "huen tukrozi" az egesz erdelyi magyarsag akaratat. Hat eddig sem tartottam a kolto urat sokra, de ezutan meg kevesbe. Szomoru, hogy ma ilyen emberek vezeto szerepet toltenek be es magukat a nemzet megmentoinek titulaljak. Remelem, hogy majd a tortenelem eldonti, hogy hogyan is all az igazsag.

Ui. Erdekes, hogy a kolto ur fontosnak tartja megemliteni, hogy Tokes Laszlo kovetkezetesen azt mondja mar evtizedek ota, mig a meses, csodas RMDSZ ugy kovetkezetes, ahogy eppen a napi politikai es eroviszonyok diktaljak. Ma szerencsere ez papirra is kerult, igy van rola bizonyitek, hogy elismerik a "folytonos kovetkezetesseget" melyet manapsag koltok szemelyes velemenye femjelez.

What a shame

As you probably know, I do not speak German for the moment, so in my private moments when I look TV (not really often) I prefer CNN or TV5 Monde. They are some news channels where you can really be up-to-date with the latest stories over the world.

The other day I have just seen that the bus of the national football team of Togo has been deadly attacked by some rebels from the region of Cabinda. Several wounded and unfortunately three persons have died over the attack. Right now all the news channels are discussing this matter, producing tons of digital material feeling the front pages of the newspapers.

It is a regrettable event, indeed, but I think the attack was not really focusing on the footballers but rather they were in a wrong place in a wrong time. However, the name of Cabinda has been entered on the main door of all the news agencies. Meanwhile, hundreds and thousands are dying on daily basis. They are normal people which have been born in a wrong place and a wrong time. What is happening with them? Nobody is interested if they are killed? Their live is not important anymore? Whata a shame to treat them as such...

I prefer not to do any distinction between people. We are equally important! We should not distinguish based on position, color, race, ethnicity, etc.

"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." (The universal declaration of human rights)